How to obtain Indonesian Citizenship

3. Payment for online naturalization voucher (Rp 2.5 juta), which website? Last time I try to apply I did not come across this an;y know that need to pay Rp50juta once confim WNI.
There are two distinct procedures to become WNI. One concerns those of us who have an Indonesian spouse and the fee is Rp 2,50 jt (procedure is called menyampaikan pernyataan menjadi WNI). Also the procedure is way lighter.
Then there is a procedure for those who doesn't have an Indonesian spouse (procedure is then called Pewarganegaraan). Requirements and procedure is tougher and the legal fee is indeed Rp 50 jt.

There was a request for the sample documents of 4 kinds of "Surat Pernyataan" through Conversation, but I could not upload them in the Conversation. So, I attach 3 of them here, and one more in the following thread.


  • Sample 1 (alasan).pdf
    46.6 KB · Views: 547
  • Sample 2 (Bhs indo).pdf
    45.9 KB · Views: 549
  • Sample 3 (Nama).pdf
    45.6 KB · Views: 556
Here is one more sample of Surat pernyataan.

For application, own hand-writing documents with Rp 6000 Materai stamps (signed on it) are required.


  • Sample 4 (Kesetiaan).pdf
    49.1 KB · Views: 523
This is NOT an easy process, it requires a lot of messing around, and the procedure is in Indonesian so brush up your language skills.
The last part requires the applicant to pen three letters in Indonesian, that being just after a load of Indonesian language interviews.
Whatever you prepare, double it so you have more to draw on.
Here is one more sample of Surat pernyataan.

For application, own hand-writing documents with Rp 6000 Materai stamps (signed on it) are required.
Do you mean for this Sample 4 I need to hand written all of it or only the part of signature? Thanks.
There are two distinct procedures to become WNI. One concerns those of us who have an Indonesian spouse and the fee is Rp 2,50 jt. Also the procedure is way lighter.
Then there is a procedure for those who doesn't have an Indonesian spouse. Requirements and procedure is tougher and the legal fee is indeed Rp 50 jt.
Greetings Atlantis. I have the impression that the Rp 50j is upon confirmation of status to WNI. If I get you right if we have WNI spouse instead pay Rp 50j, I only need to pay Rp 2.5j only?
We were shoved into a room and told to write the letters. These have to be hand written in Indonesian with a stamp attached.
Thanks as always Atlantis for your detailed post and everyone else who has replied.

I have already got my SKCK and my SKIM is currently in process. Immigration said they will send direct to Kanwil.

Reading through your post again, I think my only worry is the religious aspect of the interview as although I converted to Hinduism in order to marry, I have not practiced in the 19 years of marriage. What kind of questions do they ask? Could this be a cause to deny me?

Other facts to take into consideration I have been here for 21 years, am on unlimited KITAP, married to a Balinese, have a son, with only Indonesian nationality. How much of a problem might the religious aspect be?

Also the psychological exam, what should I expect on that? :D

Many thanks
Reading through your post again, I think my only worry is the religious aspect of the interview as although I converted to Hinduism in order to marry, I have not practiced in the 19 years of marriage. What kind of questions do they ask? Could this be a cause to deny me?

Other facts to take into consideration I have been here for 21 years, am on unlimited KITAP, married to a Balinese, have a son, with only Indonesian nationality. How much of a problem might the religious aspect be?
Hi Imagem,
Don't get an unnecessary headache over it. To my knowledge, NO applicants got questions on the way they worship but more very general questions like "what is the place of religion/how important religion is religion for you?" and all got away with "I feel it's very important" and "I agree with the values it teaches"...etc. Anyway such question should not even occur for those of us married to a WNI since nothing in the law or in the implementing regulation states that we should be worshipping, knowing Pancasila or whatever,

The last two applicants I know who got naturalized in late 2017 have not been seen in a church (one of them, a mate from Manado) or masjid (the other, another mate from Jkt) for decades I am sure. Yet they went through all the process without difficulties, save for administrative one. Believing in one God is mandatory in Indonesia, worshiping every day is not and not having be practicing your religion is NOT a case for failure.

Legally speaking, and despite what would some people like you to believe in order for them to boast because of the fact they "succeeded" in being "accepted", if you are married with an Indonesian and if you are eligible there is next to no room for your application to be rejected.

