Wet Shaving in Indonesia


Mine don't even have a name :embarassed:



Yep I only use High Quality Cosmatic Products. You'll have to do better than that son?
Thank you for your feedback. I guess I'll have to contact then directly.

The above item was just an example. I actually bought that laptop last month through amazon but got it shipped to Singapore, where shipping and import duty only amount to $30, and made a trip out of it with the difference.

Did you contact then yet

Did you declare your new Chromebook on entry to Indonesian Customs, or did you bypass them :smile:

As you will have gathered, I do not take kindly to being lied to nor being led up a garden path.

However, with respect to my intended posts I decided to disregard the above and continue as I intended but on reading the previos two posts here prior to this, I have decided at the moment I am wasting my time and possibly your forum members also.
Did you contact then yet

Did you declare your new Chromebook on entry to Indonesian Customs, or did you bypass them :smile:

As you will have gathered, I do not take kindly to being lied to nor being led up a garden path.

However, with respect to my intended posts I decided to disregard the above and continue as I intended but on reading the previos two posts here prior to this, I have decided at the moment I am wasting my time and possibly your forum members also.

wow ...... poor attitude ol' boy, poor attitude
but on reading the previos two posts here prior to this, I have decided at the moment I am wasting my time and possibly your forum members also.

As with most guys I have shaved all my life. OK not everyday recently but... for me shaving is shaving is shaving. Grew up on electric but when one broke and I was , how shall we say, in a remote location then I had to resort to wet shaving.

Now OK if I go to an Indo Robinson's store and there are no disposable razors then my opinion may change but...

Disposable razors are like pens. There are cheap ones and better ones and good ones. They all write. Maybe one or two feel less scratchy but they all get the job done. If I was into calligraphy maybe it would make a different but just to write a shopping list anything will do?
My first shave was dramatic as I was a youthful 15 year old and had just joined the RAF as an Apprentice.

While on parade the burly Sergeant looked closely at my fuz-face. He was so close I could smell his beer-breath... then he yelled.."Boy! today you'll become a man!"
I was so full of trepidation. I suspected he was going to kiss me and I think I started to leak...but no...he simply and kindly suggested I ask one of the older cadets to show me how to shave.

Since then I estimate I've shaved between 23-24,000 times and never had any more shaving drama...until I read this thread...:drama: :lol:
shaving drama

Sadly shaving is getting less important that ear and nose hair :tongue1:

Tho tough
And rough
From wind and wave
Your cheek grows sleek
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I think there's some confusion about the topic of this thread. Usually, the term "wet shaving" refers to traditional shaving using a straight razor, single edge, or a double edge safety razor, and it also usually involves lathering with a shaving brush. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can search google or youtube. I don't think it's hard to come by the common disposable cartridge razor or canned foam/gel in Indonesia.
My first shave was dramatic as I was a youthful 15 year old and had just joined the RAF as an Apprentice.

While on parade the burly Sergeant looked closely at my fuz-face. He was so close I could smell his beer-breath... then he yelled.."Boy! today you'll become a man!"
I was so full of trepidation. I suspected he was going to kiss me and I think I started to leak...but no...he simply and kindly suggested I ask one of the older cadets to show me how to shave.

Since then I estimate I've shaved between 23-24,000 times and never had any more shaving drama...until I read this thread...:drama: :lol:

Like you Davita, I was the youngest boy in the entry, never shaved, the corporal DI insisted I shave, so with my first pay, the princely sum of ten shillings I splashed out on a razor and some blades, spending that money on a razor was more hurtful than the shave, on my first leave my mum was horrified that her little boy was shaving, she thought it disgraceful one so young should be forced to shave, I told her to write and complain, she never did, I've never thought about shaving much, except at times in the RAF the water was cold, some wrk had got up early and used the limited supply of hot water to shower
so with my first pay, the princely sum of ten shillings

Ten Bob Anglian...are you sure?
My recollection was they lined us up in a hanger every Wednesday...called our name and we would yell "Sir, #*@" (last three of our service number) march to the officer, salute, and was 'given' 7 shillings and sixpence!
They kept 2 & 6p and gave that as a bonus when we went on leave three times a year.
Are you sure that's a razor? looks to me more like a ribbed vibrator type dildo for the smaller female to keep in her handbag...and the elongated end is dual-function.
It incorporates the battery and prevents it getting lost...:pound:
Ten Bob Anglian...are you sure?
My recollection was they lined us up in a hanger every Wednesday...called our name and we would yell "Sir, #*@" (last three of our service number) march to the officer, salute, and was 'given' 7 shillings and sixpence!
They kept 2 & 6p and gave that as a bonus when we went on leave three times a year.

