DON'T PANIC.... well, maybe a little bit.

from Tempo:

An epidemiologist at the University of Indonesia, Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, suggested Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan immediately impose the emergency brake policy to stop the Transitional Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). Tri considered the city’s COVID-19 positivity rate that had hit 14 percent as a danger signal. This means of every 100 people tested 14 were found positive for the coronavirus disease.
“This is an emergency condition. [The transitional PSBB] must be lifted as soon as possible,” said Tri to Tempo on Monday, September 7.
According to him, the rate is similar to that in April 2020, when the city was at a high risk of virus transmission. Even at that time, the basic reproductive number or R0 was at four. This means one infected person transmits the virus to four other people.

Unfortunately I can confirm that Jakarta is now back to (and exceeds) its late April peak for excess deaths (public burials). The highest individual total back then was 186 deaths per day (25 April) and the average was 157. On 30 August the total was 202, and the average for the 10 days to 2nd Sept was 164.
from Tempo:

An epidemiologist at the University of Indonesia, Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, suggested Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan immediately impose the emergency brake policy to stop the Transitional Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). Tri considered the city’s COVID-19 positivity rate that had hit 14 percent as a danger signal. This means of every 100 people tested 14 were found positive for the coronavirus disease.
“This is an emergency condition. [The transitional PSBB] must be lifted as soon as possible,” said Tri to Tempo on Monday, September 7.
According to him, the rate is similar to that in April 2020, when the city was at a high risk of virus transmission. Even at that time, the basic reproductive number or R0 was at four. This means one infected person transmits the virus to four other people.

Unfortunately I can confirm that Jakarta is now back to (and exceeds) its late April peak for excess deaths (public burials). The highest individual total back then was 186 deaths per day (25 April) and the average was 157. On 30 August the total was 202, and the average for the 10 days to 2nd Sept was 164.
The national positivity rate is around 15% today. It seems like it is not only Jakarta...
A study supporting Vitamin D as treatment for Covid.

Patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups at a ratio of 2:1. The larger group received 0.532mg calcifediol (a potent form of Vit D, and 0.532mg is a very large dose), then continued with a 0.266mg dose on day 3 and 7. Otherwise the patients in both groups received identical care.

Of the Vit D treated patients, 1 out of 50 (2%) required ICU and later recovered. Out of 26 untreated patients however, 13 (50%) required ICU and 2 of them died.

Not so good news on the vaccination development front:

In a statement, AstraZeneca said it "voluntarily paused" the trial to allow a review of the "single event" by an independent committee.

"This is a routine action which has to happen whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it is investigated, ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials," the statement said.

A study supporting Vitamin D as treatment for Covid.

Patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups at a ratio of 2:1. The larger group received 0.532mg calcifediol (a potent form of Vit D, and 0.532mg is a very large dose), then continued with a 0.266mg dose on day 3 and 7. Otherwise the patients in both groups received identical care.

Of the Vit D treated patients, 1 out of 50 (2%) required ICU and later recovered. Out of 26 untreated patients however, 13 (50%) required ICU and 2 of them died.

Would taking Vit D supplements as a prophylactic be of benefit for those of us who do not get out in the sunlight often?
Would taking Vit D supplements as a prophylactic be of benefit for those of us who do not get out in the sunlight often?

Vitamin D deficiency is undebatably detrimental to general health and immune system function, and all indicators are that this is especially true for Covid19. A great number of people are deficient without realizing, so you can get a blood test and a doctor's recommendation to know exactly how much to take, but for general advice I often see recommendations of 5000 IU per day. It is possible to overdose on vitamin D, but it is rare and I have seen it described as only being possible taking 30,000+ IU every day for several months.
Last edited:
Would taking Vit D supplements as a prophylactic be of benefit for those of us who do not get out in the sunlight often?

Definitely. As mentioned above, if you do not get enough sun light, definitely consider supplementing Vit D. There are many well documented health/immunity benefits in addition to the more recent Covid research.

