Renew Family Kitas after 5 years


Oct 17, 2016
Hi all,
I have a family kitas wich I already renewed for 5 years (year by year), so the Immigration in Bali where I live, told to me that I need to start a new process, starting from requesting VITAS to the head office in Jakarta.
My question is if is possibile do it with the online registration while my Family KITAS is still valid (will expire at april 10 2019) or if I can use the current Family Kitas to apply directly to the ambassy of Kuala Lumpur, skipping the VITAS step.
Thaks for any suggest, it will be very appreciate.
Hi all,
I have a family kitas wich I already renewed for 5 years (year by year), so the Immigration in Bali where I live, told to me that I need to start a new process, starting from requesting VITAS to the head office in Jakarta.
My question is if is possibile do it with the online registration while my Family KITAS is still valid (will expire at april 10 2019) or if I can use the current Family Kitas to apply directly to the ambassy of Kuala Lumpur, skipping the VITAS step.
Thaks for any suggest, it will be very appreciate.

Is there a reason why you can't go to a KITAP? This is probably the more preferred option if available.

Otherwise a KITAS is only renewable 5 times, at which point it needs to be started from scratch. This means getting a NEW VITAS, or a new Ijin Kunjungan (Social Budaya), and converting it to KITAS in Indonesia. Both of these require a trip abroad.
Is there a reason why you can't go to a KITAP? This is probably the more preferred option if available.

Otherwise a KITAS is only renewable 5 times, at which point it needs to be started from scratch. This means getting a NEW VITAS, or a new Ijin Kunjungan (Social Budaya), and converting it to KITAS in Indonesia. Both of these require a trip abroad.
Thanks Daffuff,
unforunally my wife, which is javanese, dont want to apply for balinese KTP!!!
So, I will start from scratch, like u said
Maybe you can try getting KITAP in Kantor Imigrasi where is your wife`s KTP domicile.
Thanks Daffuff,
unforunally my wife, which is javanese, dont want to apply for balinese KTP!!!
So, I will start from scratch, like u said
Actually, she would not be 'applying' for a Bali KTP, rather she would be changing the address of her e-KTP from her address in Java to your address in Bali. This is not really a big deal if you have been living in Bali for at least five years (less than that and many local banjar authorities are reluctant to process the change unless you own land or have a long term lease, eg 20 years). Then, if you and your wife move back to Java, her e-KTP address can be changed again.
I agree with you @Jamu , but the problem is that the cards still physically show their address. So unlike in other countries where only the electronic info in the ID chip is updated, you do have a situation where the card (very obviously) becomes Balinese. It's all between the ears...
I agree with you @Jamu , but the problem is that the cards still physically show their address. So unlike in other countries where only the electronic info in the ID chip is updated, you do have a situation where the card (very obviously) becomes Balinese. It's all between the ears...

FWIW, the DitJenIm online system is connected to the national KTP database. Awhile ago my wife had to change some information on her KTP, and I was worried I will have to update everything at Imigrasi also. But when I went to the DitJenIm site, the data was already updated.
All the considerations above are very interisting, but I must deal with her will to do not apply for balinese ID.
I put on the plate the option to go to apply for my new KITAS in Surabaya, but it mean that I must stay there at least two weeks, or come and go three times to close the pocess, and in both cases it cost to me less to follow the procedure to request telex to Imigrasi Jakarta, go and back to Singapore in the same day to get the stamp to my passport and process for KITAS in Bali.
The only problem now is that the Imigrasi in Jakarta require, among others, a color scan of the letter of no impediments to the marriage that I got from the italian ambassy when I got married, but the italian consulate in Bali said to me that it is wrong, I need instead a color scan of my italian marriage certificate withe the indonesian translation and the verification of the consulate the will charge to me 650.000Rp.
Any advise?
Yes, ridiculous as it might sound, some Immigration offices demand to see the Letter of Impediment when applying for a new (i.e. 'first') KITAS. It does not prove you're (still) legally married so it beats me. And to make matters worse, of course a consulate or embassy will not provide that anymore after you're married. I hope you still have a copy of the one you got when you married (if they accept it). Or, if possible, ask the Catatan Sipil or KUA for the original. So your consulate seems to be proactive and they offer a (notarized/legalized) alternative. Marriage certificate, letter spouse etc. are always necessary.
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And coming back to the original (KITAP) premise; you really want to go through this every year?
Yes, ridiculous as it might sound, some Immigration offices demand to see the Letter of Impediment when applying for a new (i.e. 'first') KITAS. It does not prove you're (still) legally married so it beats me. And to make matters worse, of course a consulate or embassy will not provide that anymore after you're married. I hope you still have a copy of the one you got when you married (if they accept it). Or, if possible, ask the Catatan Sipil or KUA for the original. So your consulate seems to be proactive and they offer a (notarized/legalized) alternative. Marriage certificate, letter spouse etc. are always necessary.

