An interesting documentary on "renewable" energy, and the cost that comes with it.
I just watch that documentary on Not Just, ( renewable) Energy, and found it extremely depressing! It seemed underhandedly promoting fossil, and Nuclear power to generate electricity, more than renewables. They did do a very good job of explaining the factors, in all the different sources of producing electricity. In my opinion, it still seemed it was promoting fossil fuel and Nuclear too much.
One very good point was the problem with distribution. Having to still use cables, towers, etc., to store, and distribute the energy was it seemed, the most major problem. They said we need new technology, and I absolutely agree. Like Nikola Tesla's idea of distributing power wirelessly, through the air, would be a excellent way to solve that problem. Also try to come up with unimaginable ideas how to create electricity!
Hopefully, we will promote more education for our young people, and they will come up with answers to this problem!
No one wants, Mother's to have to dumpster dive, to feed their families!
Please everyone try to contribute positive idea's and not just bash me for expressing my opinion. That's to be seen?