Most recommendation I have seen is around 2,000 IU per day, although many advocate for higher. Older and/or obese people will need more. I take 5,000 IU 3-4x a week, and I do get a bit of sunlight also.

You do not need a lot of time in the sun for Vit D in Indonesia. For a light skinned, average sized person, about 15 minutes of midday (10 am-2pm) sun, 3x week is enough (short sleeves, shorts).
Jakarta Gov. Anies Baswedan to pull emergency brake, returns to full PSBB. Says starting Sept 14th non-essential workers to work from home, no dine-in, no entertainment/tourist venues. No gathering, etc, etc.

Says Jakarta's isolation wards will be full by Sept 17th at the current rate of case growth.


Anies added that COVID-19 patients with mild or no symptoms would no longer be allowed to self-isolate at home and would have to be quarantined in government facilities starting on Monday.

Is that a good idea? I get that a tighter grip is the aim, but won't this discourage people getting tested in the first place?
Is that a good idea? I get that a tighter grip is the aim, but won't this discourage people getting tested in the first place?

Maybe that's the goal, maybe he learned it from Trump, if the testing goes down the positives go down!
What would you do if you had symptoms? Typically Covid-19 symptoms are regarded as dry cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
I have had a mildly sore throat since Saturday morning then on Monday morning my brother-in-law posted this in the family WhatsApp group. Apologies to those that don't speak Indonesian.

Moderation note: We have put some of this post behind spoiler tags, as the author has determined the information to be inaccurate. If you wish to view it you can click on it. Thanks.

SHARE dr Direktur RS. Sari Asih Pamulang :*
Waspada covid19, jangan tunggu timbulnya banyaknya tinggi dan banyak batuk, baru berpikir ! Terlambat sudah !

Kenali lebih awal mulai hari ke1 masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh, agar parahnya sakit bisa dicegah. Gejala demam tinggi baru muncul di hari ke 8, dimana virus sudah berhasil berkembang, merusak dan merasuk luas di dalam tubuh. Tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh sebelum virus berhasil menghancurkan kita.

Perhatikan keadaan diri kita sejak kemungkinan mulai terpapar, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Hari ke 1- 3 :
• Hanya seperti masuk angin ringan.
• Makan minum masih normal.
• Tenggorokan hanya sedikit sakit.

Hari ke 4 :
• Sakit kepala ringan.
• Badan sedikit anget, sekitar 36.5°C.
• Sakit tenggorokan ringan.
• Suara mulai serak.
• Selera makan mulai terganggu.
• Indera Perasa/Pengecap "hilang"
• Indera penciuman juga menghilang.
• Sedikit diare ringan.

Hari ke 5 :
• Sakit tenggorokan.
• Suara serak.
• Badan mulai terasa meriang.
• Temperatur sekitar 36.5 - 36.7 °C.
• Badan terasa lelah, cape, sakit.
• Jari² dan persendian terasa sakit.

Hari ke 6 :
• Mulai demam ringan sekitar 37°C.
• Batuk kering atau sedikit berlendir.
• Sesekali terasa susah bernapas.
• Sakit Tenggorokan ketika bicara.
• Sakit waktu makan dan menelan.
• Mual dan mungkin muntah.
• Ada diare.

Hari ke 7 :
• Demam agak tinggi 37.4 - 37.8 °C.
• Batuk lebih banyak dan berdahak.
• Napas pendek² dan tetap.
• Kepala sakit kepala dan berat.
• Nyeri² seluruh tubuh.
• Diare bertambah.

Hari ke 8 :
• Demam tinggi 38°C atau lebih.
• Sulit bernapas, dada terasa berat.
• Sakit kepala, punggung dan sendi².
• Batuk terus menerus.
• Sulit berbicara, seperti bisu.

Hari ke 9 :
• Semua gejala tidak berubah.
• Batuk bertambah parah.
• Demam tak menentu, tak teratur.
• Napas bertambah Sulit.
• Pencegahan sudah tak mungkin.
• Harus segera ditolong intensif.

