Michelin in Bali? ⭐️⭐️

Are people blaming Madison Square Garden for causing obesity now?
While MSG is an abbreviation for both Monosodium Glutamate and Madison Square Garden, both have nothing to do with obesity around the world.
Obesity is typically becoming problem in line with a country increasing prosperity. Nowadays people are doing less exercise due to advancement in technology especially in transportation. Also it seems become a standard where people are eating more junk food, fast food, more fatty and sugary diets. Just look at the penetration of franchising of fast food chain like McDonald, Burger King, KFC everywhere.
Obesity statistics around the world. The risk of obesity in Indonesia is now becoming higher


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And the joke went completely over your head...again.

Also MSG stopped on page 6. :cool:
And the joke went completely over your head...again.

Also MSG stopped on page 6. :cool:
And who is the first person starting the statement of blaming Madison Square Garden for causing obesity?
Who is the person keep arguing that MSG in food in moderate quantity and consumed with food is not safe to consume ??
In term of knowledge and authority, you definitely can not argue against the reputable Food Standard Agency such as FDA, EFSA, etc.
Is the person doing this a clown or a joker ??
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And who is the first person starting the statement of blaming Madison Square Garden for causing obesity?
Who is the person keep arguing that MSG in food in moderate quantity and consumed with food is not safe to consume ??
In term of knowledge and authority, you definitely can not argue against the reputable Food Standard Agency such as FDA, EFSA, etc.
Is the person doing this a clown or a joker ??

Okay since you are having a hard time understanding the joke and everything else, let me spell everything out for you. You have been going on in serious mode after jokes were made about MSG via Uncle Roger(yes I know that is just a character). No one says anything about MSG for several pages, but you keep bring it back up like the infamous Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson tape from the 90s. Not once did I say MSG causes obesity. You mentioned in in reference to a comment made by Balifrog. Which you respond, 'here is also already statement from FDA and EFSA that it is safe to consume.It is nothing to do with obesity.' Deciding to have a bit of fun, I asked if Madison Square Garden is being blamed for obesity now because someone else is always blaming someone or something for things that happen to them(read some of the Darwin Awards for more examples).

Now if you think government agencies like FDA, EFSA, etc. can be trusted, I have a beach front house for sale in Kemang for just 900 billion IDR and I make it a special price just for you. Hence, Look at Balifrog's response here. Guess who approves everything.

Okay since you are having a hard time understanding the joke and everything else, let me spell everything out for you. You have been going on in serious mode after jokes were made about MSG via Uncle Roger(yes I know that is just a character). No one says anything about MSG for several pages, but you keep bring it back up like the infamous Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson tape from the 90s. Not once did I say MSG causes obesity. You mentioned in in reference to a comment made by Balifrog. Which you respond, 'here is also already statement from FDA and EFSA that it is safe to consume.It is nothing to do with obesity.' Deciding to have a bit of fun, I asked if Madison Square Garden is being blamed for obesity now because someone else is always blaming someone or something for things that happen to them(read some of the Darwin Awards for more examples).

Now if you think government agencies like FDA, EFSA, etc. can be trusted, I have a beach front house for sale in Kemang for just 900 billion IDR and I make it a special price just for you. Hence, Look at Balifrog's response here. Guess who approves everything.


"No one says anything about MSG for several pages,"
MSGs come up a few times in this thread: Only people pretend to be blind can not see it.

"Not once did I say MSG causes obesity". When did I ever say you made this statement ? A direct quotation might help.

Now if you think government agencies like FDA, EFSA, etc. can be trusted, This tells a lot of things. If you do not believe the government agencies, do you believe more on the Jokers, the clown on the internet ?? Let alone a person who acknowledges to get a degree in history as a form of an esteem? It is well known, typically anywhere around the world it is only people who do not get accepted in favourable courses at uni will choose to study history knowingly finishing your degree, there is an extremely high chance you get a job which does not need your degree. Let alone with AI and Language model AI such as ChatGPT, many people could perform better than ordinary historian without the need to study history at the university.
I never say that you have to believe everything the government is saying. But Unlike anyone random on the internet, Food standard agencies have accountability. It is only people living in parallel universe will ever believe random people on the internet more compared to government agencies who could be taken accountable, have an army of food, nutrition and health scientists behind them..
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"No one says anything about MSG for several pages,"
MSGs come up a few times in this thread: Only people pretend to be blind can not see it.

