Unlimited KITAP

Yes , both KITAP & Re-Entry Permit are for unlimited time .

The Re-Entry Permit was not mandatory , but some years ago Immigration released a Regulation making it automatically issued together with any new Residence Permit (ITAS, ITAP) issuance .
I already have the unlimited KITAP and according to Immigration a couple years ago I do not need the Merp. So, I am guessing that I am still under the 5 year check in plan and will find out about Merp at that time. I will be 74 when I get the KITAP check in and 8 juta for a lifetime Merp wouldn't make much sense to me. If I had to get I would choose the one or two year Merp.
I already have the unlimited KITAP and according to Immigration a couple years ago I do not need the Merp. So, I am guessing that I am still under the 5 year check in plan and will find out about Merp at that time. I will be 74 when I get the KITAP check in and 8 juta for a lifetime Merp wouldn't make much sense to me. If I had to get I would choose the one or two year Merp.
Yeah , not much sense paying 8 juta if your only going to be out of the country every now and again , The new fee schedule shows a lot of new options : 30-60 -90 day , 6 month and 1 year options now .
Yeah , not much sense paying 8 juta if your only going to be out of the country every now and again , The new fee schedule shows a lot of new options : 30-60 -90 day , 6 month and 1 year options now .
I guess we will not be allowed to choose , because recently the Government informed that they created new Re-Entry Permits to have the same validity of the Residence Permits' validity , in order to make Re-Entry Permit extension not necessary in the future ; so if the Immigration officers apply this idea , any next extension will be long enough to cover the rest of the Residence Permit's validity .
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I think a new thread explaining these rather big changes would be a good idea, once it becomes clear what the new rules and fees actually are.
My latest 5 year KITAP and 2 year MERP were issued literally in the week when the rules were supposed to have changed (although when I asked them they said, sometime in 2025 it will change)
That's bad, but we will only know for sure when the time comes to report for the 2nd time (or the tenth year after the first KITAP Unlimited was issued).
Got my ITAP in April 2011, sponsored by my lovely Indonesian wife. It means that I have already extended it twice and will extend a third time next year.
For "us", the category of ITAP holder residing on an ITAP sponsored by an Indonesian spouse, the ITAP has no limit of time as long as long as you remain married at least 10 years, don't die and respect laws and procedures (to make the list short), you can keep "reporting" every 5 years.

Keep in mind that all ITAP are not the same. For some categories the permanent residency may be limited.
Got my ITAP in April 2011, which means that I have already extended it twice and will extend a third time next year.

Was the ITAP you got in 2011 the "unlimited" one? If I remember correctly, "unlimited" ITAP is not yet available at that time.
Was the ITAP you got in 2011 the "unlimited" one? If I remember correctly, "unlimited" ITAP is not yet available at that time.
The law on Immigration got enacted in May 2011 and therefore all ITAP were concerned by any change in the law. There are no two sort of ITAP, one ITAP pre 2011 and one ITAP post 2011. They are the same, just that conditions of attributions, validity, etc may have changed.
Personally I don't like the word "un-limited" because I don't believe it is appropriate since your status may be terminated for a number of reason or just by a change of law.
And the list of reason for a possible terminaison has been extended since 2011. Not exactly my definition of "un-limited".

The law didn't really created a NEW KITAP vs an OLD one, just extended and clarified the rights attached to it, and this for all itap regardless of when they have been issued.

Therefore saying "Was the ITAP you got in 2011 the "unlimited" one" is a "weird" question.

The new law (UU 6/2011), among other things, gave new rights attached to all ITAP issued for family reunion, be they issued prior or posterior to May 2011. Just this.
Prior to May 2011, the validity and time limit of ITAS and ITAP were only slightly different than posterior to UU 6/2011, and this a lot of persons seem to have forgotten or perhaps simply ignore it.

