More accurate ... according to this study ...So all this embracing of technology is not 'that' wonderful for everyone.
History actually suggests that when societies are falling apart revolution ensues. The catalyst is there, the anger is there. I wonder when it will all spark?
Huntington (1968) relies on modernization theory to explain social revolutions. According to him, “Revolution is . . . an aspect of modernization” (p. 265). His main argument is that modernization, specifically social mobilization and economic development, leads to political awareness. Consequently, the people, being educated and urbanized, start to demand greater political participation. If political institutions do not allow or establish mechanisms for the incorporation of the mobilized people, political violence, including revolution, is possible. In other words, similar to Johnson’s (1966) thesis, revolution is caused by the gap between political mobilization of the people and the inability of political institutions (or their failure to continuously adapt) to absorb the mobilized masses into politics.