Bring back masculinity


Oct 6, 2020
What’s the world coming to when Gucci comes out with this rubbish.

Thought Gucci was likely French, but as they are almost Islamic I googled and found out Gucci are Italians.

Bring back masculinity to fight this limp wristed feminist crusade, sounds like some people commenting would probably wear this. They should Lol

“fight the 'toxic stereotypes that mold masculine gender identity”

Thought Gucci was likely French, but as they are almost Islamic

Please entertain me by explaining these comments. What about the word "Gucci" made you think "French?" What made you think "almost Islamic"?

I await your response with breath that is either bated or baited, maybe both.
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Gucci although Italian, is part of Kering, a French luxury goods group and part of Francois Pinault company, he is French married to Salma Hayek
I pull my nipple hairs... What
I wear a kilt.
I pull my nipple hairs...

Wow, you guys have really taken this thread in an unusual direction. I'm pretty sure that real men don't over-share on the internet.
Often men who are excessively worried about masculinity and have a proclivity for guns are trying to cover up, hide something or compensate for something else. Wonder which one it is for you JoePel?
Well, yes, I did marry a girl, well, woman. And she is shorter than me. Did you marry someone manly?
I married someone "girly" and was divorced by someone "manly". She's now gone back to being "girly", best I can tell. Not sure if I Joe wants me to be proud of her progress...

I remember back in boarding school I had this mate who was a girl. We were watching the boys in the common room doing that thing that adolescent boys do where they posture and spar to see who is the boss. My mate observed that if you imagined them all as apes the body language would be just as fitting. You could see the posturing, the need to be accepted and ranked in the hierarchy. It's such a tiresome, primitive thing, the need to define yourself by dominating others.

We were both well thought of in school, but she recognized the game and still played it well, in her own way. She became a surgeon and a champion this that and the other. I didn't, and still just find those people who feel the need to dominate others annoying. I just see a bunch of apes beating their chests.
immmm probably hard to explain to you. Either you are single or married down to someone girly, which is fine - ‘progressives’
I doubt very much it would be hard to define to me or anyone else.
After all it is your own argument to bring back masculinity- I merely asked you to define it- how can something be brought back if we have no definition of what it is we have lost?

So far all you have demonstrated is that you can spout something that may or may not be controversial & when questioned you have nothing to back it up, so you resort to snide comments.
It is rather pathetic really.
Perhaps you should try & educate yourself a little before you come to play out with the grown ups?

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