Starlink Internet

Users personal data in Indonesia are already widely available.
Indonesia is but one country with Starlink service. While I am sure Indonesia government snoops watch whomever they please, Musk and company are not Indonesia government. Nor are they government of any nation. Musk has been sucking up to some with political interest in higher offices who could benefit from someone who has access to so much private and government data.
Reddit has been back working for years in Indonesia now.

Nope. Try it on First Media for instance; it’s blocked.

Btw, more and more sites are, it used to be porn and gambling, now they seem to do an extra effort for foreign financial institutions that provide stocks, cryptocurrencies etc. That’s why I need
Nope. Try it on First Media for instance; it’s blocked.

Btw, more and more sites are, it used to be porn and gambling, now they seem to do an extra effort for foreign financial institutions that provide stocks, cryptocurrencies etc. That’s why I need


Indonesia is but one country with Starlink service. While I am sure Indonesia government snoops watch whomever they please, Musk and company are not Indonesia government. Nor are they government of any nation. Musk has been sucking up to some with political interest in higher offices who could benefit from someone who has access to so much private and government data.
Indonesian goverment watches not much, as they do not apply so many cybersecurity measures. With so many cyber data breach on government-organized data centers and servers, Indonesian data are all around the world and on many dark forums for sale. Voters lists, civil registry data, bank data, secret service files, and at the end the ransomware if the whole government data system, to mention a few.
And wIth a VPN the government cannot see a lot.
Reddit has been back working for years in Indonesia now. Used it on multiple Indonesian ISPs. Something else is going on or Starlink has a very old blacklist loaded. Out of curiosity what have your speed tests been showing? Still kicking around the idea of switching.
Still blocked on telkolsel, XL, indihome, biznet and first media - I had free access to it when I lived in an apartment building with indosat internet (i think that was the name - it was bit of an obscure company - I was locked into using it by the damn building).
Two times done at 8.15 AM with various results…above 90 is rather normal.

View attachment 4260

That chose a speed test server near your location, but all Starlink connections are routed through Jakarta, so you will show better speeds using a test server in Jakarta. It will also be more representative of your speeds since essentially all websites you're accessing are hosted in Jakarta or outside the country.
Still blocked on telkolsel, XL, indihome, biznet and first media - I had free access to it when I lived in an apartment building with indosat internet (i think that was the name - it was bit of an obscure company - I was locked into using it by the damn building).
I honestly can't figure out why some ISPs are still blocking Reddit. I have moved and had several different providers and on a co op system now. We have 4 providers in our co op and can always access reddit without VPN or private relay. Current listed provider is Komunikasi Professional. It really doesn't make any sense to me. They were offically unblocked years ago if you check the rules. I remeber very clearly connecting directly to reddit with Telcomsel and Indihome at one point without VPN but it doesn't seem possible now. Did some old rules get reloaded into the system at some point? As a side note, if you have an Apple and iCloud+ you can turn on private relay, which is very similar and almost as good as a dedicated VPN for those that didn't know.
They were offically unblocked years ago if you check the rules.
Which rules? As far as I know they have been blocked for almost 10 years already. The new laws have only made the censorship worse. And from an ‘internet sehat’ standpoint it makes perfect sense if one has access to porn. Of course the implementation by the ISP’s is ridiculous; block the whole domain even if you don’t like certain subsections. Obviously the same applies for sites as Imgur which were suddenly blocked at the time.
Which rules? As far as I know they have been blocked for almost 10 years already. The new laws have only made the censorship worse. And from an ‘internet sehat’ standpoint it makes perfect sense if one has access to porn. Of course the implementation by the ISP’s is ridiculous; block the whole domain even if you don’t like certain subsections. Obviously the same applies for sites as Imgur which were suddenly blocked at the time.
The way https works, is basically an all-or-nothing deal as far as ISPs are able to do anything about it. Once a person is connected to reddit, all traffic is encrypted and treated the same regardless of which sub one views. As far as I know, it is impossible to block only certain parts of reddit at an ISP level. The only way to do that would be to work directly with reddit itself (kind of how Indonesia works directly with Google to enforce "safe search" on all queries coming from Indonesian IP addresses).
Which rules? As far as I know they have been blocked for almost 10 years already. The new laws have only made the censorship worse. And from an ‘internet sehat’ standpoint it makes perfect sense if one has access to porn. Of course the implementation by the ISP’s is ridiculous; block the whole domain even if you don’t like certain subsections. Obviously the same applies for sites as Imgur which were suddenly blocked at the time.
There was an announcement that Reddit had been unblocked for Indonesia. Maybe 3 years ago or so? Shortly after that point I could access Reddit without a VPN on almost all providers but now it seems it's back to only newer providers (like ones that were founded after the block had been lifted, except Star Link) that can access without VPN. In the end, it is what it is but it's not consistent. I would have guessed the entire county was running under one set of blocking rules but obvioulsly isn't the case or we wouldn't be seeing it available with some providers and not the others. A quick Google search confirms that it is not being blocked by every provider. That along with my first hand expereicne makes me more curious than anything else.
To add to the confusion if you go to and search for Reddit nothing comes up in search. Same result for There is a blacklist you can download. 91 mb and doesn't tell you the type of file or what to use to open it.

Donald Trump has engaged billionaire Elon Musk to enable communication in areas affected by Hurricane Helene. “I just spoke to Elon. We want to connect Starlink," the Republican presidential candidate said in the heavily affected city of Valdosta (Georgia).
Donald Trump has engaged billionaire Elon Musk to enable communication in areas affected by Hurricane Helene. “I just spoke to Elon. We want to connect Starlink," the Republican presidential candidate said in the heavily affected city of Valdosta (Georgia).
Starlink is really great in many disaster response situations, especially their new Mini model which can be run from the 12v outlet of a car or from a USB powerbank.

However, it's also comical for Trump to try and take credit for any of that, FEMA in cooperation with Starlink was already distributing them.
Yep. Unfortunately the subscription is quite expensive...
Unfortunately the Mini model has not yet come to Indonesia. As for cost, 750,000 for home service is on the high side, but it's a level of service (speed and quota limits) far above anything else available in most of Indonesia. And for Roaming needs, 1,215,000 is more expensive still, but it has a totally unique capability, so for people regularly traveling outside of cellular service it may be considered a very small cost to stay connected.
Who knows, that Mini seems to me targeting a very small niche market for those who like to travel to unexplored areas and who can afford this. Not your Jalan Jaksa backpacker. Obviously great in disaster areas…
No Starlink for now. My republic has extended their FO network to cover our area, so far We're the only user - excellent speed, typical 100 - 250 mbps; availability more than 99% in two months of our subscription. However, I'm still considering starlink for backup if they are reliable.
Recently MyRepublic performance is not as good 4 months ago, not only the speed significantly drop, but the availability is derating. the connection might suddenly lost for few minutes up to 2 hours. It's very annoying when you are on Teams meeting. My Orbit Telkomsel does not help, even worst.

So I'm considering to get Starlink. No problem with cost as long as I can get reliable internet connection.
Is there anybody here or acquaintance have real experience with Starlink for the area of obstruction up to 40%. Will not be using for game, mostly for Teams (with video), Outlook and 365 network.

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