Sorry Kids in America!

WW1 they could not win without US, in WW2 they were promptly defeated. On par with Italians in courage in the XX century.
Same answer, take a decent history book....

End of story. Next step is "ignore"
FFS. Wasn't it the US who kept telling Netanyahu to broker a deal to stop fighting? What was Netanyahu's response every time? We do what we want. Stop sending weapons per agreements? Biden tried but no matter what the Congress would never go along with that. Especially maga who follow Netanyahu's good buddy trump. Isn't it the US that keeps insisting humanitarian goods get to the people? Wasn't it Netanyahu who stopped the trucks? Why you didn't mention the guy that is behind all the injustices that are happening? Why not mention trump who stated that Gaza would make a great area for high end resorts and Netanyahu agreed?

No, you won't because no matter what the US us to blame for any injustice in the world over the entire life of the planet.
That's a very CNN view of what's been happening. Reality is considerably different. Biden's put very little effort into dampening Netanyahu's homicidal tendencies. It seems that with every 'oh gee Bibi we really wish you'd ease up on the atrocities just a little, if that's ok with you that is' signal out of this Administration there's a few $billion more in lethal aid on the way to them.
That's a very CNN view of what's been happening. Reality is considerably different. Biden's put very little effort into dampening Netanyahu's homicidal tendencies. It seems that with every 'oh gee Bibi we really wish you'd ease up on the atrocities just a little, if that's ok with you that is' signal out of this Administration there's a few $billion more in lethal aid on the way to them.
A long but detailed description of who id Netanyahu...

And Spiegel International is a very good media.
That's a very CNN view of what's been happening. Reality is considerably different. Biden's put very little effort into dampening Netanyahu's homicidal tendencies. It seems that with every 'oh gee Bibi we really wish you'd ease up on the atrocities just a little, if that's ok with you that is' signal out of this Administration there's a few $billion more in lethal aid on the way to them.
Sad but True That! I say let the damn Israeli's cover their own Ass, and stop sending them anything except condemnation! All the world should stand together and put a stop to this Madness!
P.S. my Father's ancestors are Polish Jews, and spoke Yiddish!
Here's to Candy
canes, and Christmas cookies, and a glass of milk for Santa.
Export trade is 54% in USD and 88% of world transactions are in USD. The one trying not to use the USD are the axis of evil Russia-Iran-China.
Why are they evil?
Come to think of it, don't answer. I can't be bothered to mess around with that stuff.
Evil-opposite of Good.
I'll bite.
What has China done that is so evil that other countries have done less of?
That isn't a 'what if' or 'justified because someone did the same', more a how can one country that has done lots of evil things condemn another for doing evil things?
With China, the US paints it as evil because they are winning when it comes to world trade, nothing else.
China is very much a threat to the US, but business wise, not militarily.
I'll bite.
What has China done that is so evil that other countries have done less of?
That isn't a 'what if' or 'justified because someone did the same', more a how can one country that has done lots of evil things condemn another for doing evil things?
With China, the US paints it as evil because they are winning when it comes to world trade, nothing else.
China is very much a threat to the US, but business wise, not militarily.
The Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward come to mind, as well as colonization of Tebet, Xinjiang, and the South China Sea.
We as individuals can identify and praise or condemn good and evil as appropriate.
I don't think that trade is the reason that the US is calling China evil. After all, China's eminence in manufacturing emerged in coordination with and the agreement of US and other Western countries' leadership.
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I'll bite.
What has China done that is so evil that other countries have done less of?
That isn't a 'what if' or 'justified because someone did the same', more a how can one country that has done lots of evil things condemn another for doing evil things?
With China, the US paints it as evil because they are winning when it comes to world trade, nothing else.
China is very much a threat to the US, but business wise, not militarily.
Distinct difference, China is a totalitarian mercantilist dictatorship, and VOC/East India Company style neo-colonizer. It is combining advanced technology with population control, which is pretty dystopian.

Hundred of thousands of legal and illegal immigrants are trying to enter to US an EU, and none, or very little are trying to illegaly or legally immigrate to China, Iran or Russia. On the opposite, many citizens are trying to run away from these countries. That would be a sufficient litmus test.
Distinct difference, China is a totalitarian mercantilist dictatorship, and VOC/East India Company style neo-colonizer. It is combining advanced technology with population control, which is pretty dystopian.

