Bring back masculinity

Didn't the OP get banned? Sometimes when these old threads pop up, it is a good laugh.
Just what has no impact on ones life. Be specific so we know what you're refering to or at least reply to a previous post so we know.
Sorry, I was replying to OP. Taking issue with men wearing dresses or whatever his idea of dying masculinity is, is what I was referring to, specifically.
What until he meets a Scot who will headbutt him for suggesting that
Like or not there are major differences in the sexes call it what you will femininity or masculinity there is a clear cut difference but in todays woke society it's not polite to point those differences out. God forbid we tell a boy he's a boy or a girl she is a girl or call them outside their pronouns.
Careful, your ignorant bigotry is showing.

This is very debatable and the ignorant bit is harsh as you cannot tell that from what Digitaius wrote . Some might say that using preferred pronons could be bigotry against the original sex group too.
I for one believe that everyone should be treated fairly and decently but that a woman is a woman by birth only and that women have fought hard for rights that are now being undermined. Perhaps there should be more than 2 sexes allowed but that doesnt diminish the rights of women.
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I will never understand why people use "they" to refer to one person. That word exists for a reason and its function is to designate 2 or more people. Using it in that way just makes everyone confused. Imagine how an Indonesian would react if you started saying mereka instead of dia (although they are lucky having just one word (dia) for he/she/it/any gender).
Shouldn't be too long now before the book burnings and record smashing starts. So many living in the past trying to hold on to the things they once could sweep under the rug of it doesn't exist. Once it got some light, their eyes started burning or something.

Now that you are growing old, maybe time to grow up. Nobody is forcing themselves on others, trying to indoctrinate others to follow what they feel, or deminish anyone else's roll in society. It's all in your head or for some the politics they follow.
Fastpitch you managed to associate an opposite view to book burning books etc without even stating your views and definitely without defending your point. You are basically just shouting "you are old and wrong".
Fastpitch you managed to associate an opposite view to book burning books etc without even stating your views and definitely without defending your point. You are basically just shouting "you are old and wrong".
Old, for sure. The thing is, so many of these views reflect heavily in the past. So worried about what might be around the corner. Sounds simular to all the white replacement crap going around. Book burning simply because you are a group trying to promote your way if thinking and everyone else is wrong. You try to crap on things that have been around for all of time. Just not so much in the open. When it was hidden it was easy to ignore or refuse the belief of it's existance. That all has changed.

They are different than you. You can't accept anything different than you. You are the top. Or, is it because the closet is dark and needs it's own security to not be discovered?
Fastpitch, yet again you haven't stated your views.

Fyi I am pro gay marriage, anti gun, anti trump, pro increased taxes and social services (for the US), very much pro universal healthcare. But I am also pro women and do not believe that changing one's pronouns and a few months of hormone therapy changes someone's sex. Perhaps surgery and years of change maybe but the boundary is set too low now.

Rather than just saying everyone else is old fashioned why don't you state your views?

Edit: I want to debate this and yet you seem just to want to say anyone who doesn't follow your views is book burning. Without debating it properly, it seems to me that you are the one more likely to book burn.
I will never understand why people use "they" to refer to one person. That word exists for a reason and its function is to designate 2 or more people. Using it in that way just makes everyone confused. Imagine how an Indonesian would react if you started saying mereka instead of dia (although they are lucky having just one word (dia) for he/she/it/any gender).
I think historically it's to avoid having to say or write and repeat 'he or she' or 'that person'
I agree when it is applied to refer to a known person it's a mess. Maybe English can adopt 'dia'.
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Shouldn't be too long now before the book burnings and record smashing starts. So many living in the past trying to hold on to the things they once could sweep under the rug of it doesn't exist. Once it got some light, their eyes started burning or something.

Now that you are growing old, maybe time to grow up. Nobody is forcing themselves on others, trying to indoctrinate others to follow what they feel, or deminish anyone else's roll in society. It's all in your head or for some the politics they follow.
It's a two way street. There is indoctrination, discrimination, denigration and various other trash behavior from both sides. To paraphrase the song, 'clowns to the left, jokers to the right'.
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There is a lot that could be said but the truth of the matter is most people have their mind made up and if you disagree with them, you are just plain wrong. I've been called all kind of names and referred to in non-flattering ways just because my opinion doesn't match someone else's. Debating used to be one of my favorite past times but there doesn't seem to be a lot of room for it anymore. Sad state but it's just how things are in today's world.
I will never understand why people use "they" to refer to one person. That word exists for a reason and its function is to designate 2 or more people. Using it in that way just makes everyone confused. Imagine how an Indonesian would react if you started saying mereka instead of dia (although they are lucky having just one word (dia) for he/she/it/any gender).
"They" as gender-neutral 3rd person singular is absolutely proper, correct, and in common everyday usage, and has been for longer than any of us have been alive.

Person A: "Are you available tomorrow?"
Person B: "Not in the morning, I am picking my friend up from the airport."
Person A: "What time do they arrive?"

It really isn't difficult. Maybe that example can help you understand, and realize that if you are a fluent English speaker you are already using it that way frequently.

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