I made a loan agreement: 25 years + 0,5 % interest per year, starting next month. Would that be okay, in spite of I transferred all of the payments for the house in 2020? If I pre- date the loan agreement, I donnot have proof that my wife transferred the monthly payments to my bank account.You can make a simple loan agreement over a duty stamp (materai), it has to be in Bahasa, and no need for a notary. The loan can be in USD, so the interest rate could be low (0.25-0.5%).
Maybe a solution for this not having proof of transferring the monthly payments to my bank account is this:
A contract with my wife that I pay rent for staying at her house. Maybe that sounds crazy. But let's be honest. The tax authorities here, treat the house I bought for my wife as income and taxeable (I don't know if this is correct English) because man (WNA) and wife (WNI) have no direct vertical relationship. In fact, the same situation as a stranger gives money to my wife. So, in light of this, I am renting a room in her house with use of bathroom and kitchen facilities. Paying rent as much as the monthly payments she has to pay me.
Question: acceptable or not?