With UU 9/1992 and the Peraturan Pemerintah implementing it an ITAS was valid for one year and LIMITED to 5 extensions.
An ITAP was valid for 5 years but already also "un-limited" since neither the UU nor the PP had set a maximum amount of perpanjangan/extensions. However, the lack of proper implementing regulations was making the ITAP a privilege only attained by few. But it was un-limited. Basically you could have cumulated ITAP after ITAP till you die.
Prior to 2011, the real difference is that it was as clear as mud for almost all potential applicant and a huge majority of Immigration officers of who was entitled to what and how to process their permits.

In 2007 (prior to 2007 for memory those married to an Indonesian female spouse had no residency right) for my first ITAS sponsored by my wife I had to research in Jakarta all laws, PP, Permen, Imigrasi guidelines, dll then bring them back to my kanim, insisting (a huge euphemism) to get the things verified and done. Honestly I have loved this time. Anything you were achieving was triggering a proper celebration. :D
After 2011 all became much, much easier. Before 2011 you had to be particularly resilient due to the amount of frustrations you had to face to get your rights respected.

UU 6/2011 was not that revolutionary in the sense that it didn't created an un-limited ITAP as some seem to think.
It's just that the publicity made around it, and the opacity surrounding the previous UU 9/1992 which had many believing the "myth" of a new unlimited ITAP vs one which would be an old one with a limit. Also the fact that Immigrants often hear what they want to hear or want to believe.

However, UU 6/2011, in my point of few, revolutionized the MINDSET of Immigration officer toward those of us married to an Indonesian spouse, and clarified drastically the procedures. Also it came with "intensive" socialization and better training of officers. This is where it has been truly revolutionary.

Back in 2011 I remember many discussions with foreigners saying how nice UU 6/2011 was because it was allowing foreign spouse to get an ITAP and an "unlimited ITAP" on top of that, blablabla. No one really tried to understand the meaning of "un-limited", or even if it was true or a novelty.

The difference in the procedure pre-2011 and post 2011 is the fact that you now only need to "report" (I love that word and it always bring me a smile because it is another BS since it's basically the very same procedure than for an ITAP extensions before 2011 and the extensions of your first ITAP) and that it's "free" (well, the report/extension is free but the MERP isn't and is mandatory). But not much else. Oh no, it's also much more expensive for the ITAP which perhaps explains why vocabulary around this ITAP is now sugar coated with layers of "unlimited" and "free" :LOL: . For reference I paid my ITAP 3.000.000 and ITAP extensions were at the time Rp 2.000.000 (extensions were cheaper than 1st ITAP) and a 2 years MERP was 1.750.000.

