The Various Court Cases Against Donald Trump

Those are good points. Other aspects of population are resource usage, pollution, and landscape change. The more people there are and the higher the standard of living the more we deforest, mine, smelt, burn, farm, dam rivers, dump waste, etc., none of which in excess are really good for Earth or our quality of life.
It's like I don't really say those are not problems. I just think we could solve most of them if we really wanted to. It would take big changes and decisions for that and would, I have to say it again, probably scratch on the status quo of some people. Then again, yeah, the way we live now and how our system works I can still see why more population or overpopulation is or could be a problem.
I just think if everything would be handled better, our way of life/living would change and if life would be more worth living for everyone, some problems might disappear automatically. Of course that's a big subject and yeah, at this point, a pretty utopian idea. Realistically it will all will get a lot worse before there is even a chance for something better.
Who gives a shit about this Woman? What about the subject of Abortions and Women being able to make their own decisions about their bodies, and future?
Yeah, she also doesn't give a shit about us, that's for sure. 😉

Well yeah, what's with the subject of abortions? We have two sides and again, I get both sides. For me life begins earlier as the common scientific standpoint suggests. I can understand people who say it's murder, I can understand people who say it's not and I can understand people who say it's kinda like a grey zone. Again, I wouldn't wanna force anyone to do or not do an abortion. Iam not all for abortions and Iam not all against them. Ultimately people have to live with their decisions and I hope they thought it through.
This thread has gone on a abortion/ women leader bashing tangent. We need to break out into a separate thread or get back on track. As a woman I would dive in and thrash it out (abortions are healthcare and I agree there should be some limitations but ultimately it should be a decision taken by a Dr and a pregnant woman with scope to be flexible depending on the case; morning after pill is NOT abortion - its a contraceptive pill taken later than the regular ones - it just stops implantation; I'm not a huge fan of VDL but calling her evil is a bit much - she is a figurehead and a bit of a puppet if you ask me) but I'm reluctant to do so when it's so obviously a tangent.
Abortion is somewhat linked to Trump because of his actions while in power but this is certainly not linked to any of his court cases.
This thread has gone on a abortion/ women leader bashing tangent. We need to break out into a separate thread or get back on track. As a woman I would dive in and thrash it out (abortions are healthcare and I agree there should be some limitations but ultimately it should be a decision taken by a Dr and a pregnant woman with scope to be flexible depending on the case; morning after pill is NOT abortion - its a contraceptive pill taken later than the regular ones - it just stops implantation; I'm not a huge fan of VDL but calling her evil is a bit much - she is a figurehead and a bit of a puppet if you ask me) but I'm reluctant to do so when it's so obviously a tangent.
Abortion is somewhat linked to Trump because of his actions while in power but this is certainly not linked to any of his court cases.
Yes the thread derailed a bit, like it often happens. If people are interested in it we could make an extra thread for abortion.

About the women leader bashing, I wouldn't take it too serious. I think some of us just meant that a world lead by women also wouldn't look better. I mean the (political) system doesn't really produce the best leaders in my opinion and women probably and sadly still have to be even more ruthless to succeed in it.
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Who gives a shit about this Woman? What about the subject of Abortions and Women being able to make their own decisions about their bodies, and future?
Man, we have that in Europe since 50 years.... for us it is a non-subject.
Only American bigots can make a fuzz about it in 2024 !

Learn something :

And honestly, as European my problem is more with VDL than with US bigotry !
I think the attack on Trump might be the last stepping stone for his election victory.

Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old, registered Republican. No motive has been announced yet. Trump people already saying Biden ordered it, his political affiliation was changed by Biden, and of course, it was all put together by the Biden administration. Now, if in fact the Biden administration had anything to do with it I would suspect they could find a shooter with much better aim. If that's the best they could do then maybe they shouldn't be in control of the nuclear suitcase.

No matter what. Some heads need to roll when someone with a long gun can get so close to a Presidential candidate and take a shot. SS and local police need to answer some questions. Unfortunate someone lost their life attending a trump rally. The call for violence from both parties, trump's has been calling for it for the past 4 years, is getting way out of hand. This is not the America I grew up in even though I witnessed JFK and Reagan being shot. Still, not the American way. At least it wasn't.

