Jokowi Rumored in Golkar Party Coup

He is still quite young. I would be surprised if he disappeared from public life entirely. Megawati has certainly stayed politically active long past the end of her term.
Well he has his son as VP and his other son in line to become Governor of Jakarta, not to mention various other extended family also involved in the family business, so I'm sure he'd like to spend the next 10 years being the head of some kind of political organisation too.
A lot of foreign (goverment) advisors are very positive about Widodo's period of government. And I am thinking: "really?"
I am still grateful to Jokowi for disbanding FPI.
Mmm... on a global scale, disbanding a political party because the "ruler" doesn't like their ideas is far from being democratic.
Thailand is a perfect example.
Germany wanting to ban the AFD is another.
The whole oolitical spectrum in France bashing the far right is another.
Oops, back to Indonesia. Think 1965 / 66 ....
Mmm... on a global scale, disbanding a political party because the "ruler" doesn't like their ideas is far from being democratic.
Thailand is a perfect example.
Germany wanting to ban the AFD is another.
The whole oolitical spectrum in France bashing the far right is another.
Oops, back to Indonesia. Think 1965 / 66 ....
FPI was never a "political party". It was always a fanatical religious hate group.
FPI was never a "political party". It was always a fanatical religious hate group.
That was their cover story. They weren't really particularly religious and were basically a protection racket.
FPI just changing the name.
Was: FPI Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defender Front)
Now: FPI Forum Persatuan Islam (United Islamic Forum)

The same FPI abbreviation; so they are essentially mocking those who banned them. I wonder how many people actually believe there's a need to DEFEND OR TO Re-UNITE Islam in Indonesia, especially considering that Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world.

The same narrow-minded radical individuals, a group of criminals exploiting religion, are the ones who flood the streets during Ramadan, raiding restaurants, vandalizing entertainment venues, and attacking places of worship. This is the same group that pressured the government to charge Ahok with blasphemy. Their members can be easily mobilized with just a packed lunch, a small sum of pocket money, and transportation costs. In my opinion, the most effective way to dismantle them is to start at the grassroots level by stop funding, shutting down all religious boarding schools that have indoctrinated children from a young age, and instead, integrating these children into more mainstream educational institutions.

They haven't even changed their attire; they are still dressed in the same white robe and turban.
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They haven't even changed their attire; they are still dressed in the same white robe and turban.
You are free to have your own opinions on any subject but since when does what someone wears distinguish their probability of being good or bad? It's already starting to look shady enough when you try to classify a whole group based on religon alone but when you start physically profiling them, it somehow gets even worse.
You are free to have your own opinions on any subject but since when does what someone wears distinguish their probability of being good or bad? It's already starting to look shady enough when you try to classify a whole group based on religon alone but when you start physically profiling them, it somehow gets even worse.

FPI Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defender Front) is a criminal organisation using religion as a vehicle. This is fact. I am referring to this organisation not profiling people.

It's important to note that some of the people who take to the streets as part of this group don't usually wear the religious clothing they're seen in during normal activities / work.

I have no problem with people who wear traditional religious attire like white robes and turbans, which are common in the Middle East, India, Pakistan, etc. However, in this situation, these garments are worn specifically during acts of vandalism, such as raiding restaurants, damaging entertainment venues, and attacking places of worship. Some individuals even using the name of holy god while carrying out these actions.
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FPI was never a "political party". It was always a fanatical religious hate group.
What I've read on them says you're right. They seem to have started as a rent-a-mob and moved on to trying a coup.
I'm not sure about the religion angle. There was something about their leader cheating on his wife and sending dirty photos to his girlfriend. He doesn't sound all that religious.
I'd have to read more but the rough outline looks pretty bad.
If Widodo got rid of them, he probably did the country a favour.
What I've read on them says you're right. They seem to have started as a rent-a-mob and moved on to trying a coup.
I'm not sure about the religion angle. There was something about their leader cheating on his wife and sending dirty photos to his girlfriend. He doesn't sound all that religious.
I'd have to read more but the rough outline looks pretty bad.
If Widodo got rid of them, he probably did the country a favour.
Any sensible leader would ban this organization. They have been involved in terrorist activities, including attacking places of worship and vandalizing entertainment venues. Post #10 is just one example of their criminal behaviour, with many more instances of their terrorist acts.
"Karo Penmas Humas Polri Brigjen Rusdi Hartono mengatakan, 19 tersangka teroris dari kelompok Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Makassar merupakan anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI)".
Head of Public Relations of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that the 19 terrorist suspects from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Makassar group were members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

The Spoke man of National Police Commission (Benny Mamoto) Reveals 37 Defendants of Terrorism have FPI Background.