Yep, ten bob, total wage 17/6 the 7/6 was held back till we went on leave, plus our ration card, we were always paid on Thursday,
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As you will have gathered, I do not take kindly to being lied to nor being led up a garden path.
I believe that no-one likes to be lied and I don't believe it has been EG's intention in this thread.

However, one thing is for sure, Eifion: you will not fool me, neither you will fool anyone in the Moderation Team. I've been reading thousands of posts from you in the past and I have moderated you countless time since your first appearance in March 2009 in a forum I was moderating. Over these years you haven't changed nor your attitude has improved.

When you registered here I alerted the Moderation Team and asked their opinion. We unanimously decided that the experiences we had in the past with you were enough for us to decide that you were not welcomed in our community.

I have asked a small delay to my partners of the Moderation Team to be able to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that, behind the Silet handle, a well known troll was hiding. It has been done, and it is time for us to put the plug on your account here.

More information, here http://www.livinginindonesiaforum.org/forum/general/forum-life/53749-permanent-ban-jackothom

Should any of our valuable members have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM any of us.

Salam dari Manado.
Seems Silet had a sense of humour failure, as anyone who starts a thread on shaving expect it to be taken too seriously is a bit strange, hence a bit of thread drift
though a few years later than Davita and Anglian my first shaving experience was in the British military ... similar Drill instructor comments. I had to buy my own razor at the NAAFI. By the time I joined as a junior soldier in 1971 entry wage was 9 guineas a week. We received 2 quid each Thursday and rest was banked (less food and lodging) for our leave.
though a few years later than Davita and Anglian my first shaving experience was in the British military ... similar Drill instructor comments. I had to buy my own razor at the NAAFI. By the time I joined as a junior soldier in 1971 entry wage was 9 guineas a week. We received 2 quid each Thursday and rest was banked (less food and lodging) for our leave.

hahaha...You took the equivalent of the King/Queen's shilling...that's inflation for you. I wonder what was the price of a razor in the 18-19th century...should be commensurate. More than likely the troops had to shave with their bayonets while wearing gas masks...:painkiller:

The King's shilling, sometimes called the Queen's shilling when the Sovereign is female, is a historical slang term referring to the earnest payment of one shilling given to recruits to the Armed forces of the United Kingdom in the 18th and 19th centuries, although the practice dates back to the end of the English Civil War. To "take the King's shilling" was to agree to serve as a sailor or soldier in the Royal Navy or the British Army. It is closely related to the act of impressment. The practice officially stopped in 1879, although the term is still used informally.
Just a note on hargadunia.com that has been mentioned on this thread, in case anyone decides to order from them.

I ordered something from them May 23rd of this year. I paid for their express service, which says an estimated shipping time of 12 to 15 working days.

I FINALLY received my order October 9th.
Just a note on hargadunia.com that has been mentioned on this thread, in case anyone decides to order from them.

I ordered something from them May 23rd of this year. I paid for their express service, which says an estimated shipping time of 12 to 15 working days.

I FINALLY received my order October 9th.
yes, since may 23rd, indonesians have only worked about 12-15 days, so thats about right
Hey all... Chris Here. Long time Expat in Indo, but new to Expatindo. I know this is a super old thread, but I wanted to update it as I just came across it. I've been on the hunt for wet shaving supplies before and always had to bring it in when I was traveling. However, that lead me to creating my own products here in Jakarta. I hope it's okay to plug my own stuff here, but I thought it might help out other people looking for wet shaving stuff. Anyway, the brand is called Oaken Lab. Check out our IG @oakenlab or the website of the same name. Thanks, and happy shaving!

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