For the psychological test you may not have two similar answers from applicants. Some had to go through a real test while others (it's the case in my city) just had to get a simple Surat Kesehatan Rohani from the local RSJ after a formal interview and a couple of simple test or their local doctor. It appears in the thread that 3 sisters had a more formal version (while the whole online procedure seem to be much easier and faster than the procedure through the Kanwil that you have followed). Perhaps she will chime in.
NO applicants got questions on the way they worship

This is incorrect - I know this because I was asked and heard other candidates being asked.
That doesn't mean to say it would be a problem, simply tell the truth and they'll decide on your answers.
I'm not an especially good Muslim so I answered their questions with the truth, explaining my previous terrible way of life was a thing of the past and how Islam had brought me forward in so many ways. I didn't lie when they asked me about the way I worship, simply replied honestly.

Legally speaking, and despite what would some like people to believe in order for them to boast because of the fact they "succeeded" in being "accepted", if you are married with an Indonesian and if you are eligible there is next to no room for your application to be rejected.

Also incorrect - Two people from my batch failed because they couldn't manage the required tasks.

My advice is to over-prepare everything, especially Pancasila, Indonesia Raya, UUD 1945, and make sure you have photocopies of all relevant documents, those including all previous KITAS/KITAP/Other visas, police reports, and so on. Take your passport and a photocopy of every visa page with an Indonesian stamp.
Make sure you have a general history of Indonesia in your head, know all the presidents, and other main facts, making special note of the independence struggle.
The police could ask you about any criminal record you have in any other country so, if possible, take a criminal record check from your home country. I did and it went down well - any extra helps.

Medical - Make sure your medical check report is up to date and, if you have medical records available, take them with you. To be honest, unless you look like you're about to die or turn up red faced and out of breath from a short walk, that's an easy one to pass.

Get all the required documents (and anything else they might ask about or could be useful), photocopy the lot, then set them out into folders so you can give the appropriate one to each panel as you speak to them.
Well prepared is good news and it'll go down well with the interviewers.

This is a stressful experience but you don't need to be worried as you'll find all the officers are helpful and eager to assist you in passing all the tasks, but they'll only go so far and, if you aren't reasonably well prepared, you can fail.

This is from first hand experience, not a guess or second hand accounts of the process.

Good luck.
I have already got my SKCK and my SKIM is currently in process. Immigration said they will send direct to Kanwil.

The SKIM is a matter of pass or fail, and 21 years under your belt will all but guarantee a problem free ride. The home visit is probing in more ways than you'll realise, but it sounds very much as if they like you and are willing to be extremely helpful - an excellent sign.

Watch the expiry on the SKCK and renew if it goes out of date before the interviews. Bit of messing around but you must do it.
I think my only worry is the religious aspect of the interview

Another thing to watch is the letter writing - you have to write them by hand at the end of the interview process.
They're easy enough to put together but it's better to prepare drafts of what you want to say before the big day in order to make life easy when it comes to penning them.
Oh plus my passport is expiring next year.

The SKIM requires six month validity on your passport, and your passport must be up to date until the very end of the process when you'll be asked to cancel it at your embassy.
They'll cut the corner and return the document to you, that going to Indonesian immigration to prove it's cancelled before they sign the final paper that'll allow you to apply for a local passport..
After the home visit for the SKIM, you'll also get a further one when you apply for citizenship.
They check everything so make sure all is well. The local Pak RT and so on will also get a dropped in on.
Also incorrect - Two people from my batch failed because they couldn't manage the required tasks.
No, it's not incorrect Mas Fred. It's just you who didn't read properly the post and don''t understand you have been coerced in following a procedure which normally shouldn't have concerned you since you are married with a WNI.

I repeat, "legally speaking, if you are married with an Indonesian and if you are eligible there is next to no room for your application to be rejected". Being eligible is a word of your native language Mas Fred and should be able to decipher it considering it is not a technically difficult one to grasp. Anyway, in case you are not familiar with this word, it means satisfying the appropriate conditions.

