How to obtain Indonesian Citizenship

Oh yes .

Analyzing carefully is not something that all people do .

My suggestion was to an average relatively young couple with children , who would start paying a house in installments . If they divorce and the house is in the Indonesian spouse's name , the loss for the foreigner would be minimum .

Very minor benefit in my view . We only need a visa once , then only extend the e-ITAS/KITAS/KITAP which are not expensive .
If you want to do business, and have assets, being a citizen is a huge advantage. Indonesia is becoming increasingly hard to live and do business as a foreigner. In Jakarta you can almost see no Westerners.
For kids it makes no difference either way. If they have one foreign parent they are automatically registered as dual nationality kids whether or not they apply for both passports.
For kids it makes no difference either way. If they have one foreign parent they are automatically registered as dual nationality kids whether or not they apply for both passports.
I think you are mistaken, it is not automatic .
I have moved my original post to here

While this post is still relevant as it pertains to Indonesian citizenship, there is a more appropriate thread specifically focused on mixed-marriage children and affidavits.


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... If they have one foreign parent they are automatically registered as dual nationality kids whether or not they apply for both passports.
It is not "automatically registered" , a non-automatic registration process is needed (see below) .

At , jukung11 posted :

PP No. 2 Year 2007
Article 59
(1) The children having double citizenship as meant in the law shall be registered by their parents or trustees at immigration offices or representatives of the Republic of Indonesia whose working area covers domicile of the children.
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For those foreigners who are citizens of countries more developed than Indonesia & with children, I would suggest to think very carefully about becoming Indonesian and/or not getting dual citizenship for the children ...
My main concern is about the children :

(1) My Indonesian wife has 4 children , and I can see how deficient Indonesian schools are . Recently in my youngest's public school (accreditation A , the best official level) she went to school only 3 days in that week (reason : teachers meeting , training for competitions , going to swim somewhere) .
Every year there is an "almost mandatory" trip to somewhere like Bali , Singapore , ... (parents's paid , of course) .
The school requires the kids to have 6 types of different school uniforms .
My wife herself has SMA (high school) diploma but hardly knows how to multiply numbers .
She and my Indonesian friend (also a SMA graduate) say that their schools never taught how to write a story (I think that this is why they are so bad in explaining to me about anything I ask them) .

(2) Then what the children's probable future will be ?
My youngest's private teacher teaches at a private school and earns Rp600'000 per month (according to his work colleague) + food (from the school's kitchen) + a room to live inside the school .
He is a new graduate from UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and from the university's website : "UPI INCLUDED IN TOP 10 IN ASEAN QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING..." The award was given by Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS – WUR) .. an institution that analyzes the performance of higher education in the world, ...
My wife's niece graduated in a lower rank Indonesian university and this year she was earning Rp2.9 million per month + lunch (below the already low "City's Minimum Wage" of Rp4.1 million) .
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My main concern is about the children :

(1) My Indonesian wife has 4 children , and I can see how deficient Indonesian schools are . Recently in my youngest's public school (accreditation A , the best official level) she went to school only 3 days in that week (reason : teachers meeting , training for competitions , going to swim somewhere) .
Every year there is an "almost mandatory" trip to somewhere like Bali , Singapore , ... (parents's paid , of course) .
The school requires the kids to have 6 types of different uniforms .

(2) Then what their probable future will be ?
My youngest's private teacher teaches at a private school and earns Rp600'000 per month (according to his work colleague) + food (from the school's kitchen) + a room to live inside the school .
He is a new graduate from UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and from the university's website : "UPI received an award as the best university in the field of education. The award was given by Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS – WUR) .. an institution that analyzes the performance of higher education in the world, ...
My niece graduated in a lower rank university and this year she was earning Rp2.9 million per month + lunch (below the already low "City's Minimum Wage" of Rp4.1 million) .
Maybe discussion about the pros and cons of taking citizenship and all that goes with it could be a different thread so that it doesn't distract from the factual information people seek when they already decided to take the path?
It is not "automatically registered" , a non-automatic registration process is needed (see below) .