Bila waspada di hari ke 1-3 tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, minum vitamin² C, D, E serta sedia panadol (parasetamol), mungkin penyakit ini dapat dihalau untuk berakhir sebelum parah dan kesembuhan boleh didapatkan.

Gejala hari ke 1-3 sangat² ringan dan sering terabaikan tak terdeteksi.
Mungkin hari ke 4 baru mulai curiga. Cepat isolasi mandiri, banyak minum air hangat atau jamu²an juga boleh. Berjemur diri, banyak cuci tangan, cuci muka, ganti baju. Makan makanan yg bergizi dan minum vitamin².

Selamat bersikap dan waspada. Tetap tenang namun bijak. Hindari kemungkinan terpapar sebisa mungkin. Semoga berhasil “berperang” melawan covid dan semoga kita tetap sehat.

Harap Perhatikan Perbedaannya !!! (Supaya tidak berprasangka buruk)

1. Batuk kering + Bersin = Polusi udara.

2. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek = Pilek biasa.

3. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek + Sakit tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam ringan = Flu.

4. Batuk kering + Bersin + Nyeri tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam tinggi + Kesulitan bernapas + Hilangnya indra pengecap dan perasa = Corona virus.

Departemen patologi AIIMS,
Din. Kes.

ini kiriman dari Din. Kes. tolong di share ke wadah dan komunitas masing-masing

Jadikan pesan ini tersedia untuk diketahui orang sebanyak mungkin !🙏🏻🙏🏻

Last night I felt a little nauseous, didn't have much of an appetite and my legs felt a bit weak as they do now. My body sometimes feels hot and this morning when I woke up I felt chilly and had to turn the fan off.

We thought we were being ultra careful. We only go out once a week to shop and wear both a mask and face shield. After shopping we soap down the packaging and put most of it away in quarantine for a few days. We've had no one in the house for over six months.

For argument's sake let's assume I test positive. I will be in the system and put into hospital whether I like it or not.
Yes, there will be doctors and nurses but everything is at near maximum capacity and all the capital's hospitals are predicted to be full tomorrow. And I don't want to think what those wards must be like. But at least I would be monitored.

There are fancier hospitals offering packages but I just saw this morning that Rumah Sakit Pertamina is full.

If I try and ride it out at home, it would be far more comforting having my wife there. We are self-isolating. I'm living upstairs and she is sleeping downstairs. Fortunately she has had no symptoms until now. Having her around makes me feel much better but if my condition deteriorates she won't be able to help much because she could get infected. And by then it might be too late to get a hospital bed.

Any suggestions or comments?
Last edited by a moderator:
What would you do if you had symptoms? Typically Covid-19 symptoms are regarded as dry cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
I have had a mildly sore throat since Saturday morning then on Monday morning my brother-in-law posted this in the family WhatsApp group. Apologies to those that don't speak Indonesian.

SHARE dr Direktur RS. Sari Asih Pamulang :*
Waspada covid19, jangan tunggu timbulnya banyaknya tinggi dan banyak batuk, baru berpikir ! Terlambat sudah !

Kenali lebih awal mulai hari ke1 masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh, agar parahnya sakit bisa dicegah. Gejala demam tinggi baru muncul di hari ke 8, dimana virus sudah berhasil berkembang, merusak dan merasuk luas di dalam tubuh. Tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh sebelum virus berhasil menghancurkan kita.

Perhatikan keadaan diri kita sejak kemungkinan mulai terpapar, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Hari ke 1- 3 :
• Hanya seperti masuk angin ringan.
• Makan minum masih normal.
• Tenggorokan hanya sedikit sakit.

Hari ke 4 :
• Sakit kepala ringan.
• Badan sedikit anget, sekitar 36.5°C.
• Sakit tenggorokan ringan.
• Suara mulai serak.
• Selera makan mulai terganggu.
• Indera Perasa/Pengecap "hilang"
• Indera penciuman juga menghilang.
• Sedikit diare ringan.