It's no surprise that their members are generally poor and frustrated individuals who struggle to make a decent living. They can be easily motivated to flood the streets, committing vandalism and terrorizing others for just a packed lunch and a small amount of pocket money. This is an organization that won't stop until Sharia law is implemented in Indonesia, arguing that efforts to fight for Islamic law in legislation do not violate the constitution.

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FPI were never considered a political party. They were classified as a Mass Muslim Organization. At the same time they always tried to influence political actions from local levels to national levels. Their influence reached deep throughout Indonesia except Bali where they were threatened if they step foot on it's shores.

Mass organizations who align with Islam are all headed by Arab educated Indonesians. FPI by an Arab/Indonesian. These leaders are the reason once Suharto fell, who kept them in check, pressure spread throughout the nation to get females into hijabs and more traditional clothing or males would be accused of being bad Muslims.

If someone wanted to close Islamic boarding schools one should first look at those set up and supported by Saudi Arabia. Or, do what's best and eliminate all government funding to private schools, redirect that money to public education and make it really a free public education.
Demonstation today ... will this be the starting point of revolusi?


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Any sensible leader would ban this organization. They have been involved in terrorist activities, including attacking places of worship and vandalizing entertainment venues. Post #10 is just one example of their criminal behaviour, with many more instances of their terrorist acts.
"Karo Penmas Humas Polri Brigjen Rusdi Hartono mengatakan, 19 tersangka teroris dari kelompok Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Makassar merupakan anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI)".
Head of Public Relations of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that the 19 terrorist suspects from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Makassar group were members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

The Spoke man of National Police Commission (Benny Mamoto) Reveals 37 Defendants of Terrorism have FPI Background.

It's no surprise that their members are generally poor and frustrated individuals who struggle to make a decent living. They can be easily motivated to flood the streets, committing vandalism and terrorizing others for just a packed lunch and a small amount of pocket money. This is an organization that won't stop until Sharia law is implemented in Indonesia, arguing that efforts to fight for Islamic law in legislation do not violate the constitution.

Let's not get carried away. Unless they have completely changed their mindset they're not going to really push for sharia, they're going to push to get paid.
Careful what do you wish for. Islamic boarding schools produce millions of unskilled, usually polite, workers which are necessary for providing services for the country to function. While it is maybe sad for them, it would cause a big problem if there were suddenly millions of highly educated people looking for skilled work that doesn't exist.
Careful what do you wish for. Islamic boarding schools produce millions of unskilled, usually polite, workers which are necessary for providing services for the country to function. While it is maybe sad for them, it would cause a big problem if there were suddenly millions of highly educated people looking for skilled work that doesn't exist.
Indeed, you nailed it ... and that is why it would be highly unlikely that Indonesia economically will rise. Big chance Indonesia will be stuck in the middle income trap. Just too many children and young people, who at this moment contribute 'kosong' to the economy. Only optimists will say that Indonesia has a large and young work force (now 100 million people) that will help Indonesia to "madju". Huh, don't see that happening when I look at those childeren and young people, so called Gen-Z.
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Let's not get carried away. Unless they have completely changed their mindset they're not going to really push for sharia, they're going to push to get paid.
I agree to some extent, as many of those who graduate from these boarding schools are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. There is usually a reason they end up in such schools. After graduating, it is unlikely they can compete on equal footing with other students for spots in reputable state universities. Many are admitted due to political quotas. When people are struggling to make ends meet, and have nothing more productive to do, they will accept small amounts of pocket money to join street protests, mob, vandalism or take actions they believe align with their faith.

As mentioned earlier, this group successfully pressured the government to charge 'Ahok' with blasphemy. In other countries that are not governed by religious law, would something like this even be considered blasphemy? It might be thrown out by the court before proceedings even begin.

It is also important to note that some of their members are motivated by a sick ideology, not just financial incentives. For example, some have carried out suicide bombings. However, the most critical aspect is the direction set by their leaders. I have also provided a link in my previous post #14.

"Kita memperjuangkan syariat Islam di dalam perundang-undangan secara konstitusional itu tidak ada halangan, bukan melanggar konstitusi," Kata Muhsin Alatas dalam konferensi pers Acara Milad HRS Center pertama di Hotel Balairung, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (3/9/2019).
"We are fighting for Islamic law in legislation constitutionally, there are no obstacles, it does not violate the constitution," said Muhsin Alatas in a press conference for the first HRS Center Milad Event at the Balairung Hotel, East Jakarta, Tuesday (3/9/2019).

This is their top leader, not the foot soldiers who are paid to engage in mob actions, vandalism, and demonstrations on the streets. Claiming that they have no aspiration to enforce sharia law in Indonesia in my opinion is absurd.
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