I don't know what else to say. Everything I say you disagee with and then move the goal posts when you are shown to be wrong. You completly fit the defintion of a troll and I really hate to even interact with you but no way I will let you spread your BS without at least being called out on it.
Did you forget that it was you who asked the question, so I simply referred back to the answer I provided? So, how exactly am I diverting the discussion? I'm still engaged and will continue the conversation as long as it remains civilized. You have your views, and I have mine. We can always choose to agree or disagree on certain matters.
These FPI individuals are convicted terrorists based on police investigations, the police commission, and court decisions. This is a FACT, not nonsense. The convictions are FACTS, and I have provided links to support this. So, the police, police commission, the judges the ones convicted them, not me. What exactly did I get wrong if I'm not the one saying it?
Could the convictions be wrong? Could they be political scapegoats? Could the police or the judge have made a mistake? Yes, all of that is possible. There are several historical examples where such things have happened. But to challenge this, you need to provide evidence that could reopen the case. You need proof to show the justice system made a mistake, which is certainly possible. Are these organizations spreading misinformation? If you have knowledge others don't, share the truth. Remember, this is the age of social media.
The fact that you and others personally, may secretly know someone who was wrongly convicted is irrelevant because, in the justice system and civil society, it's not about what you know but what you can prove. Does this really need to be spelled out? I've provided all the facts based on the links, while you've provided none.