Hari ke 5 :
• Sakit tenggorokan.
• Suara serak.
• Badan mulai terasa meriang.
• Temperatur sekitar 36.5 - 36.7 °C.
• Badan terasa lelah, cape, sakit.
• Jari² dan persendian terasa sakit.

Hari ke 6 :
• Mulai demam ringan sekitar 37°C.
• Batuk kering atau sedikit berlendir.
• Sesekali terasa susah bernapas.
• Sakit Tenggorokan ketika bicara.
• Sakit waktu makan dan menelan.
• Mual dan mungkin muntah.
• Ada diare.

Hari ke 7 :
• Demam agak tinggi 37.4 - 37.8 °C.
• Batuk lebih banyak dan berdahak.
• Napas pendek² dan tetap.
• Kepala sakit kepala dan berat.
• Nyeri² seluruh tubuh.
• Diare bertambah.

Hari ke 8 :
• Demam tinggi 38°C atau lebih.
• Sulit bernapas, dada terasa berat.
• Sakit kepala, punggung dan sendi².
• Batuk terus menerus.
• Sulit berbicara, seperti bisu.

Hari ke 9 :
• Semua gejala tidak berubah.
• Batuk bertambah parah.
• Demam tak menentu, tak teratur.
• Napas bertambah Sulit.
• Pencegahan sudah tak mungkin.
• Harus segera ditolong intensif.

Bila waspada di hari ke 1-3 tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, minum vitamin² C, D, E serta sedia panadol (parasetamol), mungkin penyakit ini dapat dihalau untuk berakhir sebelum parah dan kesembuhan boleh didapatkan.

Gejala hari ke 1-3 sangat² ringan dan sering terabaikan tak terdeteksi.
Mungkin hari ke 4 baru mulai curiga. Cepat isolasi mandiri, banyak minum air hangat atau jamu²an juga boleh. Berjemur diri, banyak cuci tangan, cuci muka, ganti baju. Makan makanan yg bergizi dan minum vitamin².

Selamat bersikap dan waspada. Tetap tenang namun bijak. Hindari kemungkinan terpapar sebisa mungkin. Semoga berhasil “berperang” melawan covid dan semoga kita tetap sehat.

Harap Perhatikan Perbedaannya !!! (Supaya tidak berprasangka buruk)

1. Batuk kering + Bersin = Polusi udara.

2. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek = Pilek biasa.

3. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek + Sakit tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam ringan = Flu.

4. Batuk kering + Bersin + Nyeri tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam tinggi + Kesulitan bernapas + Hilangnya indra pengecap dan perasa = Corona virus.

Departemen patologi AIIMS,
Din. Kes.

ini kiriman dari Din. Kes. tolong di share ke wadah dan komunitas masing-masing

Jadikan pesan ini tersedia untuk diketahui orang sebanyak mungkin !🙏🏻🙏🏻

Last night I felt a little nauseous, didn't have much of an appetite and my legs felt a bit weak as they do now. My body sometimes feels hot and this morning when I woke up I felt chilly and had to turn the fan off.

We thought we were being ultra careful. We only go out once a week to shop and wear both a mask and face shield. After shopping we soap down the packaging and put most of it away in quarantine for a few days. We've had no one in the house for over six months.

For argument's sake let's assume I test positive. I will be in the system and put into hospital whether I like it or not.
Yes, there will be doctors and nurses but everything is at near maximum capacity and all the capital's hospitals are predicted to be full tomorrow. And I don't want to think what those wards must be like. But at least I would be monitored.

There are fancier hospitals offering packages but I just saw this morning that Rumah Sakit Pertamina is full.

If I try and ride it out at home, it would be far more comforting having my wife there. We are self-isolating. I'm living upstairs and she is sleeping downstairs. Fortunately she has had no symptoms until now. Having her around makes me feel much better but if my condition deteriorates she won't be able to help much because she could get infected. And by then it might be too late to get a hospital bed.

