How to obtain Indonesian Citizenship

The route trough KanWil for citizenship based on marriage is abolished, and only online exists now. It is already more than one year from that change.

However, if you go to apply for citizenship based on marriage trough KanWil, they will accept your application and "help you" and putir-putir you around, and try to squeeze some money.

Because of blatant corruption and for the sake of procedure simplification is why Ministry of Law simply kick out KanWil from the process. However, KanWils are trying to squeeze naive applicants all the time.
Very interesting. This explains that and what you say is a great news. Many thanks for sharing. This would also explain the term of the latest regulation on the matter which indeed makes no mention of the KanWil and only mention elektronik applications.

Corruption? You mean that some Depkumham civil servant ask for bribes??? Where is Fred when we need him to address this assertion. :):):)
Screw it - believe any shit you like from those who have read a book on the subject but never done it
Corruption? You mean that some Depkumham civil servant ask for bribes??? Where is Fred when we need him to address this assertion. :):):)

Bloody hell, the shit you post as truth is amazing and will likely help candidates to fail if they follow your idiotic advice.
I should add - I'm not willing to give out duff (and stupid) advice because I have a personal issue with a poster here. Much as I think he's a bell end of the worst sort, I won't lie and misinform in order to score points.
However, in his desperate bit to degrade my efforts in becoming an Indonesian citizen, some are willing to misinform and plain lie about the process, thus potentially putting others at risk of failing in their bids.

To those serious about their applications, make sure you learn the lot and over prepare everything in order to guarantee success.
Very interesting. This explains that and what you say is a great news. Many thanks for sharing. This would also explain the term of the latest regulation on the matter which indeed makes no mention of the KanWil and only mention elektronik applications.

Corruption? You mean that some Depkumham civil servant ask for bribes??? Where is Fred when we need him to address this assertion. :):):)

KanWil offices let you through a tough test, force you to sing, speak, jump on one leg and after to make "Rekomendasi ask", what will we do? Oil the wheels or you come again on testing?
Unfortunately for them, this is over. And even the booklets are published how to apply online by AHU. After SKIM you almost have no contact with a physical person anymore. Once you apply online you will bring the physical documents to the Ministry of Law and if everything is OK (nobody asks any money) in 5 working days you will get SK and become a citizen of RI.
KanWil offices let you through a tough test, force you to sing, speak, jump on one leg and after to make "Rekomendasi ask", what will we do? Oil the wheels or you come again on testing?
Unfortunately for them, this is over. And even the booklets are published how to apply online by AHU. After SKIM you almost have no contact with a physical person anymore. Once you apply online you will bring the physical documents to the Ministry of Law and if everything is OK (nobody asks any money) in 5 working days you will get SK and become a citizen of RI.
On the defense of KanWil, not all of them are/were that bad. Mine (Sulawesi Utara) has always been OK in my dealings with them, including the naturalisation of my son 11 years ago. Or perhaps they choose their victims? Sure, they were asking applicants to sing Indonesia Raya, were giving a formal tone and obviously were asking for bribes to speed up the process, but i have no report of them being nasty. Same tpe of reports from other friends having gone through the process in some other provinces such as Jatim and DKI jkt.

But anyway it is indeed a major improvement and a sure way to see the rights of those married with and Indonesian to have their right respected (ie a simplified procedure to access Indonesian citizenship as per UU 12/2006).

The article of law which are of interest and which Centurion is referring to are art. 1 to art.4 Permenkumham 36/2016 which state as follow:

Pasal 1
Dalam Peraturan Menteri ini yang dimaksud dengan:
1. Pemohon adalah laki-laki atau perempuan warga negara asing yang kawin secara sah dengan perempuan atau laki-laki warga negara Indonesia.
2. Menteri adalah menteri yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang hukum dan hak asasi manusia. 3. Hari adalah hari kerja.

Pasal 2
(1) Pemohon dapat memperoleh kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia dengan menyampaikan pernyataan menjadi warga negara Indonesia.
(2) Pernyataan menjadi warga negara Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus diajukan melalui permohonan.
(3) Permohonan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) disampaikan Pemohon kepada Menteri.

Pasal 3
Permohonan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (3) dikenai biaya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan di bidang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak yang berlaku pada Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia.

Pasal 4
Permohonan pernyataan untuk menjadi warga negara Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 dilakukan secara elektronik melalui laman resmi Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum

Anyone is game for a translation? Fred, perhaps?

Basically, and to make it short, it means that those married with an Indonesian spouse become Indonesian Citizen through a procedure called "declaration to become an Indonesian citizen" made tthrough an application and that this application is made online. KanWil is indeed out of the scenery.
they were asking applicants to sing Indonesia Raya
Ha! If they asked me to do that (should I ever decide to natualise here) they would have me shut up pretty sharpish, or run away with bleeding ears :D I would happily sing my heart out, & call it payback time for one of the few Indonesian things that does drive me mad- those people who walk around the streets screeching away to the mechanical music box with crap speakers on it
and obviously were asking for bribes to speed up the process,

Posters should not offer bribes of any sort and never even suggest the possibility. It's highly unlikely that would happen now and any attempt to bribe an official is very likely to end the process, and end your eligibility to apply as a prison term will disqualify an applicant.
Thanks everyone for more valuable feedback.

Immigration told me that my SKIM will be forwarded by them direct to Kanwil. Personally as long as I do not have to pay a bribe (and I never have at Immigration or Kanwil before) I would rather deal with real people than submit the application online. I have been practising Indonesia Raya in preparation. :D
SKIM will be issued in Kanim, approved by Kanwil and at the end approved by DirJen Imigrasi. This process is relatively straightforward.
Once you get the SKIM from DirJen Imigrasi (that you have applied through your KanIm) you will apply online for citizenship with other supporting documents.
SKIM is now for life, so if you change your mind to be a citizen, you can use it later if you again change your mind.
Ha! If they asked me to do that (should I ever decide to natualise here) they would have me shut up pretty sharpish, or run away with bleeding ears :D I would happily sing my heart out, & call it payback time for one of the few Indonesian things that does drive me mad- those people who walk around the streets screeching away to the mechanical music box with crap speakers on it

Arent they ladyboys usually? And you give them 5rb just to get them to go away!
I have my immigration home visit tomorrow. Feeling a bit nervous so just back to read through this thread again!
Last Wednesday I submit application for SKIM. Yeah the immigration officer try to assure me that apply online is not the way and it will take longer time and ask me to ask KANWIL at Bandung on the naturalization. After reading all this in this tread I very sure to apply online. Like some one say here, they really want to make money the last time from us. Probably next week to want to come to my home before issue the SKIM.
Last Wednesday I submit application for SKIM. Yeah the immigration officer try to assure me that apply online is not the way and it will take longer time and ask me to ask KANWIL at Bandung on the naturalization. After reading all this in this tread I very sure to apply online. Like some one say here, they really want to make money the last time from us. Probably next week to want to come to my home before issue the SKIM.

Good luck with your application!!
Any one know how long SKIM take? My KITAP going to expire this Jul and I do not want to pay Rp10juta. Thanks.
Immigration officer just call up coming home visit today. After 2 week waiting after the application of SKIM.

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