Hundred of thousands of legal and illegal immigrants are trying to enter to US an EU, and none, or very little are trying to illegaly or legally immigrate to China, Iran or Russia. On the opposite, many citizens are trying to run away from these countries. That would be a sufficient litmus test.
I would just like to point out, that these countries are not all totalitarian dictatorships. I've seen videos of Iranian people living in beautiful mountain regions, living simply, as farmers and village people. I'm sure it's the same in Russia and China also. The video I saw, showed people gardening, cooking delicious looking food, on open fires, making cheese, bread, and living a lifestyle, I would love to be a part of.
We should not judge all the people of any country, by what their governments have done, do now, or will do in the future! This also goes for the US, EU, Mexico, South and Central, America, Australia, New Zealand, Etc.
Maybe the reason people are not trying to immigrate to these countries you mentioned, is because of the strict governments, not the country, or its common people? And don't say these countries are that way because the people voted the governments in. That is not true. There is much corruption going on behind the scenes, that the people have no control over, even if they voted!
I don't think that trade is the reason that the US is calling China evil.
I think it is because of : the trade (big US deficit) , the big size of the Chinese economy (GDP) , and the big Chinese technology advancements .
... China's eminence in manufacturing emerged in coordination with and the agreement of US and other Western countries' leadership.
True , I guess .

But I also guess that , at that time China joined the World Trade Organization (23 years ago) , the developed "West" countries wanted the "Globalization" to export more to China . They didn't expect to have trade deficit with China (USA deficit of US$367 billion in 2022 , EU deficit of E$292 billion in 2023 , from Google) .
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.. China is a totalitarian mercantilist dictatorship, ...
I don't agree . Do you know the details of the Chinese political system ?
I don't know much but I am almost sure it is not a "dictatorship" .
From what I see , Iran and Russia are not under dictatorship too .

I lived in my country and in Indonesia during dictatorship and democracy . I and people I talked to , didn't notice relevant differences in our lives . So I guess it is wrong to say that Cuba (under Fidel Castro) , North Korea , and others dictatorship countries was/are evils . There is no saint and no evil too (we humans are correct/good sometimes and wrong/bad sometimes) .
It is combining advanced technology with population control, which is pretty dystopian.
Dystopian : of, relating to, or being an imagined world or society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives ( .

Again , I don't agree . I have never been in China , but I never saw Chinese "dehumanized, fearful lives" in the TV (I sometimes watch 2 Chinese TV channels and many other TV channels) .
Hundred of thousands of legal and illegal immigrants are trying to enter to US an EU, and none, or very little are trying to illegally or legally immigrate to China, Iran or Russia ...
So , this is one of the reasons you call China/Iran/Russia , "the axis of evil" ?

In my view , they prefer to go to USA & Europe because :
  • in these poor countries involved , the US Dollar and Euro are probably the only foreign currency available
  • in these poor countries involved , English/French languages are a lot more known than Chinese , Iranian , Russian
  • in these poor countries involved , probably they see mostly USA & European movies/TV series
  • The rich West dominates the international news companies
  • USA is the nearest for the South and Central Americans , ...

By the way , from what I see many of these immigration problems are partially or totally caused by the "good & democratic West" .
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I don't agree . Do you know the details of the Chinese political system ?
I don't know much but I am almost sure it is not a "dictatorship" .
From what I see , Iran and Russia are not under dictatorship too .

I lived in my country and in Indonesia during dictatorship and democracy . I and people I talked to , didn't notice relevant differences in our lives . So I guess it is wrong to say that Cuba (under Fidel Castro) , North Korea , and others dictatorship countries was/are evils . There is no saint and no evil too (we humans are correct/good sometimes and wrong/bad sometimes) .

Dystopian : of, relating to, or being an imagined world or society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives ( .

Again , I don't agree . I have never been in China , but I never saw Chinese "dehumanized, fearful lives" in the TV (I sometimes watch 2 Chinese TV channels and many other TV channels) .

So , this is one of the reasons you call China/Iran/Russia , "the axis of evil" ?

