I rarely visit nor contribute to such forums anymore, so it is indeed interesting to compare notes with other expats who hold lifetime KITAP. I was prompted to check-in with this forum as I just recently acquired my lifetime KITAP. The only thing of substance I can add to what in main exists in this thread is the following: Make sure you visit your local immigration office in a timely fashion when reporting to update your lifetime KITAP. I was told by immigration that if a lifetime KITAP holder is late in reporting, they will be forced to have paperwork sent to Dirjen in Jakarta.
BUT One more thing: Certainly communications online have begun to revolutionize Indonesian bureaucracy, and monitoring the progress of a KITAP application can now, in part be done through Instagram. Of course, this information was not given me by immigration, and through research I discovered it. If you have an application in progress
at Dirjen itself, you can visit the following link:
You will need your
No. Permohanan and
passport number in order to sign-in. Once signed in you can download and print a
Perdim, which is a one page copy of your short form application you filled in at your local immigration office. This is proof your application has reachec Dirjen and is in process. If your application is under process, the site will state:
Status Permohonan: DI DALAM PROSES
If the process is completed:
Status Permohonan: SELESAI
If your paperwork has not yet made its way from your local immigration and KANWIL offices to Dirjen, I doubt you would be able to sign in. This at least lets you know if your application has made its way to Jakarta.
MOST VALUABLE: What if you need to contact the appropriate visa officer at Dirjen, Jakarta (like I did)? Try the following for KITAP:
WHATSAPP: +62 821-1295-3298 / Layanan Informasi Resmi Direktorat Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian
I had been waiting too long for the approval- my original KITAP had already expired. The visa official I contacted at this number
actually sent me by email an official surat stating I had had my application approved. My local office wasn't even aware (apparently) of my approval status. I ended up sending the Kepala of the local office this surat. He definitely had egg on his face and was shocked. I take this phone number to be extremely valuable.