Now everyone can listen to trump bleed this martyr thing for the next month or longer. His ghost brigades will be out in force. The blood of the lord trump is already being announced. From a grazing of the ear to a full blown like a sucking chest wound.
Now, if in fact the Biden administration had anything to do with it I would suspect they could find a shooter with much better aim. If that's the best they could do then maybe they shouldn't be in control of the nuclear suitcase.

According to the recent Supreme Court ruling, Biden would face no consequences for sending Seal Team 6 to do the job, and they wouldn't miss.

The call for violence from both parties, trump's has been calling for it for the past 4 years, is getting way out of hand.

Is it really a "both sides" thing? Can you give me some examples on the left?
According to the recent Supreme Court ruling, Biden would face no consequences for sending Seal Team 6 to do the job, and they wouldn't miss.

Is it really a "both sides" thing? Can you give me some examples on the left?
The SC decision doesn't say that. Presidents still can't do anything illegal or unconstitutional without being subject to sanction.
Maxine Waters, among others, says hello.
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I must take a closer look at the video - the first time I watched I didn't see anyone behind Trump fall down. Still, I wasn't really paying that much attention to the background so I could easily be wrong.

On Trump's near miss, the shooter would have done the US a favour. That isn't to support that fool Biden, the gun nut that tried to off Trump, or political violence of any sort - just an opinion he almost did the world a good turn. Saying that, the above opinion would have applied if he had shot Biden.

The other point is how the NRA are going to spin this story about an assault rifle being used against their well bribed (with Russian money) champion, Trump.
My guess is they will talk about guns (Secret service) saving Trump with as little mention of a real shooter as they can get away with. They can't use mental illness without supporting background checks, so that's out. Maybe they could claim he was a democrat trying to look like a gun nut republican in order to discredit them.
It's going to be fun watching them chase their tails on this one.
As a note, at least two Facebook pages have appeared in the last hour, both claiming they are the shooter and they didn't do it.

However, Trump is alive and it will be business as usual (With added lies about Biden setting up the shooting).
Conspiracy theorists will be excited by the fact that there were no security people checking elevated sites and that members of the public notified police several minutes earlier having seen the fellow with the rifle yet Trump's appearance was not delayed.
Yeah, no matter what the truth is, Trump and his supporters will probably spin this to his favor. Except when there is evidence that Trump somehow ordered this to create a conspiracy theory in his favor (even then die hard MAGAs are beyond saving anyway).Nothing is impossible.😂
Yeah, no matter what the truth is, Trump and his supporters will probably spin this to his favor. Except when there is evidence that Trump somehow ordered this to create a conspiracy theory in his favor (even then die hard MAGAs are beyond saving anyway).Nothing is impossible.😂
It's impossible that the shooting was an intentional near miss since the bullet that grazed him would have been fatal if it was 5 cm closer to his other ear.
The SC decision doesn't say that. Presidents still can't do anything illegal or unconstitutional without being subject to sanction.
Maxine Waters, among others, says hello.
I will quote Justice Sotomayor's dissent:

When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.
As was pointed out in oral arguments, and then later decided in the majority opinion, directing the military, including Seal Team 6, is part of his official duties, and not even the motivation for what he commands is permitted to be considered. From the majority decision;
In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the President’s motives.
I heard the gunman was using an AXSR rifle (not AR-15 as reported earlier), a high-end sniper rifle costing more than $12,000.
I heard the gunman was using an AXSR rifle (not AR-15 as reported earlier), a high-end sniper rifle costing more than $12,000.
That came from an ultra-right wing radio host and amplified by white supremacist and other really silly sites.
It's a lie for idiots to believe.
when I saw the video clip, a little voice came to me and said, hey this looks like a political stunt! If a sniper with a high powered rifle with a scope, only grazes him on the ear, but kills another agent and wounding more, This is all a circus to watch!
What scares me the most, is no matter what Trump does or says, ( he can grab women by the U know what, and he could shoot someone on 5th. Ave. And not get in any trouble, and people still think he's great, shows the ignorance of these people!
The FL judge just dismissed the documents case on the day the RNC starts. Will be appealed and that should remove her from the case. Of course, now it will have to work it's way up through the Supreme Court.

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