Since the passing of the new citizenship law in 2006, Indonesia recognizes limited dual citizenship for children. This article will cover step-by-step instructions on how to apply for an Indonesian passport for dual national children from within Indonesia.
- Eligibility for Indonesian Passport for Dual National Children
- Rules of Indonesian Dual Nationality
- Step-by-step Instructions for getting an Indonesian Passport for Dual National Children
- Dual Nationality Affidavit
- Obtaining a foreign passport after getting an Indonesian passport
- Reference
- Questions/Comments/Discussion
Eligibility for Indonesian Passport for Dual National Children
To obtain an Indonesian passport, your child must be an Indonesian citizen, or a Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI). Your child will have Indonesian citizenship if at least one of their parents is an Indonesian citizen, and the marriage is legally registered. If the marriage is not legally registered, then the child will only assume the citizenship of the mother.
Indonesians derive citizenship by descent (ius sanguinis). Therefore just being born in Indonesia does not confer Indonesian citizenship on its own.
Rules of Indonesian Dual Nationality
Indonesian dual nationality is only recognized for children up to 18 years of age, with a grace period of 3 years. This means that at the latest, they will have to decide by the time they are 21 years of age. At that time they will have to submit notification to Indonesian immigration stating whether to keep their Indonesian citizenship, or to release it in favor of the other nationality.
Indonesian children born after August 1st, 2006 may hold dual nationality because they have citizenship from both their Indonesian parent and their foreign parent. Alternatively, children of Indonesian parents, who are born in countries that award citizenship by birth (ius soli), may also be dual nationals.
Children born before August 1st, 2006 could retroactively apply for dual citizenship, but this window closed on August 1st, 2010.
If your child is an Indonesian dual national, they may be eligible for both an Indonesian passport and a passport of their other nationality.
Step-by-step Instructions for getting an Indonesian Passport for Dual National Children
Within Indonesia, the Immigration Office issues passports. You will have to make at least two visits to the local office.
1. Register Online
This first step is to register online for a queue number. You can do so here: https://antrian.imigrasi.go.id/
You can also obtain a queue number at the office, but this way is faster. Make sure to select the immigration office serving your area of domicile.
2. Required paperwork
All of the forms below are available at the immigration office. Bring a pen so you can fill them out while waiting for your number.
- Perdim 11 (Formulir Surat Perjalanan Republik Indonesia Untuk Warga Negara Indonesia) – fill out with child information, no need to sign.
- Surat Pernyataan Belum Memiliki Paspor Indonesia – letter stating that the child never had an Indonesian passport before.
- Surat Persetujuan Orang Tua – letter stating that both parents agree to have a passport issued for the child. Both parents must sign.
- Surat Pernyataan Belum Pernah Memiliki Paspor Asing – letter stating that the child never had a foreign passport before. Read on further below if your child already has another passport.
- 3 x Meterai Rp 6000 – duty stamps that can usually purchased at immigration. But it is best to bring some with you anyway.
- Photos taken at Imigrasi – no need to make your own photos.
3. Fee
As of the time this article is written, the fee is Rp 300,000 for passport, Rp 55,000 for biometric. In Denpasar the fee can be paid directly at Imigrasi, via mobile Pos Indonesia unit just outside. Otherwise immigration will direct you to a local bank to pay the fee. That’s it. All you have to do now is wait to pick up the passport.
Update for 2019: Fees have been increased to Rp 350,000 for regular passport.
4. Picking up the passport
You can pick up the passport 3 working days later, up to a maximum 30 working days later. Consequently, beyond that Immigration may cancel the passport. You can not have the passport sent to you by post office, like you can for an adult passport.
5. Other important information
- If your child is under 5 years old, there is usually a priority queue. So you don’t have to wait for very long.
- WNI parent must pick up the passport.
- Electronic passports are not currently available for minors.
Dual Nationality Affidavit
If your child already has a foreign passport, they may not need an Indonesian passport. Instead you can apply for a dual nationality affidavit (Affidavit Dwi Kewarganegaraan). With this affidavit and their foreign passport, they can prove their Indonesian nationality. They can use this to enter and leave Indonesia as if they had an Indonesian passport. To apply for a dual nationality affidavit within Indonesia, you need to go to the Immigration office.
Obtaining a foreign passport after getting an Indonesian passport
It is very important that if after your child has an Indonesian passport, you obtain a foreign passport for them, that you register this fact with Immigration. Otherwise their dual nationality may not be legally recognized. The process is similar to obtaining dual nationality affidavit.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12, 2011 on Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia:
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