This is not true . The "E33G - Remote Worker Visa" is a Temporary Residence Visa/Limited Stay Visa/Visa Tinggal Terbatas which will always become a Temporary Residence Permit/e-ITAS/KITAS when its holder enters Indonesia .Unlike the E31A visa, the E33G visa allows individuals to apply for an ITAS only if they choose to.
When a foreigner enters Indonesia with a visa , he/she will get either : a Visit Stay Permit (for Visit Visa holder) or an e-ITAS/KITAS (for a Residence Visa holder) . Visit Visa includes VOA , Tourist Visa , .. (Visa for a stay duration of 30 days , 60 days , or 180 days - extendable) .
PerMen22 Year 2023
Article 63
(1) Application for a Temporary Residence Visa/Visa Tinggal Terbatas for foreigners who are remote workers in relation to employment at a company not domiciled in Indonesia ...
Even if it was true , it would not work as you think , as I tried to explain in post no.17 above . Let me give an example : You stay 180 days , leave but return to Indonesia few days later . Then the first day after returning will count as your 181 day , and so on .This provides a way to avoid becoming a tax resident, as people can opt not to apply for an ITAS and leave Indonesia before reaching the 183 day threshold. They could then switch to another type of visa, ...
From cost of the E33G visa is relatively affordable:
- Visa Fee: Rp500,000
- Verification Fee (Category II): Rp2,000,000
Type of Visa E33G - 1 YEAR
Cost : 7,000,000
Poster's Note : price above (in IDR) is probably for the Visa + e-ITAS + Re-Entry Permit.
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