Taking my cat to UK

Les 819

New Member
Mar 28, 2024
I plan to takemy cat to UK. The UK regulations are quite clear but a few things still need more info.

I need a vet described as "official veterinarian / veterinarian authorised by competent authority in Indonesia" to certify vaccinations etc. - not exactly sure what that means.
Is there agovernment authority in Indonesia overseeing vets?

Anybody know someone who has taken a pet to UK recently?

Any help appreciated.
Most people use a company to help with the pet paperwork. I’ve heard the UK has a long wait for dogs to be in quarantine, but don’t know anything about cats.

I‘ve heard people mention Groovy and Jakpets.
As I undertsand it the UK regulations may not require quarantine if vaccinations and blood test are done. My problem is getting a certificate "issued by an official veterinarian of Indonesia" and "endorsed by the competent authority in Indonesia".
We‘ve done import and export of pets quite some times and it’s complicated and time consuming. Multiple visits to different ministries and veterinarian checks and rabies shots and lab testing etc. is necessary. Also since Covid, the airlines cranked down on their possibilities esp. if they use a 787 or so. So I don’t disagree with ”let an agent do it” for the occasional moving. Will cost you an arm and a leg though; count on €900 / $1,000 / £800 per animal. And that was 2 years ago.
Thanks jstar,
yeah I dont imagine I can do it myself but I want to understand the process be sure its all done right. I dont want to spend $1,000 and then my cat has to go into quarantine because the paperwork is not correct.
Thanks for your feedback.
And then 24 hours in your new home the ungrateful feline will run away anyway, get shagged by the local stray tomcat and move to the nearest park to live off french fries lol c'est la vie
Recently there is a new airline, especially for... dogs. BARK Air is the first company to offer dog-friendly flights. They also want to give all the 'indulgence' that people get in first-class to the hairy four-legged friends.

Owners will have to cough up quite some dough for this dog-friendly flight. A one-way trip costs $6,000 for one dog and one human. The planes are designed for fifteen dogs and their owners, but BARK Air will never sell more than 10 tickets to ensure that both animals and people have enough space on board.

The first flights will depart next month, on May 23. The service is currently only available on two long-distance routes: from New York to London ($8,000) and from New York to Los Angeles ($6,000).

Recently there is a new airline, especially for... dogs. BARK Air is the first company to offer dog-friendly flights. They also want to give all the 'indulgence' that people get in first-class to the hairy four-legged friends.

Owners will have to cough up quite some dough for this dog-friendly flight. A one-way trip costs $6,000 for one dog and one human. The planes are designed for fifteen dogs and their owners, but BARK Air will never sell more than 10 tickets to ensure that both animals and people have enough space on board.

The first flights will depart next month, on May 23. The service is currently only available on two long-distance routes: from New York to London ($8,000) and from New York to Los Angeles ($6,000).

BARK Air currently offers one way and round trip flights between New York and LA as well as New York and London.

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Ali, Floyd, Frazer, and Lewis could have all taken that airline if it would have been around earlier.
Doesn’t count unless it’s CGK/DPS and US!

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