KITAP - The "Unlimited" One

You get your first KITAP, 5 year, near expiration, you apply for your second KITAP, lifetime. Both times you do the necessary processing and payments. After you receive your 2nd KITAP you then report to Immigration every 5 years. No charge.
I recently went onto my lifetime KITAP. I was informed by Immigration that when it comes time to report I should do it a couple months prior to the reporting date. No charge or additiinal paperwork but at the same time they included, "unless their are changes" so a couple months just to be safe.

One asked the benefits if a lifetime KITAP. As Atlantis stated, over time it is a definate cost savings. If you no longer have to have the hassle and time to reapply and everything associated with that, there is a big savings in stress. Immigration people change and the one you spent time with building a repor will be gone the next time.

Benefits about still needing to renew KTP and SIM every 5 years has absolutely nothing to do with a KITAP. Do not expect Reginal Governments to change just because the Central Givernment did. If the Reginal Gov changed it would be 5 years before the offices even got the change and another 5 years before the office workers figured it out. As for a SIM, everyone gets 5 years. Even if you were born and raised here.

My understanding is that there still is a 5 year KITAP when renewing but it is available to only certain positiins in particular industries.
Hi, thanks for clarification. When I first got my LIFETIME KITAP(second kitap), the officer told me I only need to report with little amount of processing fee (uang kopi). But after 4 years the staffs in office had change, I suspected the officer I met recently don't really know the procedures. I might want to email my letter and documents to the HQ in Jkt.
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Hi, thanks for your clarification. So, do you mean that the LIFETIME KITAP I’m holding now only need “reporting” before the reporting expired date
Not many reports until now so expect that some immigration offices will need additional explaining. If front desk officers don't know what are you talking about, ask for their superior officer.
It may be earlier than that. I have checked my KITAP and my date to report is indeed in April 2021. However as an ITAP can be extended as early as 3 months before its expiration and as late as 1 working day before it, the "free report" follows the exact same rule.
It is October 2021 now.
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Hi, thanks for your clarification. So, do you mean that the LIFETIME KITAP I’m holding now only need “reporting” before the reporting expired date
Getting confused here. Nieco, are you on your first or second kitap. Does your kitap have an expite date or report by date listed on the front?
UU 6 2011:
Pasal 59
(1) Izin Tinggal Tetap diberikan untuk jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan dapat diperpanjang untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas sepanjang izinnya tidak dibatalkan.
(2) Pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib melapor ke Kantor Imigrasi setiap 5 (lima) tahun dan tidak dikenai biaya.

There are no fees for reporting after you have your 'lifetime' KITAP. That's one of the most black and white laws I've seen in Indonesia.

(MERP is separate and still has a fee even when on 'lifetime' KITAP, but my recollection is that you are not required to have MERP, you may let it expire during periods you will not be traveling out of the country.)
Getting confused here. Nieco, are you on your first or second kitap. Does your kitap have an expite date or report by date listed on the front?
Second KITAP. And have the Date to report on my card. Here is the approval letter of my second/ LIFETIME KITAP.
Getting confused here. Nieco, are you on your first or second kitap. Does your kitap have an expite date or report by date listed on the front?
Second KITAP. And have the Date to report on my card. Here is the approval letter of my second/ LIFETIME KITAPView attachment 2256
UU 6 2011:

There are no fees for reporting after you have your 'lifetime' KITAP. That's one of the most black and white laws I've seen in Indonesia.

(MERP is separate and still has a fee even when on 'lifetime' KITAP, but my recollection is that you are not required to have MERP, you may let it expire during periods you will not be traveling out of the country.)
yeah, I saw the same article online. FYI MERP is still required as long as you are holding a Visa to stay here.
yeah, I saw the same article online. FYI MERP is still required as long as you are holding a Visa to stay here.

This is incorrect but probably won't affect most people.

On a KITAS you're automatically paying and receiving both for KITAS and MERP each time. They expire at the same time and get renewed together. So you end up with a MERP for the whole time you are on a KITAS.

On a KITAP, you automatically get a 2-year MERP. However, the KITAP is valid for 5-years. There is no requirement that the MERP be extended when it expires. So if you are certain that you will not need to leave Indonesia on short notice, then there is no need to extend MERP. On the other hand, as the MERP procedure is easy and free (costs 1 year or 1.75mil for 2 years), there is also little reason not to extend it.
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So if you are certain that you will not need to leave Indonesia on short notice, then there is no need to extend MERP. On the other hand, as the MERP procedure is easy and free, there is also little reason not to extend it.
That matches my recollection, and a brief review of UU 6 2011 mentions nothing of a requirement to maintain a MERP. However, can you provide any support for saying the MERP is free? The fees are clearly listed and I haven't seen any exception for those on 'lifetime' KITAP.
That matches my recollection, and a brief review of UU 6 2011 mentions nothing of a requirement to maintain a MERP. However, can you provide any support for saying the MERP is free? The fees are clearly listed and I haven't seen any exception for those on 'lifetime' KITAP.

Duh, sorry, yeah it's not it confused with EPO being free.

