After about 8 months, here‘s an update.
The upstairs breaker does pop sometimes, when using the microwave. Often I’ll turn the AC off, but if the microwave is running for a minute or more, it’s at least a 50% chance it will trip the breaker.
Mostly I keep the temp at 23-24c now. I’ll turn it off late night. My wife likes fresh air, so opens the window, with the AC off at 6 or 7am. She does complain about the electricity bill, which is about 600k a month. I think that’s 200-250k a month than before we got the AC. Seems pretty minor compared to everything else she spends money on.
On Sunday evening, the room was getting quite hot. Luckily we have a thermometer gun, and the room was 29-30 degrees, which is in the uncomfortable range for me.
Our almost 12 year old got drafted to climb the ladder and remove the filters. Seems they were quite dirty, so that needs to go on the list of things to regularly service. It’s cooling fine, now.