Michelin in Bali? ⭐️⭐️

I like the bread from Levant Bakery next to the French school in Cipete. They also have good pate.
Beau is a pretty good bakery but there are so many now. For restaurant bread (and all of their food) Le Quartier is really good.

Ive never heard Tebet called a culinary area before.......not sure on that one. Nowadays around Gunawarman and Senopati are the hot spots for new places.
I rest my case. Couldn't get much more condescending!! "Is English your first language." And that from someone with such poor cognitive skills that he thinks that his second sentence of I trained at the Blue Elephant Thai cooking school" is in some way self explanatory.
I rest my case. Couldn't get much more condescending!! "Is English your first language." And that from someone with such poor cognitive skills that he thinks that his second sentence of I trained at the Blue Elephant Thai cooking school" is in some way self explanatory.
Its called analogy
Like when you get a rash from dust
Or your lips swell after eating prawns
For example.
I wasn't being patronising at all if you know what means
Yes, majority are 'sweet tooth' ... potential 'diabetics' ... premium of healthcare insurances will only go up, here in Indonesia ..🤣
This is typical sweet tooth desserts. It contains a lot of palm sugar, and/or cane sugar




But Dentists are still affordable among Indonesian Middle Class, High income brackets.
You could get tooth crowns, Bridges, dental Implants with a fraction of the price you get even compared to Hungary, Turkey where there are a lot of dental heath tourisms.
But to have a balanced view, Indonesian people do not eat a lot of sweet chocolates. They eat but not as much as you see in other countries.
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But Dentists are still affordable among Indonesian Middle Class, High income brackets.
You could get tooth crowns, Bridges, dental Implants with a fraction of the price you get even compared to Hungary, Turkey where there a re a lt of heath tourisms.
But to have a balanced view, Indonesian people do not eat a lot of sweet chocolates. Theyu eat bit not as much as you see in other countries.

One of the last things you should be worried about with a huge sugar intake, are your teeth (plaque is something different).

Chocolate is rather expensive and not so easy to process, you need a chilled surface, temperature and humidity management is ultra important. So that expertise is something which is lacking a bit.
Chocolate is rather expensive and not so easy to process, you need a chilled surface, temperature and humidity management is ultra important. So that expertise is something which is lacking a bit.
Yes, I noticed here in Indonesia are not a lot of chocolat shops, not like in Belgium, Italy .. Holland. Business opportunity .. maybe?
I like the Monggo (from Yogya but the owner is belgian) dark chocolate 86% and 100%; are reasonably priced; Rp. 50k for 80g pack, much cheaper compared to similar Lind.

Other good local chocolate artisan is Charlie Chocolate factory at Karang Asem Bali. Interestingly, we met with the owner when trekking everest base camp in Nepal last month.
Yes, in Jakarta, Tebet. I had to go to the Kantor Pos and saw this breadshop, next to it. The sopir told me and my wife the area in Tebet is culinair area. So, we checked out this resto SH SD nearby. Colony style interior. Lumayan enak dan murah banget. Check it out.
Thanks, will definitely check it out. Always on the lookout for some good bread. If someone has other recommendations in Jakarta, Bandung or Yogyakarta please let me know.


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There is a recent article from CNN about MSG. It is from CNN so it carries some weights.

https://edition.cnn.com/travel/arti...ex.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB MSG is the most misunderstood ingredient of the century. That’s finally changing By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN May 10, 2023.
What do you expect from a Cantonese cook, interviewed by a Chinese for an American "media" ?
Better ask yourself why the US has such a high obesity problem and a population in poor health, as was shown during Covid.....
Hint : it's the junk food, and the massive use of suggary soft drinks.
What do you expect from a Cantonese cook, interviewed by a Chinese for an American "media" ?
Better ask yourself why the US has such a high obesity problem and a population in poor health, as was shown during Covid.....
Hint : it's the junk food, and the massive use of suggary soft drinks.
If you follow from the previous discussion, the discussion is about MSG, whether it is safe to consume or not. There is also already statement from FDA and EFSA that it is safe to consume.It is nothing to do with obesity.
If you follow from the previous discussion, the discussion is about MSG, whether it is safe to consume or not. There is also already statement from FDA and EFSA that it is safe to consume.It is nothing to do with obesity.

Are people blaming Madison Square Garden for causing obesity now?

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