
  1. R

    Did Immigration officer visit house for kitas process?

    Hello, I want to apply for spouse sponsored kitas visa. My wife ktp has his hometown domicile pemalang but now she working in serpong and his parents also not allow her to come home after marriage because we done love marriage. So when applying for kitas giving pemalang address but after...
  2. D

    Immigration introduces passport application queuing via app.

    The Indonesian immigration office has recently announced 3 more innovations as it pushes further into the digital age. The innovations are designed to further ease the process of passport application. The process has long been a source of complaints from Indonesians who have to navigate agents...
  3. D

    Imigration to extend hours, and online applications to combat graft.

    Indonesian Immigration plans on extending office hours to include service beyond regular office hours, including early morning service, after office hours service, holidays as well as weekends. They will also move forward into a completely online application system, reducing interaction with...
  4. D

    Current Indonesian Immigration fees (in English)

    Update May 2019: The relevant regulation increasing most immigration fees have been signed. It will take effect on May 3rd 2019. You can download a reference here:
  5. S

    How to proceess KITAS/VITAS Online

    1. Be married to an Indonesian citizen. No need to be married for any period of time. Be willing to leave Indonesia (not applicable if you are already out of Indonesia) to process visa. Have relevant documents. Be willing to travel to Jakarta, or find someone there who will go for you to pay...
  6. D

    Spousal KITAS to KITAP conversion (also applicable for Spousal SosBud to KITAS).

    Having just completed this procedure in July 2016, in Denpasar, Bali, I thought I'd outline the step-by-step process for the forum. I would note that the steps are basically the same for SosBud to KITAS, except that in that case you don't need an Integration Statement nor an SKTT. First visit...

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