I have found very mixed results with the medical system here in Bali. I tore my left rotary cuff, and went to the international hospital. I had a doctor say he was going to preform a micro incision through my skin, and put a band or something like that to pull the two sides together, and hold them together. I found out while in the hospital, all he did was scrap some bursitis from some joints. As I healed, I noticed, I could not lift my arm. It never healed properly, so now I cannot lift my arm above my waist, and have no strength at all in that arm. The shoulder bone, moves all over the place with no socket! It is extremely painful daily, which requires the need for pain medication daily!
I feel totally ripped off, and if I could, I would suite that doctor for malpractice! It has been two years now, so I don't know if it is possible to repair now!
I also have some skin lesions, that get crusty, itchy, and are painful. I went to Four different skin doctors, and all they did was give me some ineffective cream, and pass me off to another Doctor! I don't think they had the knowledge or the skills to remove these lesions! So now, I just use the creams to stop the itching!
How can these people qualify to be Doctors? I think they bought their degrees!