In my view , they prefer to go to USA & Europe because :
  • in these poor countries involved , the US Dollar and Euro are probably the only foreign currency available
  • in these poor countries involved , English/French languages are a lot more known than Chinese , Iranian , Russian
  • in these poor countries involved , probably they see mostly USA & European movies/TV series
  • The rich West dominates the international news companies
  • USA is the nearest for the South and Central Americans , ...

By the way , from what I see many of these immigration problems are partially or totally caused by the "good & democratic West" .
I have spent time working in these dictatorships ,have you ?
Not pleasant experience, populations scared to speak , foreigners being surveilled , propaganda everywhere , people disappearing ,etc etc
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  • Agree
Reactions: Bob
Title : American Views of China Hit All-Time Low (October 2024)
Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura (Director of Public Opinion and Foreign Policy at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project, and a Pacific Forum Young Leader)

Key Findings :
- American views of China have hit an all-time low in Council polling : 26% on the Council’s 0–100 feeling thermometer, down from 32% in 2022.

- A majority of Americans (55%) say the United States should actively work to limit the growth of China’s power, while 40% say the United States should undertake friendly cooperation and engagement with China.

- Americans’ top goals for US-China relations : avoiding a military conflict (69% very important) and maintaining the US high-tech edge (60%).

- .A majority of Americans (56%) say US-China trade does more to weaken US national security (39% more to strengthen).
Conclusion :
... Americans ..., view China as a rival rather than a partner, and say the United States should seek to limit the growth of China’s power and influence in the world.

Additionally, the extensive trade ties ... are no longer seen as a benefit but instead a danger to US national security... the public broadly supports subsidizing domestic production ... rather than importing them from China.

... top objectives in the US-China relationship are avoiding war and maintaining the United States’ technological advantage. When given the option, Americans prefer a mix of competition and cooperation ..., Americans oppose significant reductions in that trade, given the costs it would impose on American consumers ...
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I have spent time working in these dictatorships ,have you ?
Repeating what I said above in the post you quoted : "I lived in my country and in Indonesia during dictatorship and democracy" .
In my country I lived more than 20 years under a dictatorship (only 3 years of dictatorship in Indonesia) .
Not pleasant experience, populations scared to speak , foreigners being surveilled , propaganda everywhere , people disappearing ,etc etc
I didn't say that dictators don't do bad decisions , did I ?

Considering we are all (imperfect) humans , I assume that dictators , communists , elected presidents , democrats , ... , all do good and bad things .
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Repeating what I said above : "I lived in my country and in Indonesia during dictatorship and democracy" .

I didn't say that there is no bad dictatorship , did I ?

Considering we are all (imperfect) humans , I assume that not all dictators or communism are essentially bad and similarly , not all elected presidents or democracies are essentially good .
That's a good point about no one is perfect, but I've never heard of a nice Dictator, or people living under Communism, having freedom to live life at ease, or becoming even middle class. I would like to hear from someone that is native to a communistic country, or living under a Dictator. To see if they felt good, about their situation living under those extremes!
And for sure, not all elected Presidents and democracies are the cat's meow! 🤨🫵
... but I've never heard of a nice Dictator, or people living under Communism, having freedom to live life at ease, or becoming even middle class ...
I had experience under dictatorship (as said before) but not under a communist government .

[From : ... Communism remained the official ideology of the ruling parties of China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and to a lesser extent, North Korea ...]

So China is doing very well (2nd biggest GDP) and Vietnam is relatively well (GDP per capita near Indonesia's , according to Wikipedia) . We cannot expect much from Cuba and North Korea due to trade/commercial embargo/sanctions . Laos is a poor country because of many factors including limited resources , underdeveloped and unregulated economy , .. Additionally, the country has faced natural disasters and conflicts in the past (from Google) . : ... July 2020 polling data from the Ash Center at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government revealed 95% satisfaction with the Beijing government among Chinese citizens...

Washington Post , Apr 2015 : Cubans gave Raul a split rating of 47% positive and 48% negative, while Fidel fared slightly worse with a 44% positive and 50% negative .

Gallup , July 2024 : Biden’s latest approval rating falls well below his 43% term average and his 37.7% 14th-quarter average rating, ... only Jimmy Carter had a lower .. approval rating (35.8%) than Biden, but George H.W. Bush’s 39.2% average was also relatively low.

From : Okt 2024 — Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, has been one of south-east Asia's fastest-growing economies...
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