My first "report" was super smooth but it's more due to the fact that the competence and knowledge of Immigration officers has drastically increased since my first ITAP extension or alih status ITAS menjadi ITAP than by a change of procedures to be honest.
Also perhaps the fact that I am ageing and that people here have consideration for elders, even if I am only in my 50's.
Just want to add the most obvious difference (to me anyway after it was explained to me...) between the limited and 'unlimited' KITAP is.. the limited has date of expiry written on it, while the unlimited KITAP has date to report instead.
I think 'unlimited' means you don't ever have to pay for it again. You have to report every 5 years (the reporting procedure is very easy and only takes four working days), and of course you could always be deported if you broke the law, but you never have to pay for an actual kitap again.
For the MERP, it seems that there is now (starting this month) an unlimited option where you pay 8 million rupiah and will never have to pay for it again. It would be interesting to hear from somebody if this is actually how it works.
I think 'unlimited' means you don't ever have to pay for it again. You have to report every 5 years (the reporting procedure is very easy and only takes four working days), and of course you could always be deported if you broke the law, but you never have to pay for an actual kitap again.
For the MERP, it seems that there is now (starting this month) an unlimited option where you pay 8 million rupiah and will never have to pay for it again. It would be interesting to hear from somebody if this is actually how it works.
I know people that already have paid for 5-year MERP, so unlimited has to work as well.
I know people that already have paid for 5-year MERP, so unlimited has to work as well.
This is so interesting and confusing. It seems that at one moment there is an unlimited Kitap visa, but you still have to pay for the MERP, then someone says there is an unlimited MERP for 8 million. As long as the government can keep taking People's money, they aren't going to stop!
It is such a money game. You pay for the MERP, then probably you pay for a exit tax, then probably you have to pay for an entry fee, and so on And on it goes. Like water down the drain!
Who knows in the future, the rules can change again, and they will say people have to pay again and again. Or they will say all Bules have to leave! But if we really want to stay, we can if we pay a small fortune, or deposit thousands of dollars in a bank, and not be able to touch it! Cookoo! Cookoo!
It's like watching the Circus! Enjoy your popcorn!
This is so interesting and confusing. It seems that at one moment there is an unlimited Kitap visa, but you still have to pay for the MERP, then someone says there is an unlimited MERP for 8 million. As long as the government can keep taking People's money, they aren't going to stop!
It is such a money game. You pay for the MERP, then probably you pay for a exit tax, then probably you have to pay for an entry fee, and so on And on it goes. Like water down the drain!
Who knows in the future, the rules can change again, and they will say people have to pay again and again. Or they will say all Bules have to leave! But if we really want to stay, we can if we pay a small fortune, or deposit thousands of dollars in a bank, and not be able to touch it! Cookoo! Cookoo!
It's like watching the Circus! Enjoy your popcorn!
Common practice in most countries. Living in a foreign county is not a right but gift you are given by your hosts. Money can definitely be part of that arrangement. Can you imagine showing up at someone's house in the US and then you just start living with them without their permission. It is basically the same. If the host gets tired of you for whatever reason, they can tell you leave at anytime and that is the end of the story. A lot of people would be thankful to have the means to be living in a foreign country. Count the blessings you have.
Common practice in most countries. Living in a foreign county is not a right but gift you are given by your hosts. Money can definitely be part of that arrangement. Can you imagine showing up at someone's house in the US and then you just start living with them without their permission. It is basically the same. If the host gets tired of you for whatever reason, they can tell you leave at anytime and that is the end of the story. A lot of people would be thankful to have the means to be living in a foreign country. Count the blessings you have.
No it's not basically the same thing. We are discussing border issues. Visa's, entrance and exit fees. Even in this country, you cannot just show up at someone's house and expect to live, without their permission. That is universal.
No it's not basically the same thing. We are discussing border issues. Visa's, entrance and exit fees. Even in this country, you cannot just show up at someone's house and expect to live, without their permission. That is universal.
I know it's not the same thing but it gets the point across that living in a foreign country is not a right. Some people see it that way and I have had to use this example before explaining it in simple term. If it doesn't apply to you, then disregard.
The constant tinkering with regulations are certainly annoying and frustrating but I am always mindful of the millions of desperate refugees around the world stuck in miserable conditions and without the required paper work. Imagine the sense of panic in those long lines of people trudging through central America and Mexico and now hearing that the US border is to be shut tight and Mexico's government saying that non citizens pushed back from the US will have to leave Mexico. No doubt here are many Chinese who flew to Belize and are on that long trek hoping they would slip across the border into the US.
Just want to add the most obvious difference (to me anyway after it was explained to me...) between the limited and 'unlimited' KITAP is.. the limited has date of expiry written on it, while the unlimited KITAP has date to report instead.

Yes, indeed. 5-year KITAP has "date of expiry" while Unlimited KITAP has "date of report".

"Date of Expiry" means you have to renew before expiry while "Date of Report" simply means you have to report by that date. Renewal means there's fee to renew it, while report can be free of charge. I think the OP was concerned about the cost of renewal after ten years.

Now, what year or when did this KITAP with "date of report" first came out?
If you're considering an "unlimited" kitap, i suggest giving a good long hard look at naturalization. I remember thinking once i had KITAP it would be the end of a lot of problems one has with these visas.

If not, then you'll forever be bound to the ever changing visa and immigration policies.

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