KanIm requires that as proof that your marriage is valid in your country besides being valid in Indonesia. In absence of this Letter/Certificate, you can substitute with the registration of your foreign Indonesian marriage in your country.
KanIm requires that as proof that your marriage is valid in your country besides being valid in Indonesia. In absence of this Letter/Certificate, you can substitute with the registration of your foreign Indonesian marriage in your country.

Thanks for speaking for KanIm, but of course it is a letter that states that you are free/available to marry, that there are no objections. It does NOT mean that your marriage that (obviously) took place later, is not dissolved. Nor is it a statement about the validity of your marriage in your country.

In many countries it is not even mandory to report a marriage if the citizen does not live there. That has become so complicated (you can't do it at the embassies/consulates anymore) that people refrain from doing it.
If you are free to marry then the marriage is legal in Indonesia and in your country as well. If you are married in your country and you marry in Indonesia your marriage in Indonesia will not be valid as you would be in a polygamous marriage.

Besides this, an international marriage must be in accordance with the country laws of both spouses.

In almost all European countries, it is mandatory to report your foreign marriage if you want this offshore marriage to be valid in your home country. Anglo-Saxon countries usually do not require reporting (UK, Australia, US is optional I think). Being under influence of European law system, Indonesia also requires reporting of foreign marriages by a similar procedure as any other country does.

Point was, Imigrasi want to be sure that your marriage is valid and by showing the registration in your home country you can prove this. For countries that do not require registrations of foreign marriages embassies usually issue letters that the marriage is valid per se without registration.
(Mandatory) marriage registration in one's country is in fact a topic in itself. And now this discussion gets hidden a bit into a KITAS question, which is a shame. Not to be difficult but to make the picture complete:

If you are free to marry then the marriage is legal in Indonesia and in your country as well.

Nope. If you are free to marry, it does not mean your marriage itself is legal. It could be you are younger than 30, then the parents need to approve. And in one country it can be legal to marry at 16 or so, but not in the other.

In almost all European countries, it is mandatory to report your foreign marriage if you want this offshore marriage to be valid in your home country. Anglo-Saxon countries usually do not require reporting (UK, Australia, US is optional I think).

Belgium: Il est conseillé de faire transcrire l'acte de mariage étranger dans les registres belges de l'état civil. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais c'est plus facile et moins coûteux pour obtenir des copies ou des extraits de l'acte par la suite.
Netherlands: U kunt een buitenlandse akte inschrijven in de registers van de burgerlijke stand van de gemeente Den Haag. Dat kan met een geboorteakte, huwelijksakte, partnerschapsakte of overlijdensakte. U bent niet verplicht om uw buitenlandse akte te laten inschrijven bij de gemeente. Doet u dit wel, dan kunt u daarna een afschrift of uittreksel in Den Haag opvragen in plaats van in het buitenland.
Germany: Eine Registrierung Ihrer im Ausland geschlossenen Ehe bei Ihrem deutschen Standesamt ist nicht vorgeschrieben. Auf Wunsch können Sie jedoch bei dem für Sie zuständigen deutschen Standesamt einen Antrag auf Beurkundung Ihrer im Ausland geschlossenen Ehe im Eheregister stellen, wenn mindestens einer der Ehegatten Deutscher ist.

