Today's menu:

Today's quarantine menu at the Holiday Inn Express at Empo Pluit...
Seriously, three meals = three rice and tiny-a$$ portions of chicken with some garbage veggies. I called the front desk and requested the western option with NO RICE starting with tomorrow's breakfast. The room is fine. The beds (long story why that is plural) are fine. I always try to look at the bright side of life, but the food is just ridiculous. It is similar to what one would get if a company requested boxed lunches but with a budget of 15k IDR per meal. Anyway, sorry about hijacking the thread; feel free to move it to that new hijacked discussion thread. Cheers!

This is the norm, but you can still order Grab and GoJek. My wife said the food looked like prison food when she saw the pictures I posted on Instagram.
Today's quarantine menu at the Holiday Inn Express at Empo Pluit...
Seriously, three meals = three rice and tiny-a$$ portions of chicken with some garbage veggies. I called the front desk and requested the western option with NO RICE starting with tomorrow's breakfast. The room is fine. The beds (long story why that is plural) are fine. I always try to look at the bright side of life, but the food is just ridiculous. It is similar to what one would get if a company requested boxed lunches but with a budget of 15k IDR per meal. Anyway, sorry about hijacking the thread; feel free to move it to that new hijacked discussion thread. Cheers!
Pics or my sympathy didn't happen!
Not to say I told you say but I have warned previously about the perils of quarantine in a not 5* hotel for the sake of a few million rupiah more
You are right, and I still have two kids approaching college age who need those millions of IDR more than I do.
This is the norm, but you can still order Grab and GoJek. My wife said the food looked like prison food when she saw the pictures I posted on Instagram.
After the sandal of hotels allowing people to roam around freely, the health ministry has significantly cracked down on what we can do while in quarantine. Hotels now explicitly state that outside food orders are verboten, though I was able to order some pop-mie & other snacks via IndoMaret's app.
Pics or my sympathy didn't happen!

A small piece of chicken and a ton of rice EVERY F*CKING Meal... I thought the "Indonesian option" would have better food, but I cannot imagine that the "Western option" is any worse. The disappointing part is that the meals resemble what one would get when ordering lunch for a Kantor if one were given a budget of 15k per person. Anyway, I am happy that my Pop Mie order came through via the Indomaret app. Strangely, packages are allowed to be delivered, but cooked food is not.
Damn that's a lot of steamed rice (I am type 2 DM). I mean....I assume you get fed three times a that much rice everyday? Ironically, by some Indo standard, that's a 'balanced' proportion of protein/meat and rice...i mean i know some people who can eat that much rice with just sweet soy sauce and a that piece of chicken is really a nice 'extra').
What does a western menu look like?
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A small piece of chicken and a ton of rice EVERY F*CKING Meal... I thought the "Indonesian option" would have better food, but I cannot imagine that the "Western option" is any worse. The disappointing part is that the meals resemble what one would get when ordering lunch for a Kantor if one were given a budget of 15k per person. Anyway, I am happy that my Pop Mie order came through via the Indomaret app. Strangely, packages are allowed to be delivered, but cooked food is not.
This shows a depressing lack of sambal. Was never one to seek out the spiciest food in the States, but I've found that bland meals like the one you have there become much more palatable when covered in well seasoned chili paste.

Yeah, that meal served three times a day with slight variations on the veg would get old quick.

I've heard of people cooking actual indomie in their kettles... add their veg and stir in an egg just as the three minutes are up and you can call it a meal, sorta. Maybe add some more bubuk kaldu if it is a lot of veg.
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A small piece of chicken and a ton of rice EVERY F*CKING Meal... I thought the "Indonesian option" would have better food, but I cannot imagine that the "Western option" is any worse. The disappointing part is that the meals resemble what one would get when ordering lunch for a Kantor if one were given a budget of 15k per person. Anyway, I am happy that my Pop Mie order came through via the Indomaret app. Strangely, packages are allowed to be delivered, but cooked food is not.
Order in an airfryer & then order in packages of food & cook for yourself :D
I know it doesn't address the very basic food standards but it gives you a bit of variety- do you have many days left to stay there?
get a few cans of tuna in & a jar of sambal & mix that up with the rice too- just racking my brain to think up a bit of variety for you.
we eat out most days and then Sundays I bbq chicken or burgers with mixed veg andmashed spuds or homemade chips/fries.
Sidenote, the other week I bbq'd my first ayam kampung....... tasted ok but was tougher than owlsh*t. Any advice for future attempts gratefully accepted
Ayam Kampung , tougher than an old boot no matter what you do with it , yet they all drool over it !
After the sandal of hotels allowing people to roam around freely, the health ministry has significantly cracked down on what we can do while in quarantine. Hotels now explicitly state that outside food orders are verboten, though I was able to order some pop-mie & other snacks via IndoMaret's app.

