
And yet for a couple hundred dollars every 60 days you could have saved yourself all that pain and heartache.
So what happens now with your family?

You mean to leave the country every two months? To me that sounds like a lot of pain and heartache. A couple hundred dollars I would have gladly spent that on me and my family. And who said there was pain and heartache? If you read my post I didn't end up paying anything, and the process went reasonably smoothly.

But ya, my family is still in Indonesia. My plan is to work, and go back in a year or so. After 8 months my wife will make a plead to the head office of immigration in Jakarta, in order to get me off the blacklist.
I'm not saying it's not tough, but it's all for the better. I couldn't have lived the rest of my life in Indonesia without being able to support my family.

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As you wish. A lot of pain and heartache? To fly 90 mins to SG for 1 hour and fly back for $100 every 2 months? Wow. Ok

Pain and heartache is now you are no longer with your family, and can never see them in Indonesia again.

You did end up paying, you had to stay in a hotel you said? And who paid for the flight to Canada?

How can you come back, you were deported AND blacklisted you said??

Really your story doesn't make sense to me, and you won't get much sympathy here from other people for knowingly overstaying for YEARS without a visa.

Anyway good luck with trying to get off the blacklist and rebuilding your life away from your family

Sure seems a complicated way to survive.
you won't get much sympathy here from other people for knowingly overstaying for YEARS without a visa.

Technically I agree with your post, although it's a bit harshly worded. (Probably a good thing; maybe it will help stop someone in the future from messing up, if they read your stern comments.)

But I do feel a little sympathy. We all make mistakes (especially if being madly in love had anything to do with his actions) and I doubt Oceanic88 foresaw the mess he'd end up in, or he would have done things differently from the start. He is certainly paying the price right now and it sounds like he's trying to do right by his family. I just hope he is more fiscally and "visa-torially" responsible this time.

Okay, enough with the sympathy. Kiddies, if you are reading this, do NOT do what Oceanic88 did.
As you wish. A lot of pain and heartache? To fly 90 mins to SG for 1 hour and fly back for $100 every 2 months? Wow. Ok

Pain and heartache is now you are no longer with your family, and can never see them in Indonesia again.

You did end up paying, you had to stay in a hotel you said? And who paid for the flight to Canada?

How can you come back, you were deported AND blacklisted you said??

Really your story doesn't make sense to me, and you won't get much sympathy here from other people for knowingly overstaying for YEARS without a visa.

Anyway good luck with trying to get off the blacklist and rebuilding your life away from your family

Sure seems a complicated way to survive.

Sorry to hurt your feelings. I didn't know you owned the country. If the story doesn't make sense to you then obviously your in no position to be commenting, and please and don't need your petty sympathy. By the way my wife and kids are coming here and it doesn't really matter what you think about us. To each his own
and btw I don't need anyones sympathy. I simply wrote my story in order to help anyone else in similar situation. Just take it or leave it. I don't need anyone coaching me or disciplining me. I not a criminal, I'm a grown man.

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