"Not once did I say MSG causes obesity". When did I ever say you made this statement ? A direct quotation might help.

Now if you think government agencies like FDA, EFSA, etc. can be trusted, This tells a lot of things. If you do not believe the government agencies, do you believe more on the Jokers, the clown on the internet ?? Let alone a person who acknowledges to get a degree in history as a form of an esteem? It is well known, typically anywhere around the world it is only people who do not get accepted in favourable courses at uni will choose to study history knowingly finishing your degree, there is an extremely high chance you get a job which does not need your degree. Let alone with AI and Language model AI such as ChatGPT, many people could perform better than ordinary historian without the need to study history at the university.
I never say that you have to believe everything the government is saying. But Unlike anyone random on the internet, Food standard agencies have accountability. It is only people living in parallel universe will ever believe random people on the internet more compared to government agencies who could be taken accountable, have an army of food, nutrition and health scientists behind them..
Just saying, the FDA for example has been connected to a lot of negative stuff and mistakes.

Of course, that doesn't mean everything cannot be believed or they can't be trusted at all. Just saying that shit happens everywhere.
I trust EFSA more that FDA. I think corporate lobbying has ruined most of the US government functions and is less prevelant in Europe. Look at food safety standards such as chickens, GMOs etc

Oh and i think sugar is just as guilty as lack of exercise in causing obesity.
"No one says anything about MSG for several pages,"
MSGs come up a few times in this thread: Only people pretend to be blind can not see it.

"Not once did I say MSG causes obesity". When did I ever say you made this statement ? A direct quotation might help.

Now if you think government agencies like FDA, EFSA, etc. can be trusted, This tells a lot of things. If you do not believe the government agencies, do you believe more on the Jokers, the clown on the internet ?? Let alone a person who acknowledges to get a degree in history as a form of an esteem? It is well known, typically anywhere around the world it is only people who do not get accepted in favourable courses at uni will choose to study history knowingly finishing your degree, there is an extremely high chance you get a job which does not need your degree. Let alone with AI and Language model AI such as ChatGPT, many people could perform better than ordinary historian without the need to study history at the university.
I never say that you have to believe everything the government is saying. But Unlike anyone random on the internet, Food standard agencies have accountability. It is only people living in parallel universe will ever believe random people on the internet more compared to government agencies who could be taken accountable, have an army of food, nutrition and health scientists behind them..

You are really special aren't you. So again, I will break it down for you nice and slow.

Several pages back does not mean it was never mentioned at all in the overall thread/post/topic. So if I say several pages back(we are on page 9 btw), it means it was last mentioned on page 6 or 7.

So because I don't trust the government, I must believe all the jokers, clowns, and random people off the internet. Right, these(governments and the various agencies) are the same groups that basically say 'do as I say, not as I do' . You aren't suppose to question them and be a mindless sheep. As for believing all the jokers, clowns, and random people off the internet, I take it with a grain of salt.

So what do you do? Attack the history degree because you have no other arguments. How about explaining what a 'desirable' course for univ is. While you are at it, you can explain what a top university/college is.

Let me give you a quote that defines the current times and not just you, 'those who fail to study history, are doomed to repeat it.' So go ahead and stick to AI, ChatGPT while you join the countless others who have forgotten/ignored history. Here is an exercise for you to do: Ask ChatGPT or the AI about Indonesia 1998, share what those things said here and then ask fellow forum members how accurate it is.
You are really special aren't you. So again, I will break it down for you nice and slow.

Several pages back does not mean it was never mentioned at all in the overall thread/post/topic. So if I say several pages back(we are on page 9 btw), it means it was last mentioned on page 6 or 7.

So because I don't trust the government, I must believe all the jokers, clowns, and random people off the internet. Right, these(governments and the various agencies) are the same groups that basically say 'do as I say, not as I do' . You aren't suppose to question them and be a mindless sheep. As for believing all the jokers, clowns, and random people off the internet, I take it with a grain of salt.