Any suggestions or comments?
Honestly, from what I have read about the presentation of the virus there is no clear progression of symptoms (it varies a lot depending on person/ viral load). Not all people with covid have a sore throat or diarrhea etc.
If you are above 65 or have underlying illnesses I recommend you contact a trusted GP (like Good practice in Jakarta - I'm not sure where you are). They will know a lot more than we do about what you need to do.
I recently had a sore throat and was convinced I had COVID but its gone and now I'm wondering if it was all in my head (we are all a bit hypochondriac about this virus). There are still loads of the usual viruses circulating around the place!
You mention feeling hot/ cold but have you taken your actual temperature?
In most cases in the west people end up in hospital only if their breathing ability/ blood oxygenation is compromised. If you have any trouble breathing you should take it seriously and contact a doctor. You could buy one of those oxygen saturation finger things on tokopedia as a peace of mind backup option (about 300,000)?

Hope you feel better soon.
An unhappy dilemma and one I imagine to be experienced by many other people. I would have doubts about care in an over crowded hospital. You can hardly reserve an emergency intensive care bed and unless you are critical you wouldn't be admitted to intensive care anyway.

Is there a local doctor in whom you have confidence that could make home visits if that becomes necessary? Perhaps contact now and brief him or her as to your situation. At least the doctor may be able to suggest a strategy if things become dire.

A fall back might be to have a chat with a reliable friend and arrange that you will call each day to confirm things are okay. If a day passes without you contacting the friend then have the friend contact your doctor who may be able to implement an emergency evacuation.

It is interesting to note how similar the Covid symptoms are to Dengue Fever and I can imagine one might easily be misdiagnosed and treated for Covid. And vice versa.

Good luck.

Here is a medical recommendation that may be useful if breathing becomes difficult.

What would you do if you had symptoms? Typically Covid-19 symptoms are regarded as dry cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
I have had a mildly sore throat since Saturday morning then on Monday morning my brother-in-law posted this in the family WhatsApp group. Apologies to those that don't speak Indonesian.

SHARE dr Direktur RS. Sari Asih Pamulang :*
Waspada covid19, jangan tunggu timbulnya banyaknya tinggi dan banyak batuk, baru berpikir ! Terlambat sudah !

Kenali lebih awal mulai hari ke1 masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh, agar parahnya sakit bisa dicegah. Gejala demam tinggi baru muncul di hari ke 8, dimana virus sudah berhasil berkembang, merusak dan merasuk luas di dalam tubuh. Tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh sebelum virus berhasil menghancurkan kita.

Perhatikan keadaan diri kita sejak kemungkinan mulai terpapar, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Hari ke 1- 3 :
• Hanya seperti masuk angin ringan.
• Makan minum masih normal.
• Tenggorokan hanya sedikit sakit.

Hari ke 4 :
• Sakit kepala ringan.
• Badan sedikit anget, sekitar 36.5°C.
• Sakit tenggorokan ringan.
• Suara mulai serak.
• Selera makan mulai terganggu.
• Indera Perasa/Pengecap "hilang"
• Indera penciuman juga menghilang.
• Sedikit diare ringan.

Hari ke 5 :
• Sakit tenggorokan.
• Suara serak.
• Badan mulai terasa meriang.
• Temperatur sekitar 36.5 - 36.7 °C.
• Badan terasa lelah, cape, sakit.
• Jari² dan persendian terasa sakit.

Hari ke 6 :
• Mulai demam ringan sekitar 37°C.
• Batuk kering atau sedikit berlendir.
• Sesekali terasa susah bernapas.
• Sakit Tenggorokan ketika bicara.
• Sakit waktu makan dan menelan.
• Mual dan mungkin muntah.
• Ada diare.

