Bring back masculinity

I don't think anyone is denying diversity. More like saying there is definately diversity. What isn't known is just what normal is. If everyone can fit this or that way into something diverse then what is normal? It seems the term normal only applies to oneself when starring into a mirror. How can two people standing side by side both claim normalcy when there are obvious diferences? Which one is normal and which one is lying?
Normal to me means things that fit within a certain percentage of the average. It’s just statistics. You can fudge around the limit, but it’s hard to argue against 40-49 y.o. adult men in USA shorter than 5’3” and taller than 6’3” classified outside ‘normal’, they are less than 1% of the population. Car and airplane seats are designed for people sized within a certain range, that’s the ‘normal’ range adopted by the engineers.

The words ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ have neutral nonjudgmental meanings, just like ‘white’ and ‘black’.

In many respects I’m normal, in some I’m definitely abnormal. Physically I’m within normal range, but health wise my cholesterol level is not, and my eyesight isn’t either.

Perhaps it’s just me, because I had a spirited debate with somebody who claimed that she was on the autistic spectrum. She had an issue with me saying autism is a form of disability (she called me ‘ableist’, a parallel to the term ‘racist’), but she still wanted special accomodation legally provided only to disabled persons. Special provisions are only granted to special persons, if she insists on being no different than the rest of us, then she would get the same treatment as the rest of us. She can’t have her cake and eat it too.

I fully support giving reasonable accomodations to disabled and disadvantaged persons, but getting called ‘ableist’ simply for using the term ‘disability’ (the actual legal term in USA) rubs me the wrong way.
You go to a doctor with some physical problem and after explaining it to the doctor, they say,
that's perfectly normal, but we can fix it.
Now, do you continue on with the problem because it is normal or do you FIX it and become abnormal?
You go to a doctor with some physical problem and after explaining it to the doctor, they say,
that's perfectly normal, but we can fix it.
Now, do you continue on with the problem because it is normal or do you FIX it and become abnormal?
I have no problem being abnormally good. In fact, I’m working on getting abnormally fit. The average BMI for men my age is 29.4, and I’m at 26. I want to get it well below 25, which will put me in the minority (27%) of men with healthy BMI.
You go to a doctor with some physical problem and after explaining it to the doctor, they say,
that's perfectly normal, but we can fix it.
Now, do you continue on with the problem because it is normal or do you FIX it and become abnormal?

It could be normal in the sense that they see it so much, it is normal to them, but it is in fact abnormal.
I don't think anyone is denying diversity. More like saying there is definately diversity. What isn't known is just what normal is. If everyone can fit this or that way into something diverse then what is normal? It seems the term normal only applies to oneself when starring into a mirror. How can two people standing side by side both claim normalcy when there are obvious diferences? Which one is normal and which one is lying?
Example: People with less than 20/20 eyesight are not considered to have "normal" vision and are required to correct their vision to drive. So let's hear the all inclusive normal group explan this!
Example: People with less than 20/20 eyesight are not considered to have "normal" vision and are required to correct their vision to drive. So let's hear the all inclusive normal group explan this!
OMG, now anyone with glasses or contacts is some kind of abnormality. Lock them up. We can't be having these freaks run around our cities and towns. The kids are not safe. Everyone arm themselves to defend against the abnormal.
OMG, now anyone with glasses or contacts is some kind of abnormality. Lock them up. We can't be having these freaks run around our cities and towns. The kids are not safe. Everyone arm themselves to defend against the abnormal.
Hahaha. Everyone is a Nazi unless everything is normal.
I tried to be normal once. Worst day of my life.
It could be normal in the sense that they see it so much, it is normal to them, but it is in fact abnormal.
Or it's normal that a problem exists as a result of certain activities or conditions
Categorizing persons as normal and abnormal is a step down the wrong path; its a values judgement, an assignment of worth, its not science. Persons with mental illness like those afflicted with a disease attaching their physical health are sick. Its a value judgment to classify either as abnormal, a value judgement that can and has been used to justify disparate treatment.

We are all born different. Differences that are probably near infinite in number; then we compound those glorious differences we are born with, by differing social, religious, cultural and (you name it) other constructs we employ in educating our offspring.

To my thinking differences are to be celebrated; they are the basis of our evolution. And its not an evolution toward a "normal" race, where normal is a stand-in for aryan, but toward a time when acceptance of the equal worth of all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, mental capacities, and the myriad of other human differences is our parament defining value. And yes, that includes acceptance as of equal worth, members of the LGBTQ community.
I'd say that it's very rational to classify physical traits and behaviors as normal or not based on societal standards. It's our acceptance or rejection of the non-normal (where society draws the lines) which seems to be at issue.
I agree that we can learn and benefit from unusual / different / 'non-normal' people, sometimes significantly. But some non-normal behavior, like pedophilia, is destructive to society and should remain taboo.
We've become more inclusive, which is good, but I can't agree that all differences are to be celebrated.

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