EV in Indonesia

The link is for Wisconsin US. If Indonesia thinks this is a good idea how complicated will this be?.A person arrives somewhere to stay overnight and wants to charge their EV. They have to fill in a form? Must every proprietor keep forms? If it were to be done online then given the failure rate of so many existing government online procedures this seems an unlikely streamlined process. If EVs are to become mainstream everything needs to be made simpler to attract people
interesting, will see when become available in Indo; may exchange with my Xmax.
interesting, will see when become available in Indo; may exchange with my Xmax.
This was very interesting. BUT, this demo, only showed people riding it very slowww! As far as the self driving mode. All this promises are too good to be true. Before I can believe this, I definitely have to see it in action. The part about calling your electric bike, and it coming to you was hilarious!
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Seem not cheap, approx. USD 7K in China. In Indonesia, could be more than Rp. 120M,
A concerning complication for EV owners today from Australia where a holiday period and a lack of adequate maintenance for chargers has created stress.

The topic is about EV's. I think as was mentioned. There is a problem with the charging station's availability. I wonder if it's possible, for the vehicle to charge itself while driving, from the forward motion of the car's wheels turning as it's going down the road? Or maybe receiving energy, every time the brakes are used? Or how about the entire surface having photovoltaic paint that is always charging?
As for the Flying car. That promotion was very vague. It didn't give any details, of how many people could fit in it. Weight it could carry, Or how high it could fly, distance it could travel, etc. it reminds me of the other promotion about the self driving motorbike. Both promotions look great in a video, but look too good to be true!
. I wonder if it's possible, for the vehicle to charge itself while driving, from the forward motion of the car's wheels turning as it's going down the road? Or maybe receiving energy, every time the brakes are used?
Tesla have had that since they came out in 2013.
charge itself while driving, from the forward motion of the car's wheels turning as it's going down the road? Or maybe receiving energy, every time the brakes are used? Or how about the entire surface having photovoltaic paint that is always charging?
Charging while coasting and braking is a standard feature, I'm not aware of any EV that doesn't use it. Photovoltaic paint is not commercially viable, but some have toyed with covering vehicle surfaces with flexible PV panels. The amount of generation possible is pretty insignificant compared to the needs of an EV, adding just 5-10km per day of range if parked or driving in perfect sunlight all day.
not very interesting news - Prabowo inaugurates 26 power plants, consist of 7 micro hydro and hydraulic, 1 geothermal, 7 solar, 1 biomass, 3 combined cycle, unfortunately still 5 coal, and 1 diesel (barge floating unit).

in personal level, yesterday we commissioned our rooftop PV panel system, 11,550 WP with 20 KWH battery. I'm monitoring the performance, unfortunately, today no sun, cloudy, and heavy raining - but the system has produced approx. 15 kwh. Not bad at all.
not very interesting news - Prabowo inaugurates 26 power plants, consist of 7 micro hydro and hydraulic, 1 geothermal, 7 solar, 1 biomass, 3 combined cycle, unfortunately still 5 coal, and 1 diesel (barge floating unit).

in personal level, yesterday we commissioned our rooftop PV panel system, 11,550 WP with 20 KWH battery. I'm monitoring the performance, unfortunately, today no sun, cloudy, and heavy raining - but the system has produced approx. 15 kwh. Not bad at all.
I am very interested to hear the total cost outlay and return over the first year, when you have those results if you don't mind sharing them. How many years until you think you will break even?
I am very interested to hear the total cost outlay and return over the first year, when you have those results if you don't mind sharing them. How many years until you think you will break even?
sure, that's the plan; although it's not my reason to install PV system. The systems is connected to internet, easy to monitor and record the daily profile, total and trending for each component (production, storage, load) and PLN. Hopefully no need to switch to PLN but i configure the system to take 50 watt from PLN.
Rough estimate, 10 years, assuming the system averagely produce 40 kwh, and fixed electricity cost of Rp. 1700 / kwh. Battery is the major cost, more than 50% of total cost.
sure, that's the plan; although it's not my reason to install PV system. The systems is connected to internet, easy to monitor and record the daily profile, total and trending for each component (production, storage, load) and PLN. Hopefully no need to switch to PLN but i configure the system to take 50 watt from PLN.
Rough estimate, 10 years, assuming the system averagely produce 40 kwh, and fixed electricity cost of Rp. 1700 / kwh. Battery is the major cost, more than 50% of total cost.
In 10 years, is it likely you may be looking at replacing the batteries? I really want to give Solar a fair shake but my 35+ years in the communications industry is keeping me skeptical. All of our equipment was actually powered by DC. We basically charged the batteries with AC and the batteries were always the weak link even when they were lead acid. A big switching office would have walls and walls of batteries.

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