Trump Indicted for Conspiracy To Change the 2020 Election

In this case the dictionary definition is, or was, the vernacular. If they didn't mean 'stop funding' then they shouldn't have said 'stop funding'. It was a really bad time to try to introduce a new definition.
Many people are having problems telling the difference between there, their and they’re. Nobody was consulting the dictionary, and everybody was busy crafting catchy slogans.
Rejection of 'all lives matter' can come across as racist, as if the only lives that matter are black. That exclusivity is a reason people didn't and don't get behind BLM.
I don’t reject the concept of “all lives matter”, I reject the people who came up with it intending to mischaracterize BLM. Intent matters.
Why especially in the South? Indiana, Illinois, the Plains and Mountain West are probably more racist.
Because I lived in the South. You have a point with Indianistan. Also I have never seen more Trump signs than in rural Illinois, they must be especially angry because Chicago always outvotes them.
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Living in the south, I didn't see it. Many, many more affirmative actions stories that continue to this day. Like I said I lost out because I was white. I guess we will agree to disagree on some of the details.
It’s not a zero sum game. I believe your experience, because I don’t see why you would lie for it, even when I have never seen it myself. All I expect is for you to accept that old style discrimination still happens, even if you have never seen it personally.
Oh, not another propaganda movie demonizing Democrats.

Maybe you should try it before you put it in a category. If you haven't seen it yourself, you have no idea what it actaully says. But if you let other people make up your mind for you then you can skip it and go along with they tell you to think. Also, if you think MLK Jr's cohorts are making propoganda, you might beleive a lot of things.
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Maybe you should try it before you put it in a category. If you haven't seen it yourself, you have no idea what it actaully says. But if you let other people make up your mind for you then you can skip it and go along with they tell you to think. Also, if you think MLK Jr's cohorts are making propoganda, you might beleive a lot of things.
I have read enough of this tripe to safely skip it. Half of my family are Trumpers, I can assure you I’m not missing anything.

You let these so called experts make up your mind, then you criticize me for bringing my own? That’s rich.
I have read enough of this tripe to safely skip it. Half of my family are Trumpers, I can assure you I’m not missing anything.

You let these so called experts make up your mind, then you criticize me for bringing my own? That’s rich.
What does Trump have to do with it? Nothing mentioned about him in the whole documentary. I persoanlly think Trump is an idiot. I listen to both sides before making up my mind along with my own expereicences. They didn't make up my mind for me but you aren't even interested in what they have to say. How can you have an open mind when you don't even want the hear anything that you think might be different to your current ideas?
What does Trump have to do with it? Nothing mentioned about him in the whole documentary. I persoanlly think Trump is an idiot. I listen to both sides before making up my mind along with my own expereicences. They didn't make up my mind for me but you aren't even interested in what they have to say. How can you have an open mind when you don't even want the hear anything that you think might be different to your current ideas?
I have weathered enough winters that I don’t need to taste a turd to know if it’s a turd. What’s next, you’re gonna recommend ‘documentaries’ by Dinesh D’Souza too? How about works by Michael Moore?

Any ‘expert’ that emphasizes the history of the Democratic party while conveniently neglecting the Republican party “southern strategy” is peddling partisan BS.
I have weathered enough winters that I don’t need to taste a turd to know if it’s a turd. What’s next, you’re gonna recommend ‘documentaries’ by Dinesh D’Souza too? How about works by Michael Moore?

Any ‘expert’ that emphasizes the history of the Democratic party while conveniently neglecting the Republican party “southern strategy” is peddling partisan BS.
Michael Moore has made some good points in a couple of his documentaries. I also rather enjoy commentary by Bill Maher. Never heard of Dinesh D'Souza though.
Will he show up for Thursday’s debate or chicken out (again)?

Who knows 🤷‍♂️

But the groundwork is already laid, as we can see in the US press:
He agreed to CNN from the beginning. He agreed to the moderators since they were named.

He has now agreed to a drug test for himself if Biden takes one. Trump if course will submit to one after Biden gets one and it wouldn't surprise me if his is conducted, if conducted at all by a doc that backs him. Someone like Ronny Jackson, the former surgeon general who is known as the drug pushing doctor and now us congressman who is leading the charge claiming, without evidence that Biden is taking performance drugs.

Will trump back out? I don't know. Normally he has announced his back outs more in advance. Getting close but if he does back out, it wouldn't surprise me. Probably announce it is all rigged against him so he will have a rally instead there.
I don't understand? If Trump was found guilty of 34 felony charges, then why doesn't he get some kind of punishment, or fine? Is it because his friends can buy more delays, until after the election, so if he is elected, he can pardon himself? I don't think an average person has this kind of luxury!
Trump's supporters pay heavily towards his known greatest legal asset. That is to cause delay after delay. Most fillings are nonsense but are successful in causing delays. When against an individual it was meant to cause the plaintiffs heavy financial cost until they couldn't afford to continue. Against the government he is depending on getting past the election which he thinks he will win. Loses and he will tie up the courts with bogus election fraud cases. Probably become too medically unfit to stand trial.
Trump's supporters pay heavily towards his known greatest legal asset. That is to cause delay after delay. Most fillings are nonsense but are successful in causing delays. When against an individual it was meant to cause the plaintiffs heavy financial cost until they couldn't afford to continue. Against the government he is depending on getting past the election which he thinks he will win. Loses and he will tie up the courts with bogus election fraud cases. Probably become too medically unfit to stand trial.
What a waste of good money! But it shows, Crime does pay! And that Truth does not always prevail!
Of course a 78 year old calling an 81 year old forgetful and almost senile is like the pot calling the kettle black but it is a rather funny ad.

Of course a 78 year old calling an 81 year old forgetful and almost senile is like the pot calling the kettle black but it is a rather funny ad.

Unfortunately it seems that the key to Trump winning is to just keep hammering away at how senile Biden appears. Even if Biden is forgetful he will have people around him to give him a prod but who would dare prod the lunatic Trump if he becomes president?
Of course a 78 year old calling an 81 year old forgetful and almost senile is like the pot calling the kettle black but it is a rather funny ad.

Er, that's a comedy bit and not a Trump ad. I'd also add that a lot of 90 year olds are sharp and some 60 year olds have dementia.
Er, that's a comedy bit and not a Trump ad.

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