WOOHOO! I got my Indonesian citizenship. Maybe i'll do a quick writeup about it at some point. (eh..this turned out longer than i expected)
Struggle points: If you're starting off and don't know where to begin, you might be tempted to ask your local kantor imigrasi about where to start. I was sent to the Kantor Wilayah office in my province, which happened to be in Serang. Fortunately they gave me a contact number for someone there and they were sort of helpful.
The problem when dealing with kantor wilayah is that in my situation they seemed to be fishing for extra money. They said I could only apply for citizenship through them. I told them that I live closer to the direktorat in Jakarta than they do, so I could deliver the papers myself, but they said I can't do that. They also said there was some additional "pajak" from their office. I ended up going to the Kanwil office in Denpasar and they set me straight. They showed me the website and answered my questions.
At this point I had my documents ready, I scanned everything and then had to mail in all the physical copies. I received a whatsapp message from a clerk telling me I was missing two things. This part almost gave me a heart attack but then I realized what I had was exactly what i needed. If you're a US citizen and born in the USA, you'll very likely have a certified copy of your birth certificate. They will need this copy. Not a copy of the copy, but the certified copy you have from your city clerk in the USA or from your state government or whatever. You can't just make a copy of the copy, it will not fly, do not pass go. But fret not, they will return all your documents back to you.
Other struggle points:
STM to get SKCK was awkward. Police officer acted like he wanted some money from me. You're supposed to write them a letter from your sponsor for the request. Kind of awkward. Same for the SKCK side but whatever....they're a little flexible it seems.
SKCK was just uncomfortable since the room was small (temporary location) and there was a lot of students there who want to join study abroad programs.
Smooth for the most part:
SKIM from kantor imigrasi costs 3 juta. Not too bad of a process.
Buying a voucher as payment for citizenship. Hurts the wallet, but the voucher is only good for something like 1 month, so you need to use it. Just be sure to do this when you're ready to send in all your documents.
Where to start? There's actually a not so bad website for this although it went down a few times during my process, but never more than 48 hours.
Website Resmi Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI. Gedung Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum, Jalan HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 6-7 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12940 Indonesia.
From there you can go to check out Panduan for information for what you need. If you're a WNA married to WNI seeking Indonesian citizenship, you'll need to go through AHU Pewarganegaraan, don't confuse this with AHU Kewarganegaraan. You'll be applying under Pasal 19.
After everything is sent in and all is good, you wait a few weeks and you'll get an email then print it out.
I told my Pak RT about it. He congratulated me and told me to bring over my ktp, my wife's ktp. our kk, and akte nika so we can start the process to change my status to WNI for everything. I think he wants to have a look at it then bring it to the kelurahan. If I'm not mistaken, the kelurahan will ask for additional monies...but honestly I've been to dukcapil enough times... these guys can just take my (reasonable amount of) money.
Anyhoooooo merdekaaaaaa