Hari ke 7 :
• Demam agak tinggi 37.4 - 37.8 °C.
• Batuk lebih banyak dan berdahak.
• Napas pendek² dan tetap.
• Kepala sakit kepala dan berat.
• Nyeri² seluruh tubuh.
• Diare bertambah.

Hari ke 8 :
• Demam tinggi 38°C atau lebih.
• Sulit bernapas, dada terasa berat.
• Sakit kepala, punggung dan sendi².
• Batuk terus menerus.
• Sulit berbicara, seperti bisu.

Hari ke 9 :
• Semua gejala tidak berubah.
• Batuk bertambah parah.
• Demam tak menentu, tak teratur.
• Napas bertambah Sulit.
• Pencegahan sudah tak mungkin.
• Harus segera ditolong intensif.

Bila waspada di hari ke 1-3 tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, minum vitamin² C, D, E serta sedia panadol (parasetamol), mungkin penyakit ini dapat dihalau untuk berakhir sebelum parah dan kesembuhan boleh didapatkan.

Gejala hari ke 1-3 sangat² ringan dan sering terabaikan tak terdeteksi.
Mungkin hari ke 4 baru mulai curiga. Cepat isolasi mandiri, banyak minum air hangat atau jamu²an juga boleh. Berjemur diri, banyak cuci tangan, cuci muka, ganti baju. Makan makanan yg bergizi dan minum vitamin².

Selamat bersikap dan waspada. Tetap tenang namun bijak. Hindari kemungkinan terpapar sebisa mungkin. Semoga berhasil “berperang” melawan covid dan semoga kita tetap sehat.

Harap Perhatikan Perbedaannya !!! (Supaya tidak berprasangka buruk)

1. Batuk kering + Bersin = Polusi udara.

2. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek = Pilek biasa.

3. Batuk + Lendir + Bersin + Pilek + Sakit tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam ringan = Flu.

4. Batuk kering + Bersin + Nyeri tubuh + Kelemahan + Demam tinggi + Kesulitan bernapas + Hilangnya indra pengecap dan perasa = Corona virus.

Departemen patologi AIIMS,
Din. Kes.

ini kiriman dari Din. Kes. tolong di share ke wadah dan komunitas masing-masing

Jadikan pesan ini tersedia untuk diketahui orang sebanyak mungkin !🙏🏻🙏🏻

Last night I felt a little nauseous, didn't have much of an appetite and my legs felt a bit weak as they do now. My body sometimes feels hot and this morning when I woke up I felt chilly and had to turn the fan off.

We thought we were being ultra careful. We only go out once a week to shop and wear both a mask and face shield. After shopping we soap down the packaging and put most of it away in quarantine for a few days. We've had no one in the house for over six months.

For argument's sake let's assume I test positive. I will be in the system and put into hospital whether I like it or not.
Yes, there will be doctors and nurses but everything is at near maximum capacity and all the capital's hospitals are predicted to be full tomorrow. And I don't want to think what those wards must be like. But at least I would be monitored.

There are fancier hospitals offering packages but I just saw this morning that Rumah Sakit Pertamina is full.

If I try and ride it out at home, it would be far more comforting having my wife there. We are self-isolating. I'm living upstairs and she is sleeping downstairs. Fortunately she has had no symptoms until now. Having her around makes me feel much better but if my condition deteriorates she won't be able to help much because she could get infected. And by then it might be too late to get a hospital bed.

Any suggestions or comments?

It sounds like even if you have Covid, you have mild symptoms.

I obviously can't tell others what to do, but for my self, if I were to have mild symptoms, I would just ride it out at home, in complete isolation. Not going to bother with testing. There is very little that a hospital can do for light cases that you can't do at home. In most parts of the world, mild cases are told to isolate at home, and that's it.

I do have a pulse oximeter at home so I will be able to monitor my oxygen saturation, in case it drops. I would make sure to get more Vit C and D, and take some aspirin for any fever/discomfort.

If you have risks factors (obesity, diabetes, 60+ yo, etc) then I maybe consider getting a medical exam.

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