New Zealand Terror Attack


Jul 13, 2016
Such a horrible attack. My condolences to all the victims. Several Indonesians were among the injured.

It is shocking such a thing occurred in New Zealand, not typically known for gross violence and hatred.

However, it's not surprising. With the toxic rhetoric coming from politicians who whip up their racist followers into a hate frenzy, this will continue to occur. When the current racist in chief in Washington equates refugees and asylum seekers to invaders, or says they are good people on both sides when one side is actually a Nazi rally, then this is what it leads to. Australian politicians (shooter was Aussie) such as Fraser Anning went as far as blaming the victims for migrating to NZ.

If you support such leaders, YOU. ARE. COMPLICIT.

But then again, maybe a murderous rampage like this is what you really wanted in the first place.
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This was such a horrible attack. I made the mistake of watching the video, which brought instant regret. Made me sick to my stomach.

I found that western media aren't really calling this a terrorist attack. Is this due to semantic? Because by the attacker's own words (he released a document detailing his motivation), he serked to terrorize Muslims all over the world, highlighting the fact that such attack could happen anywhere, anytime.
Yes my wife is freaking out somewhat and doesn't want me to go anywhere. And I'm not sure if Bali will be an option anytime soon.

As expected, some make it a conflict between religions instead of terrorist attacks by extremists, racist and bigots. And when these guys start to pop up in the news, .....
Yes my wife is freaking out somewhat and doesn't want me to go anywhere. And I'm not sure if Bali will be an option anytime soon.

While in no way denying the shock and horror created by an event such as this with its malicious intent, in the context of living in a dangerous world your chances of being caught up are about as random as being in a major bus accident or aircraft crash.

There are no guarantees in life. You can be mugged, stabbed or injured deliberately or accidentally just about anywhere. Flood, earthquake or one knows what is around the next corner. Sixty million people died in the second world war. Unnerving as such tragedies may seem we nonetheless continue on.
But Harry, I do think we agree that 'here' are places that are more vulnerable than others. Think of the churches at Christmas time. Or even night clubs on Bali frequented by Australians (I assume you recognize the person in the picture I posted, his lawyer on the right made the hateful and non helpful remark the Muslims are not wel protected abroad. A bit like Erdogan stating people in the West are racists.)

And how many white faces appear on a regular TJ bus? Or on the Jakarta streets? It stands out. So that is her line of thinking.
Unfortunately because of increased radicalism here , there is an increased risk for us I believe , local social media is hot with discussion .

My sympathies to the victims of the "animal" with a gun in christchurch .
Actually if you want to see 2 videos related to the shooting, make this the second one:

Noted asshat senator Fraser Anning gets egged by teen. Teen was then punched twice by the senator who is significantly larger than him. Followed by a bunch of roid raging followers who tackled the kid to the ground. Teen has been released by police without charge. Kid needs to be nominated for an award.

Kid needs to be nominated for an award.

I don't agree, the kid is disrespectful. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, do you want kids to hit you if they don't agree with you? The kid is already showing he's not tolerant to other views, and he's still a kid (imagine when he grows older).
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In my book, cracking an egg on the back head of a racist apologist is an expression of free speech. I can only hope that his views do not mature into silent tolerance of racism as he grows older.
I don't agree, the kid is disrespectful. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, do you want kids to hit you if they don't agree with you? The kid is already showing he's not tolerant to other views, and he's still a kid (imagine when he grows older).

Oh spare me the pearl clutching, it was an egg. Anning deserves nothing but disrespect. Also, I have no problem with being intolerant towards racist views. They are indeed not to be tolerated.
Oh spare me the pearl clutching, it was an egg. Anning deserves nothing but disrespect. Also, I have no problem with being intolerant towards racist views. They are indeed not to be tolerated.

I'm a little on the fence with this one. Cracking an egg on someone's head at close range is edging into the territory of physical violence, and I think non-violent resistance is the way to go.

My guess would be that it happened so fast that Anning didn't even realize it was just an egg before he reacted - he knew he'd been hit so he punched back. He was in the wrong to do so, but I think the kid could have found a better approach.

The kid could have stood behind Anning with a highly visible, witty poster mocking him, for example. Then, if Anning supporters took him down and he practiced passive resistance, we'd see that the violence was all on the side of the haters. That's a much stronger message and the kind of thing I'd personally prefer to affiliate with.
The kid shouldn't have reverted to violence, but I would gladly donate into his legal defense fund if he's prosecuted.

Peaceful people were murdered in their house of worship, and he basically said it's their fault for coming to NZ? I'm sure he'll also say that raped women are asking for it.
I too would donate to his legal defense fund! I don't agree with his tactic, but there is zero question about who has the higher moral ground here - and it isn't Anning.
Perhaps a cream pie in the face would have been judged favorably on the acceptability of protests continuum. Nevertheless, eggs, in my world, are not offensive weapons, but rather ink for writing on the protester's chosen sign parchment, in this case the face of a racist. Judging from the amount of press generated, an effective choice.

Its my understanding that the lad was released without being charged.
Thin line between playful & amusing actions, and plain hostile acts though.

Exitus non acta probat. These things always escalate.

We had a ultra right politician named Pim Fortuyn, who made rather similar statements about immigrants etc.

First there were the playful actions with throwing pies in his face etc. ....... later he got killed on the street.

NB: It also resulted in the left ‘shooting their own foot’ in the polarized society. It took years for them to recover after the assassination. And under public pressure they even had to adopt several of his demagogue ideas.
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Oh spare me the pearl clutching, it was an egg. Anning deserves nothing but disrespect. Also, I have no problem with being intolerant towards racist views. They are indeed not to be tolerated.

Racists will be racists. To justify terrorizing them with physical violence, then how are we different from other terrorists? Let them speak their views, in turn, we can drown them with our criticism. Imagine throwing an egg at Ba’asyir when he speaks of his hate for infidels… No, I just can’t imagine it happening because nobody will dare to do it. Why? Because everybody knows what will happen. In other words, the egging happened because they know what will be the worst that can happen. It’s a calculated risk, and it looks like the kid has had a plan or somebody is behind him. Actually, the Senator is brave to speak out his mind (rightly or wrongly) as he can be a target of radicals. I am not saying what he said is true nor do I agree with him, but not many politicians are willing to be politically incorrect or against popular opinions.

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