The Indonesian government reviews immigration fees around every 3 years. The last review was in 2015. Therefore, it is no surprise that the they have finally released a new fee table. In general the fees are now higher. In particular, the overstay penalty has been increased to Rp 1 million per day (!).
Beyond the overstay penalty, we review the immigration fees that you may commonly encounter.
Immigration Fees: Legal Background and Effective Date
Indonesian immigration fees are governed by Peraturan Pemerintah (PP or Government Regulation). The latest one to define immigration fees is PP no 28, 2019. This regulation was signed by President Joko Widodo on April 18, 2019. It is to take effect 15 days after signing, in other words, on May 3rd, 2019.
Overstay Penalty Increase
The penalty for overstay is now Rp 1 million per day, from previously Rp 300,000 per day
The single biggest increase is the overstay penalty. It is now Rp 1 million per day. Previously it was Rp 300,000 per day. This means that a booking miscalculation now costs over three times more!
Remember that Indonesian immigration count the days of arrival and departure as 1 day each. Please take this into account when making your travel plans.
Additionally, as our article on overstay notes, the maximum overstay penalty is 60 days. Therefore, the maximum fine is now Rp 60 million. Beyond 60 days, there is no longer a fine. Instead, the penalty is deportation and black listing from Indonesia
Visa and Stay Permits
The fee for a Sosial Budaya (Social Cultural) visa remains USD 50. However, the fee for extensions is now Rp 500,000. Previously it was Rp 300,000.
Other immigration fees for visas and stay permits are now as follows:
Visit Visa (Visa Kunjungan,Social Cultural Visa) | USD | 50 |
Multiple Entry Visa (Visa Kunjungan Beberapa Kali Perjalanan) | USD | 110 |
Visa on Arrival | IDR | 500,000 |
VITAS | USD | 150 |
Visa approval from DitJenIm (Telex) | IDR | 200,000 |
Visit Permit (Ijin Kunjungan) within Indonesia | IDR | 500,000 |
Visit Permit extension 30-days (Social Cultural visa extension) | IDR | 500,000 |
Visit Permit extension 60-days (Social Cultural visa extension) | IDR | 750,000 |
KITAS, KITAP and Multiple Re-Entry Permits (MERP)
Immigration no longer issues non-electronic versions of these. Consequently, the fees are all for electronic versions.
KITAS 1 year | IDR | 1,500,000 |
KITAP 5 years | IDR | 5,000,000 |
KITAP 5 year extension | IDR | 5,000,000 |
KITAP unlimited time extension | IDR | 10,200,000 |
Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit (MERP) 1 year | IDR | 1,000,000 |
Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit (MERP) 2 years | IDR | 1,750,000 |
Other Immigration Fees
Some other immigration fees of interest:
Surat Keterangan Keimigrasian (SKIM) | IDR | 3,000,000 |
Dual Citizen Affidavit (for dual national children) | IDR | 400,000 |
Citizenship naturalization by marriage | IDR | 15,000,000 |
Citizenship naturalization by request | IDR | 50,000,000 |
Choosing Indonesian citizenship (for dual national children) | IDR | 1,000,000 |
Indonesian Passports
There is no longer an option to get a 24 page regular passport. All fees are for 48 page passport. Also, they have finally added an official fee for same day service.
Regular passport, 48 pages | IDR | 350,000 |
Regular e-passport, 48 pages | IDR | 650,000 |
Same day service for passport | IDR | 1,000,000 |
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Text of Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) no 28, 2019 (in Indonesian): here
Table addendum of fees for PP no 28, 2019 (in Indonesian): here
Summary of fees reference sheet (in English): here