Those poor animals! Put into metal cages and never allowed to touch the Earth. This is such an obvious scam, that if someone is stupid enough to buy the so called Luwak coffee for a high price, they deserve to be ripped off. There is no way they could have enough of these poor animals caged to produce kilo's of coffee. I'm sure if there was a way to test the amount of pure Luwak droppings in a kilo bag, you would see it is only a small percentage pure, and the rest regular beans.
It hurts me to see how animals here are treated. Pigs always on concrete floors, never to touch the Earth, or wallow in the mud, Birds in tiny cages, never to be in the trees again, Luwaks in metal cages, never to touch the Earth again. They are not criminals. But hey, look at people, if you break the law, you are put in a cage, never touching the ground, not seeing the sunlight, or only allowed 1 hour outside walking on concrete.