Weakening IDR

I bought a 1.7kg Tokusen Wagyu Picanha for 1jt, it was awesome. Tokusen is a local wagyu, it's nicer than Australian regular meat, not as good as Japanese wagyu but it's still really good.
Jakarta Post today ...

Small businesses see sales sink 40-60%: BRI

The government has earmarked over Rp 504 trillion for social assistance programs in 2025, the second-largest expenditure after education with over Rp 722 trillion.


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Jakarta Post today ...

Small businesses see sales sink 40-60%: BRI

The government has earmarked over Rp 504 trillion for social assistance programs in 2025, the second-largest expenditure after education with over Rp 722 trillion.
This is a great idea! The better off the people are, the better off the country is! If this government has so much money, then why borrow from China, Russia?
I am not entirely sure if it's really that expensive (relative comparison to other countries).It took me less than a minute to find this on Tokopedia.

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I think you (or anyone) should have taken more time than "less than a minute to find this on tokopedia" and remember that having googling-fu skills is in no way enough to draw a conclusion and speak in an informed manner. :)

Anyone spending more than a minute to post would find than NONE of the price you pasted are prices PER KILO but, more probably per 100g to 250g.

From the selection of pictures you pasted I can tell you that an Australian ribeye with a marbling of 4 to 5 at Rp 180.405 / kilo (first pictures) just doesn't exist in Indonesia. Minimum price even at the grosir level would be 600K / kg for a TRACEABLE ribeye with a REAL marbling of 4-5. A basic Australian or NZ ribeye at 180K per kg is doable but it's absolutely not the one featured in the first pictures.

Also, remember that once a loaf is cut and sold per smaller steak portion it's only the word of the seller you have and your own knowledge which may tell you if what is in your plate is what you have been sold for. When I see some of the pictures pasted vs description made and price, I can tell you that I smell a rat on quite a few of them.

It's why I would never trade with boxes of meat which are not in their importing box, segel from origin and with all labels clearly readable. Way too many unscrupulous sellers making money out of gullible consumers.

Also for information, if the wagyu breed originates from Japan, the quantity of it exported to Indonesia is minimal. The wagyu that you get here are very often.... from Indonesia with brands like Tokusen for example which have been pioneers in successfully breeding wagyu cattle here. Unfortunately, and for multiple factors, the quality of the Indonesian wagyu doesn't come close to the one of Australia and, of course, Japanese wagyu. Still it's undoubtedly a good deal for the price paid.

Even though Japan is the first exporter of Wagyu worldwide, the first exporter of wagyu here is not Japan but Australia (and it has nothing to do with cost transport from Australia but all to do to do with quota of import to Indonesia authorized per country).

At the moment we have a Black Japanese wagyu from Australia of the Tajima bloodline in our cold rooms. It's slightly marbled (4-5) and the cost for us who purchase bulks is already in the vicinity of 800K / kg. Paired with a fine Pinot Noir it's pure dope. But at this level of price I simply have no market but myself and a couple of friends in Manado. I maintain a constant stock mostly for my own consumption. Instead we sell the Indonesian wagyu one when asked or much more frequently Australian, NZ or US breeds.

I have read people complaining about price and that the fact that "someone make a lot of money along the chain". The one making the most money on imported goods is undoubtedly the Indonesian government and to be honest I wouldn't blame them for it. The second one is obviously the importers and the resellers but they have never pretended to be charities. If a product is rare, then it's pricey and I think Pak @Wisnu was spot on giving the examples of instant noodles or tofu in the US.

At the end of the day, if no stock is left then it may mean that the price was appropriate even though some consumers would have preferred a cheaper price. Remember that we live in a country where amounts of import are limited.

Don't ask me (or any seller) to sell you something at 200K / kilo if I believe that the market can absorb it at 500K per kilo, in the same amount of time, and that I have limited supply possibilities. If you ain't happy with it, please invest the same amounts than I do, take the same risks, work the same amount of hours and efforts and sell it cheaper than us. Perhaps you will understand that 500K is a fair price. :)
Thus the cost of a US turkey that retails in the US for .39 to .55 dollars per pound and selling at 4.5 kilos here at Rp1.7 juta. Rare, importer charge, some middle distributer, the government and viola, you can't afford a turkey but they look nice in the freezer. Good thing, I don't care much for turkey. I get a ham for Christmas.
Jakarta Post today ...

Small businesses see sales sink 40-60%: BRI

The government has earmarked over Rp 504 trillion for social assistance programs in 2025, the second-largest expenditure after education with over Rp 722 trillion.
Sounds like economic crash in next few months. Bill coming for policies last 10 yrs.
Jakarta Post today ..

Trump, widely seen as uninterested in ASEAN and preferring transactional, bilateral deals, will likely showcase similar tendencies during his second period, speakers at the Monday discussion said. The Foreign Ministry estimates slower economic growth across Asia for the 2025-2026 period, including a 0.3 percentage point decline from initial projections for Indonesia, as the region anticipates more US scrutiny and higher tariffs.
Today in Jakarta Post ...

