Like every other amusement park in the world on weekends??If you really want to enjoy a stressful Sunday morning ... go to Seaworld Ancol.
Could be .. I however was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of people I found in Seaworld Ancol and even more by the disorganized mess in the park. Wow! Seaworld Florida was much bigger and super organized. Even in Singapore it was better organized. In Ancol they just let everyone in the sea lion tent, while it is clear that no one else can get in. Did't see anyone guiding the people inside.Like every other amusement park in the world on weekends??
Organization is not really Indonesia's strongest point.....Could be .. however was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of people I found in Seaworld Ancol and even more by the disorganized mess in the park. Wow! Seaworld Florida was much bigger and super organized. Even in Singapore it was better organized. In Ancol they just let everyone in the sea lion tent, while it is clear that no one else can get in. Did't see anyone guiding the people inside.
Maybe because the 'laki-laki (men)' got stressed about 'uang (money)' terussss (all the time)' which effects the brain development of their offspring. According to this new researchOrganization is not really Indonesia's strongest point.....
You could add Thailand to that as well.
You immediately know who is the market for PIK
I however was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of people I found in Seaworld Ancol and even more by the disorganized mess in the park.
Ancol DF looks like Disneyland for poor people that fell to disrepair.Like every other amusement park in the world on weekends??
Don't forget Rangunan. A zoo within a zoo.There are two rather infamous places where locals with some more money (so let’s say middle and upper class) don’t (want to) go:
Ancol and Fatahillah. Chaotic, messy and far too crowded.
So for these patrons places like PIK (2) are perfect, during the day for families but also for the younger nightlife crowd.
NB: Impossible comparison between any park in RI and Europe/US/Japan/HK/Spore/PRC.
That's interesting. It's been a while but Ancol was orderly enough when I last went. OTOH Sentosa right before the pandemic was a huge mess.Could be .. I however was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of people I found in Seaworld Ancol and even more by the disorganized mess in the park. Wow! Seaworld Florida was much bigger and super organized. Even in Singapore it was better organized. In Ancol they just let everyone in the sea lion tent, while it is clear that no one else can get in. Did't see anyone guiding the people inside.
But then again, when the admission price is around $12, what do you expect?Ancol DF looks like Disneyland for poor people that fell to disrepair.
You immediately know who is the market for PIK
"The estimated loss based on the police report made by the victim is around IDR 14 billion because there were 18 luxury watches of various brands which were allegedly taken by the perpetrator,"And more people seem to be...
Toko Jam Tangan Mewah di PIK 2 Dirampok, Kerugian Rp 14 M
Perampokan terjadi di toko jam tangan mewah di kawasan Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2,
Quite a booty.
Gavoy is a good move on La Piazza part. Although the first two weeks after the opening, traffic was hell (like you'd think traffic couldn't get worse the way it had been but it did...).
PIK 2 … outside dining, well semi outside
Hmm, I missed that part. Plan to eat there again. So, will check it out next time.Did you check out the pictures in the toilets? Very homo erotic, funny they get away with it. Just like the urinoir with peeing next to each other against a mirror…