Should I continue?

Anyway, I've seen cases where the marriage was not registered in the home country of a spouse. And it the time it was still mandatory to do so. But later -for inheritance purposes- the marriage did get legally accepted by the authorities and the surviving spouse did get the recognition.

Point was, Imigrasi want to be sure that your marriage is valid and by showing the registration in your home country you can prove this. For countries that do not require registrations of foreign marriages embassies usually issue letters that the marriage is valid per se without registration.


"Finland-When a Finnish citizen gets married outside Finland it must be notified to the Local Register Office. You can also leave the notification at a Finnish embassy or send it there to be posted to the Local Register Office for registration. "

"Marriages between Italians and foreigners contracted abroad have immediate validity and relevance in the Italian juridical system. According to national laws, they must be transcribed in the Registers of Civil Status of the Italian Municipality of interest (Office of transcription of weddings celebrated abroad). "

Registration, where applicable, will eliminate the need to prove your marriage every time. I.e. in case of spouse death, where the surviving spouse must prove that he/she was married, or if a foreign spouse is immigrating to another spouse country

Free to mary, meaning you will get a Certificate/Letter of Non-Impediment stating that you are eligible to marry.
In what country do you need parental approval to marry if you are less than 30 years?
In what country do you need parental approval to marry if you are less than 30 years?
Source: Pasal 61, KUHPer
Bapak dan ibu dapat mencegah perkawinan dalam hal-hal:
  1. bila anak mereka yang masih di bawah umur, belum mendapat izin
  2. bila anak mereka, yang sudah dewasa tetapi belum genap tiga puluh. tahun, lalai meminta izin mereka, dan dalam hal permohonan izin itu ditolak, lalai untuk meminta perantaraan Pengadilan Negeri seperti yang diwajibkan menurut Pasal 42.
  3. bila salah satu pihak, yang karena cacat mental berada dalam pengampuan, atau dengan alasan yang sama telah dimohonkan pengampuan, tetapi atas permohonan itu belum diambil keputusan;
  4. bila salah satu pihak tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk mengadakan perkawinan dengan ketentuan-ketentuan bagian pertama bab ini;
  5. bila pengumuman perkawinan yang menjadi syarat tidak diadakan;
  6. bila salah satu pihak, karena sifat pemboros ditaruh di bawah pengampuan, dan perkawinan yang hendak dilangsungkan tampaknya akan membawa ketidak bahagiaan bagi anak mereka.
Bila yang menjalankan perwalian atas anak itu orang lain daripada bapak atau ibunya, maka wali atau wali pengawasnya, bila yang disebut terakhir ini harus mengganti si wali, mempunyai hak yang sama dalam hal-hal seperti yang tercantum dalam nomor-nomor 1°, 3°, 4, 5 dan 6°.
As I am informed, all provisions from KUHP relating marriage are abolished in favor of Marriage Law No 1 1974.

Pasal 66
Untuk perkawinan dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perkawinan berdasarkan atas Undang-undang ini, maka dengan berlakunya Undang-undang ini ketentuanketentuan yang diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (burgelijk Wetboek), Ordinansi Perkawinan Indonesia Kristen (Huwelijk Ordanantie Christen Indonesia 1933 No.74, Peraturan Perkawinan Campuran (Regeling op gemeng de Huwelijken S.1898 No. 158), dan Peraturan-peraturan lain yang mengatur tentang perkawinan sejauh telah diatur dalam Undang-undang ini, dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (burgelijk Wetboek)

Who wrote this? KUHP is not Burgerlijk Wetboek (with an extra 'r' btw) but Wetboek Van Strafrecht.

NB: Ah Pidana instead of Perdata of course, sorry. Confusingly, the KUHP acronym is used for both, also criminal code.
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