To be eligible you need to fit the legal requirements meaning, for those married with a WNI, being sehat jasmani dan rohani, having stayed 5 full years or 10 years putus2, paying the regular fee, submitting the requested documents, not having a criminal record and that's pretty much it.. These conditions are stated by law (UU 12/2006) and are lighter for those with an Indonesian spouse than for the foreigners with no marrital connection with a WNI. In fact, if the Law would be enforced, those of us married to an Indonesian citizen should not even have to go through much administrative stuff.

So if your two people from your batch failed it (assuming they have a WNI spouse), it is because they were not eligible, Mas Fred. It isn't surprising if, as per your word, "they couldn't manage the required tasks". If they really couldn't, I even wonder what the heck they were doing there? Perhaps you were put in a special batch for peculiar people, which would explain all the troubles you seem to have gone through despite being married with a WNI?

Anywa, and that it is a personal appreciation, we are talking about becoming a citizen of a country, not going to a picnic. Would you apply for a UK citizenship without knowing a single word of English, a bit of history and culture, or having half of the documents required? No, definitely not. For Indonesia it''s the same. Even though it isn't a requirement for those married with a WNI, it isn't too much to do the effort of learning a bit of the linguo.

If you want to become a citizen, you have to be eligible and the eligibility conditions are known by all and listed by law (no State secret. ;)).

The SKIM is a matter of pass or fail, and 21 years under your belt will all but guarantee a problem free ride..
Please, stop uttering inanities.

The SKIM is issued to applicants having resided 5 full years or 10 interrupted years and who have all documents/respect regulations.

Regulations concerning SKIM are available online (look for PermenKumHam nomor M.HH.01.GR.01.14 Tahun 2010 tentang tata cara permohonan SKIM for example) and NONE say that a SKIM may be refused to you for subjective reasons or because officers doesn't like you.

Indonesia is governed by Law, and if you know your rights and are daring enough to get them respected you won't have anyone threatening you to deny you a SKIM for made up reasons.
The interviews purpose is to make sure you comply with law and the purpose of issuance of your ITAS/ITAP over the years of your stay, which is one of the legal mission of Imigrasi.
Should you become an Indonesian citizen, a public announcement will be made as it is for any new citizen.

As per the Law (notably PerMen M.02-HL.05.06 thn 2006 and Permen Depkumham 36/2016), Depkumham makes no secret of the name and number of its new citizens. It publishes the name of EACH new citizen in the Berita Negara RI, with each SK being archived by the Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-Undangan and being available to the public as per UU 14/2008 ttg Keterbukaan Informasi Publik.

You can also get a sample of the Berita Negara directly through the Perum Percetakan Negara RI., which is the official state printing agency.

Unlike the number of Komando Pasukan Khusus, the number of foreigner becoming WNI is nothing of a state secret.

That's in response of another silly claim from a user here. :)
When you apply for SKIM there will be a physical check of the place where you live.

For the spouse route, there is no interview, singing anthem, questions etc. You will be not rejected if you cannot sing nicely, or because you don`t know how to write. There will be no language test.
For the spouse route, there is no interview, singing anthem, questions etc. You will be not rejected if you cannot sing nicely, or because you don`t know how to write. There will be no language test.
This is indeed strictly how it should be, in accordance with art. 19 UU 12/2006 and the subsequent regulations for those who follow the procedure said Menyampaikan Pernyataan Menjadi Warga Negara (declaration to become a citizen, procedure which requires to have in Indonesian spouse). Only the 5/10 years residency, marital status, foreign embassy statement and a statement that the new citizen will be loyal to NKRI, Pancasila and UUD upon receiving Indonesian citizenship should be asked and screened for those married with a WNI.

However, in practice all candidates I am aware of (they all got coerced to apply through the KanWil, the latest applying in the end of 2016/begining of 2017 and receiving the SK end of 2017, and not online/secara elektronik melalui laman resmi DirJen Administrasi Hukum Umum, where the process seem to be simplified and more importantly, in accordance to the real law requirements) have been submitted to at least one formal interview and questions which are normally designed for those not married to a WNI (procedure called Pewraganegaraan). This being said, and as I already mentioned somewhere above, none had the feeling it was difficult or that those in charge of the interview were empowered to fail applicants.

I definitely agree with the fact that an applicant ""will be not rejected if (s/he) cannot sing nicely, or because (s/he) doesn`t know how to write" but shhhh... let's sleeping dogs lie :smile:

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