Trump threatens 100% tariff on BRICS countries over currency plans.

President-elect Donald Trump on Monday threatened to impose a 100 percent tariff on the BRICS group nations if they undercut the US dollar. "We require a commitment [...] that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty US Dollar or, they will face 100 percent Tariffs," Trump wrote on his Truth Social website, referring to the grouping that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and others. The statement comes after a BRICS summit held last month in Kazan, Russia, where the countries discussed boosting non-dollar transactions and strengthening local currencies.


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Today in Jakarta Post ...

Trump threatens 100% tariff on BRICS countries over currency plans.

President-elect Donald Trump on Monday threatened to impose a 100 percent tariff on the BRICS group nations if they undercut the US dollar. "We require a commitment [...] that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty US Dollar or, they will face 100 percent Tariffs," Trump wrote on his Truth Social website, referring to the grouping that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and others. The statement comes after a BRICS summit held last month in Kazan, Russia, where the countries discussed boosting non-dollar transactions and strengthening local currencies.
No problems, the American citizen will pay everything double.
No problems, the American citizen will pay everything double.
American Citizens and residents In America. He's still on that, other nations will pay it crap. Americans voted for him because of what they perceived the economy to be and that he could improve it. They are in for some big, costly, surprises.
American Citizens and residents In America. He's still on that, other nations will pay it crap. Americans voted for him because of what they perceived the economy to be and that he could improve it. They are in for some big, costly, surprises.
Like the Wizard of Oz. The Great Orange One, will blow and blow, but will only accomplish little, he will be controlled by more rational people in the Government. Just look at the clowns he is wanting in his cabinet. All unqualified for the job. Unfortunately, his actions will affect all the world's
What? Are you talking about the wolf in the 3 Little Pigs? I do not recall the Wizard of Oz blowing anyone. As for you saying the big drump will be influanced by those he is choosing for his cabinet I think you will find just the opposite. He wants loyalist, yes men/woman. People that will do his bidding. He wants revenge for being treated as the criminal he is. He wants to be king.
What? Are you talking about the wolf in the 3 Little Pigs? I do not recall the Wizard of Oz blowing anyone. As for you saying the big drump will be influanced by those he is choosing for his cabinet I think you will find just the opposite. He wants loyalist, yes men/woman. People that will do his bidding. He wants revenge for being treated as the criminal he is. He wants to be king.
No not the wolf, the Wizard that hides behind a curtain, and roars so loud, so the people couldn't see the small, weak, little man he was! You are right about his cabinet picks. All Ass-kissing, weak, unimportant, unknowledgeable, of the post they are being assigned. Yes he will become the Emperor has no clothes!
No not the wolf, the Wizard that hides behind a curtain, and roars so loud, so the people couldn't see the small, weak, little man he was! You are right about his cabinet picks. All Ass-kissing, weak, unimportant, unknowledgeable, of the post they are being assigned. Yes he will become the Emperor has no clothes!
Are you going to go on like that for 4 years ?

Because, honestly, it's boring.....
Are you going to go on like that for 4 years ?

Because, honestly, it's boring.....
Thank you for saying that. I have seen more people go mental and frothing at the mouth more about him than any other subject in the history of mankind. It would make a great thesis for a doctoal dissertation. Also if you aren't in group ready to burn him at the stake then you are a MAGA idiot. You don't have to support him to be labeled, just not being ready to burn him down with the rest in enough. It really is extraordinary.
I will admit I do not like nor trust him in the roll of POTUS. I will admit that not all his cabinet choices are bad choices and the people chosen are qualified to fill the required rolls. Some are another story and have no business in the president's cabinet. They are not qualified and only fill the roll of loyalist for whatever trump directs them towards. I see the separation of the government changing and that is definitely a bad thing. I don't have to create negative routes that will be taken since trump has been very open towards revenge of those who primarily were only doing the job they were assigned to do, allowing more rights for woman and their health choices to diminish, to elbow up to the bar with world authoritarians, and lie about the economy while proclaiming tarrifs are beautiful and other nations will pay them. He has a long list of things he plans. Some are pretty scary for those that live in the US.

Like we all have to do, we wait and see what happens. He has the Congress and the Senate any any president would relish that situation because they can get so much of their agenda accomplished. Of course, his last go he had the Congress and Senate for his first 2 years and the only thing he got done was a big tax cut for the wealthy. The tax cuts that he said would trickle down to the employees and grow their businesses. Those things never happened but here we are again with more tax cuts for them.
Since Biden saw fit to give his son an unconditonal blanket pardon for ANY activities or involvement in any activities for a 10 year period, we are just witnessing the begining of a race to the bottom. And the democrats claim it is the republicans who want to circumvent the law. Pot meet kettle.
Back on topic and the rupiah seems to be weakening again. A combination of Trump's tariffs and Prabowo's generous handouts could lead to interesting times for the IDR.
Back on topic and the rupiah seems to be weakening again. A combination of Trump's tariffs and Prabowo's generous handouts could lead to interesting times for the IDR.
Don't forget, T-rump is not President until January 2025. So he has not put any tariffs on anything now.

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