At , jukung11 posted :

PP No. 2 Year 2007
Article 59
(1) The children having double citizenship as meant in the law shall be registered by their parents or trustees at immigration offices or representatives of the Republic of Indonesia whose working area covers domicile of the children.
Yes but anytime you need a document for the child such as the Indonesian passport or KTP they will require the child to be registered\described as a dual citizen. It is no longer possible to go through childhood pretending you are not a dual citizen when you only have one Indonesian parent. [10 years ago it probably was still possible]
WOOHOO! I got my Indonesian citizenship. Maybe i'll do a quick writeup about it at some point. (eh..this turned out longer than i expected)

Struggle points: If you're starting off and don't know where to begin, you might be tempted to ask your local kantor imigrasi about where to start. I was sent to the Kantor Wilayah office in my province, which happened to be in Serang. Fortunately they gave me a contact number for someone there and they were sort of helpful.

The problem when dealing with kantor wilayah is that in my situation they seemed to be fishing for extra money. They said I could only apply for citizenship through them. I told them that I live closer to the direktorat in Jakarta than they do, so I could deliver the papers myself, but they said I can't do that. They also said there was some additional "pajak" from their office. I ended up going to the Kanwil office in Denpasar and they set me straight. They showed me the website and answered my questions.

At this point I had my documents ready, I scanned everything and then had to mail in all the physical copies. I received a whatsapp message from a clerk telling me I was missing two things. This part almost gave me a heart attack but then I realized what I had was exactly what i needed. If you're a US citizen and born in the USA, you'll very likely have a certified copy of your birth certificate. They will need this copy. Not a copy of the copy, but the certified copy you have from your city clerk in the USA or from your state government or whatever. You can't just make a copy of the copy, it will not fly, do not pass go. But fret not, they will return all your documents back to you.

Other struggle points:
STM to get SKCK was awkward. Police officer acted like he wanted some money from me. You're supposed to write them a letter from your sponsor for the request. Kind of awkward. Same for the SKCK side but whatever....they're a little flexible it seems.
SKCK was just uncomfortable since the room was small (temporary location) and there was a lot of students there who want to join study abroad programs.

Smooth for the most part:
SKIM from kantor imigrasi costs 3 juta. Not too bad of a process.
Buying a voucher as payment for citizenship. Hurts the wallet, but the voucher is only good for something like 1 month, so you need to use it. Just be sure to do this when you're ready to send in all your documents.

Where to start? There's actually a not so bad website for this although it went down a few times during my process, but never more than 48 hours.

From there you can go to check out Panduan for information for what you need. If you're a WNA married to WNI seeking Indonesian citizenship, you'll need to go through AHU Pewarganegaraan, don't confuse this with AHU Kewarganegaraan. You'll be applying under Pasal 19.

After everything is sent in and all is good, you wait a few weeks and you'll get an email then print it out.

I told my Pak RT about it. He congratulated me and told me to bring over my ktp, my wife's ktp. our kk, and akte nika so we can start the process to change my status to WNI for everything. I think he wants to have a look at it then bring it to the kelurahan. If I'm not mistaken, the kelurahan will ask for additional monies...but honestly I've been to dukcapil enough times... these guys can just take my (reasonable amount of) money.

Anyhoooooo merdekaaaaaa
Congratulations, thanks for sharing. I heard it's much easier if "agama Islam" on KTP, is it true?
What about renouncing your US Citizenship and it's cost?
Today in the news ... di negara belanda:

Leatomu is one of the women in the Indonesian soccer team who was not born in the country, grew up or lives. Since a year or two, the rules in Indonesia around the naturalization of football players have been relaxed. With a mix of local players and players who have their roots in the country, the Indonesian national teams (men and women) have to find their way up.

There are already more than ten players from the Netherlands with the Indonesian soccer men's team. Mees Hilgers (FC Twente) and Thom Haye (Almere City) are the best known. Leatomu and Estella Loupatty are the first for the women's team.

By the way:
Dutch women soccer team booked a winning match on Indonesia.
Indonesia was defeated with no less than 15-0 in a friendly match in Holland last Friday evening.
I told my Pak RT about it. He congratulated me and told me to bring over my ktp, my wife's ktp. our kk, and akte nika so we can start the process to change my status to WNI for everything. I think he wants to have a look at it then bring it to the kelurahan. If I'm not mistaken, the kelurahan will ask for additional monies...but honestly I've been to dukcapil enough times... these guys can just take my (reasonable amount of) money.