So what do you do? Attack the history degree because you have no other arguments. How about explaining what a 'desirable' course for univ is. While you are at it, you can explain what a top university/college is.

Let me give you a quote that defines the current times and not just you, 'those who fail to study history, are doomed to repeat it.' So go ahead and stick to AI, ChatGPT while you join the countless others who have forgotten/ignored history. Here is an exercise for you to do: Ask ChatGPT or the AI about Indonesia 1998, share what those things said here and then ask fellow forum members how accurate it is.

Just ignore him, this Pantomime guy always trolling and posting nonsense
.. this Pantomime guy always trolling and posting nonsense
Which one ?
You are really special aren't you.
No, I am not
Right, these(governments and the various agencies) are the same groups that basically say 'do as I say, not as I do' . You aren't suppose to question them and be a mindless sheep.
This is special, and personal opinion against a government agency that overlook a few hundred millions of people food safety. If a person has evidence he could become a multi millionaire by revealing it in the press. Also keep in mind the govenrment agency could be taken accountable, including the army of scientists behind them.
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Which one ?

No, I am not

This is special, and personal opinion against a government agency that overlook a few hundred millions of people food safety. If a person has evidence he could become a multi millionaire by revealing it in the press. Also keep in mind the govenrment agency could be taken accountable, including the army of scientists behind them.

You are Ralph Wiggum. Continue to bury your head in the sand and be the good little sheep they want you to be.
You are Ralph Wiggum. Continue to bury your head in the sand and be the good little sheep they want you to be.
Am I ? is it because a person disagrees with you. Million of people who trust food agency rather than random people on the internet disagree with you ?? Sorry but I do not even watch those series which is intended for kids. You seem to like watching Ralph Wiggum character ?? ...
And why do not you press the ignore button like your previous assertion ? Is this another good example of a person does not even know what he agrees or disagrees ??
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Am I ? is it because a person disagrees with you. Million of people who trust food agency rather than random people on the internet disagree with you ?? Sorry but I do not even watch those series which is intended for kids. You seem to like watching Ralph Wiggum character ?? ...
And why do not you press the ignore button like your previous assertion ? Is this another good example of a person does not even know what he agrees or disagrees ??

Ralph, I am sure you would get angry if you could read.
Wrong, eating/drinking too much causes obesity.
This whole thread is going way off the rails - so I'll go one further, I just read a book about the food industry / processed food and the impacts on our diets/ weight and it was great - I learned a lot: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/62586003
The FDA in the USA is beyond hopeless at regulating the food industry - EU is a bit better but not winning any gold stars.
The FDA in the USA is beyond hopeless at regulating the food industry

The whole US model is broken. Food, medicine, insurance, minimum wages, political system and many more. Corporate greed and weak lobying laws. In many ways more corrupt than Indonesia.

I was reading this morning about new attempts to stop robocalling in USA. This was an easy fix years and years ago but telecom powers blocked it. Something that literally everyone in the country hates and corporations are able to block stopping it.
This whole thread is going way off the rails - so I'll go one further, I just read a book about the food industry / processed food and the impacts on our diets/ weight and it was great - I learned a lot: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/62586003
The FDA in the USA is beyond hopeless at regulating the food industry - EU is a bit better but not winning any gold stars.
I wonder if processed food in the Western world is causing all those colon illnesses like diverticulosis and other IBS illnesses. In the Asian world these colon illnesses are less common, but numbers are increasing due to adapting habits to Western food.
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I wonder if processed food in the Western world is causing all those illnesses like diverticulosis and other IBS illnesses. In the Asian world these illnesses are less common, but numbers are increasing due to adapting habits to Western food.
Thats kinda it - we are eating stuff that arent the (plain) natural foods we have eaten during our development as a species. We dont know the long-term impacts of a lot of the emulsifiers/ gums/ flavourings etc.
It wouldnt be such a big deal if they were in 10/ 20% of our diet but the average American is now getting around 60% of their calories from highly processed foods.
Not all processed food is bad - but currently we have no idea what's causing the issues we are seeing as the US diet takes over the world and everyone starts getting obese.
And everyone turning into couch potatoes doesn't help matters either.

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