Sorry Kids in America!

This is called a strawman argument.
China does not have goals, it reached effectivelly the control of the population for the purpose of CCP staying in power.
They did

Elon Musk who came mentioned from nowhere does not control the population trough credit scores and face recognition programs, nor imprisons people in re-education camps. The one who thinks the present Chinese CCP system is good is either evil or fool, or useful idiot.
Musk controls a shocking amount of mass thought with twitter, and he seems to be trying to control as much of the world's internet as possible.
Given his personality, I see him as potentially dangerous.

As for the CCP, I hear a lot of stories but see little evidence. I hear testimonies from various people, but every one I've seen comes from political groups with the stated aim of removing the Chinese government. I will not claim the CCP is good, nor will I condemn them as evil. I simply don't have solid evidence either way.
as for Tibet, from what I heard, the Chinese takeover of Tibet, was pretty cruel. They came in, destroyed many monasteries, and killed many monks, and forced the Dalai Lama to flee over the mountains to India.
I heard that their control over Tibet is very harsh now. No one is allowed to have photos of the Dalai Lama, and they are slowly integrating into the culture by mixed marriages, and forcing the Chinese language to be spoken. This sounds like forced domination to me.
I have heard two versions, but I have no real idea so I can't take sides
What T-rump is going to do by raising tariffs on imports is only going to hurt the American consumers. The poor stupid people that voted him in again, are going to feel the pain, when they have to pay for These actions! 😿
I'm no economist but that interests me so I looked at what non-political economists had to say on the subject. Pretty much every one of them agreed with your statement to one level or another. None said tariffs were going to assist the US.
The worst predicted tariffs would isolate the US in both directions as countries retaliated with their own tariffs on US products.
I understand the US has banned some tech exports to China, and China hit back by banning some critical mineral exports to the US. Since China appears to control between 50 and 98% of the world's supply of the materials in question, it seems the US may have shot itself in the foot.
They can't export chips to anyone if the chips can't be made without Chinese supplied minerals.

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