When I was at the second quarantine hotel where I couldn't leave the room, things could be delivered to my room including cooked meals. If worse comes to worse, just say say the insert food delivered from is part of dietary needs.
Home bake chocolate croissant - fresh from air fryer from frozen dough.
For small quantities up to 3 pcs we use air fryer - faster and more crunchy.


For lunch, we plan to cook nasi goreng cabe hijau - homegrown green chilly pepper. Will use left over rice and roasted chicken from last night dinner.
Lunch, as planned, nasi goreng cabe hijau,
Yes, lot of rice, more than the covid19 package. I can justify it as I believe I burned more than 1500 calories n morning from 20 km cycling and 2 hours tennis.


Green chillies fried rice is wellt match with the green bottle on the left.
Jam on toast because someone drank most of the milk & then put the bloody carton back in the fridge with about 2 ½ mm left in the bottom of it didn't they!
Oh !? Did my kids have breakfast at your place?
It just drives me crazy to find (near) empty cartons of milk in the fridge, (near) empty jars of jam in the fridge, (near) empty... etc.
But sensitive stuff requiring refrigeration are brought to my office where I have a refrigerated show case, because "there is no more space in the kitchen fridges". We have two huge f+++++g fridge in the kitchen and are only a family of 6 + maids !!!??? But they are full of empty containers.

Got home made muesli for breakfast made of rolled oats, kacang mente, pecans, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, dried cranberries and VCO. Plus coffee.
Will get a home made salad and cheese later for lunch while the kids and wife will have a full buffet full of stuff I love but can't eat because I am on a diet. There's a birthday at home and I will spend my time explaining that no, I don't eat nasi with my salad and cheese because I am on a diet. And no I don't want buah segar, and no, I don't want...etc

Tonight I will get juicy saint louis style ribs that we will barbeque (no nasi because... etc). Rest of the menu unplanned yet.
Oh !? Did my kids had breakfast at your place?
It just drives me crazy to find (near) empty cartons of milk in the fridge, (near) empty jars of jam in the fridge, (near) empty... etc.
But sensitive stuff requiring refrigeration are brought to my office where I have a refrigerated show case, because "there is no more space in the kitchen fridges". We have two huge f+++++g fridge in the kitchen and are only a family of 6 + maids !!!??? But they are full of empty containers.

Got home made muesli for breakfast made of rolled oats, kacang mente, pecans, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, dried cranberries and VCO. Plus coffee.
Will get a home made salad and cheese later for lunch while the kids and wife will have a full buffet full of stuff I love but can't eat because I am on a diet. There's a birthday at home and I will spend my time explaining that no, I don't eat nasi with my salad and cheese because I am on a diet. And no I don't want buah segar, and no, I don't want...etc

Tonight I will get juicy saint louis style ribs that we will barbeque (no nasi because... etc). Rest of the menu unplanned yet.
That sounds like hell for a French guy- a diet made up of leaves & seeds bleurgh :)
That sounds like hell for a French guy- a diet made up of leaves & seeds bleurgh :)
Actually I love nuts, seeds and leaves. Manadonese food, which I love, uses a lot of leaves (albeit no seeds nor nuts). I have made myself daily salads for years, with varieties of lettuce and combinaison of nuts, flax seeds, sunflower kernel, almond, walnut, dried fruits, sesame seeds...etc. And feta, emmental or even bits of diced gouda. Lovely and healthy. My kids have grown loving them too. My wife not so. My maids think I am an hybrid between a rabbit and a squirrel.

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