For my last KITAP, I didn't get the 3rd MERP (only 2 x 2 years, so one year in Indonesia without MERP), and it was not an issue.
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When I got my KITAP immigration told me I did not need to get a MERP. I always keep a MERP simply because if there is an emergency back home, I probably would be wasting time trying to get a MERP then.
My report was so simple and straightforward that I barely recall it. It has been done in just a few days days and I think a a couple of visit only for the report itself. Got a very friendly and un-formal interview with the boss of kanim and a kasi and for some reason got offered a boxed nasgor and a suspicious pastry by some girls of the office, that I politely refused and paused with the girls of the office for a few pictures.
The only "difficulty" has been in fact that I had to go through a mutasi procedure prior to the report since my new passport had not been stamped the the ITAP. The mutasi procedure took two visit, 1 at 11 am, then a second one the following day to pick up my passport and start the report procedure.
All the procedure has been handled by young immigration officers, all of them knowing exactly what they were doing.
The old guard, which are usually the one the troubles come from, know me and the fact it's pointless to expect doi roko or anything else. they came to great me, had a polite talk and stayed away from my business.
All in all a very pleasant experience.
I looked into the WA chat group we have with my fellow forum mods and found these messages from me at the time:

"Free Report done. Started on March 24th with a Mutasi paspor since my ITAP extension cap was in another passport and not reported in the new one. Procedure finished on March 29th, and passport available since the 30th but didn't have time to stop by Imigrasi. Only two visit, no more than 30 minutes each. Imigrasi is really miles away of what it once was."

"Paid Rp 1,750.000 for an unusuful MERP but they didn't asked me my opinion about it. Didn't pay for the foto/sidik jari which is a difference with the ITAP procedure. Also they gave me back my old, now (soon to be) expired KITAP and didn't issue a new KITAP. Just the cap in passport."

"They insisted for the girls to be taken in pictures with me in the kantor. Don't know why and didn't ask. Perhaps a side effect of my recent keto diet, albeit I've lost only a 3 kilo and don't look anywhere close to my 30's yet,"

"Don't be lazy like me and directly do the mutasi paspor procedure when you have the new passport in hand. It "delayed" me 1 day in my application."

"yes. takes only a few minutes to fill the form and you can get back your passport the day after and straight submit the application for extension so that you don't waste time and add more visits."

"My 2 (3 with the mutasi) visits have been pretty nice. I did nothing online, they did. I just came for the mutasi, Juliana came the day after to pick up pasport and submit the application. They WA me to come for the foto/sidik jari and WA again 2 days later to kindly ask me to come pick up my passport."
So you didn't have to go to other offices like Kantor Wilayah or central immigration in Jakarta, and take some surat from one to the other?
So you didn't have to go to other offices like Kantor Wilayah or central immigration in Jakarta, and take some surat from one to the other?
Nope. Just as I said. Went there only twice for the report procedure and all the communication of documents to KanWil and DitJenIm has been done by the people of my KanIm.
I rarely visit nor contribute to such forums anymore, so it is indeed interesting to compare notes with other expats who hold lifetime KITAP. I was prompted to check-in with this forum as I just recently acquired my lifetime KITAP. The only thing of substance I can add to what in main exists in this thread is the following: Make sure you visit your local immigration office in a timely fashion when reporting to update your lifetime KITAP. I was told by immigration that if a lifetime KITAP holder is late in reporting, they will be forced to have paperwork sent to Dirjen in Jakarta.

BUT One more thing: Certainly communications online have begun to revolutionize Indonesian bureaucracy, and monitoring the progress of a KITAP application can now, in part be done through Instagram. Of course, this information was not given me by immigration, and through research I discovered it. If you have an application in progress at Dirjen itself, you can visit the following link:

You will need your No. Permohanan and passport number in order to sign-in. Once signed in you can download and print a Perdim, which is a one page copy of your short form application you filled in at your local immigration office. This is proof your application has reachec Dirjen and is in process. If your application is under process, the site will state:

Status Permohonan: DI DALAM PROSES

If the process is completed:

Status Permohonan: SELESAI

If your paperwork has not yet made its way from your local immigration and KANWIL offices to Dirjen, I doubt you would be able to sign in. This at least lets you know if your application has made its way to Jakarta.

MOST VALUABLE: What if you need to contact the appropriate visa officer at Dirjen, Jakarta (like I did)? Try the following for KITAP:

WHATSAPP: +62 821-1295-3298 / Layanan Informasi Resmi Direktorat Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian

I had been waiting too long for the approval- my original KITAP had already expired. The visa official I contacted at this number actually sent me by email an official surat stating I had had my application approved. My local office wasn't even aware (apparently) of my approval status. I ended up sending the Kepala of the local office this surat. He definitely had egg on his face and was shocked. I take this phone number to be extremely valuable.
Can anybody here help me. I have my second KITAP, but my MERP has expired. I am currently in the UK AND WANT TO TRAVEL to Indonesia soon. Do I need a visa to enter Indonesia?
Yes you need a visa to enter Indonesia, but you can get a VOA.
If he does that Chris, he will lose his KITAP for sure. Now, it’s perhaps salvageable by trying to get the MERP active again. Via a KBRI (Indonesian embassy or consulate) or the sponsor if (s)he’s still in Indonesia or via a friend here or so… there are threads about it.

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