Anyhoooooo merdekaaaaaa

I think the information on your KTP and KK may need updating to reflect your new status as an Indonesian citizen and allow you to fully benefit from being a WNI. In Indonesia, many local services are connected to your KTP and/or KK.
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The Letter of no Objection (must be on Embassy header paper):

Date issued


This is to certify that the British Embassy at Jakarta has no objection to [1]__________________, holder of British National passport No. [2]____________________ issued by IPS on [3]_______________________, making an application to obtain Republic of Indonesia citizenship.

[4]______________________ May apply for a Declaration of Renunciation of British National Citizenship, after he/she obtains the Republic of Indonesia citizenship.


Surat ini menyatakan bahwa Kedutaan Besar Inggris di Jakarta tidak keberatan bahwa ___________________, pemengan paspor Inggris No. _____________

Dilkeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Inggris Pada tangal ______________, mengajukan permohonan untuk memperoleh Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia.
________________ Dapat mengajukan permohonan Pernyataan Melepskan Kewarganegaraan Inggris setela ia memperoleh kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia.

__________________________ EMBASSY STAMP AND SIGNATURE

______________ NAME AND RANK OF PERSON SIGNING (mine was British Vice Consul)

[1] – Name of applicant

[2]- Passport number

[3]- Date of passport issue

[4] – Name of applicant
Thank you so much 🙏
Congratulations, thanks for sharing. I heard it's much easier if "agama Islam" on KTP, is it true?
Everyone on my KK is agama kristen, myself included. No issues. Just the usual stuff dealing with married abroad with foreign marriage certificate, but really no big deal.
What about renouncing your US Citizenship and it's cost?
$2350 USD. They don't accept USD at the embassy so it was fun handing over 39 million rupiah in cash. I asked for a discount, but they just laughed a little. US department of state was supposed to reduce fees back down to previous levels of $400usd, but I'm tired of being strung along... Like indonesia playing with people's emotions with dual citizenship.
Let me rephrase, it seemed like they were fishing for money from me.
I think the information on your KTP and KK may need updating to reflect your new status as an Indonesian citizen and allow you to fully benefit from being a WNI. In Indonesia, many local services are connected to your KTP and/or KK.
Absolutely! I'm getting it done for sure.
Ok so it's been a while. Quick update...

I received my letter back in October stating that I am recognized as WNI. As I'm kind of between living between two places, it took me a while to go to DUKCAPIL to make the changes to my KK and KTP.

I sat in the DUKCAPIL office with my Pak RT, told them what's up and they asked for all my old documents like US passport, KITAP, all that stuff... of course i didn't bring it because why would I, an Indonesian Citizen, require such trivial stuff? Oh well, they need it. Fortunately i brought my phone which i keep these documents on and that was sufficient.

Come back in 10 working days...oof...

I went back and i was hoping to get my KTP, instead they give me a copy of my Kartu Keluarga. Previously we received it as a PDF file through whatsapp but ok, cheap a4 paper it is. Said to come back in 14 business days to get my KTP. But as i said before, im between two places (both in indonesia). So I filled out a surat kuasa so a family friend can go pick it up for me.

DUKCAPIL did not give me any sort of pickup slip to retrieve my KTP. I didn't think of this because this process is new and not something I'm familiar with. Anyhoo, family friend went 14 days later to go pick it up and they asked for some invoice/pickup letter/surat tenda? tanda? idk one of these things. I don't have it as they never gave it, so he was told to go through the long line waiting inside DUKCAPIL, of course at this point if he had gotten a number he would have been something like 150 and likely seen in 7 hours or so.... Instead he just walks into the office where the ducapil leadership hide in and caused a fuss.

KTP printed out on the spot. No fees required, no fees paid.

Now i need to figure out my NPWP stuff as it seems their online application process hasn't been working ever since inception.

I have not gone to Imigrasi to sort out any of my old icky visa stuff. I do need to get my new passport, so we'll see what happens.
It seems you didn't have one before , are you sure you need it now ?
I didn't have one because I followed instruction from Kantor Imigrasi.

So, for a formal job, I do need an NPWP, for informal one does not. I wanted to sign up for an NPWP a long time ago but they asked some silly questions so I just kept going as normal according to what instruction i received from Kantor informally.

Of course if you find some bule working some weird jobs in the public spotlight they're gonna get called out. It's kind of silly sometimes.

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