Today's menu:

The M&S food prices here are ridiculously prohibitive- so I make very good use of their sale rail, I have had some great bargains. I still baulk at paying the equivalent of 1 gbp for a can of soup, but it beats their usual average of around 3+ gbp.
In HKG prices were OK, import duties are very low.
Close to nill on wines, which allowed them to become one of the biggest wine hubs in the world.
A premiere today, chicken in creamy paprika sauce.
Tomato, paprika, chili, onion, cream, white wine


Taste turned out perfect, a nice balance between the wine, the paprika and the sweetness of the cream.


Pork blanquette tonight



The pork and the sauce were very nice, but the fettucine ...I overcooked them. I like all pasta "al dente", and this was way beyond that. 😡😡😡
Prepared some chicken curry today , to eat tomorrow. It's the kind of dish that taste even better when reheated....

The ingredients :

First a little frying to give it some colors


Next, a slow cooking

Just for fun & to stop derailing the thread that was nothing at all to do with food & because eating out is never quite the same as home cooked food...
Today's menu here at my place is:
Breakfast: Scot's porridge/ homemade berry yoghurt
Lunch: Jacket potatoes- various toppings: cheese & chive/spicy tuna /just good old salty butter.
Butternut squash roast in olive oil & seasoned with turmeric & paprika
Dinner: yet to be decided but likely pizza
edit- I forgot to mention the green beans- we have a bit of a glut in the garden, so nice, fresh organic beans too
What's on your menu ?
Breakfast: Bread, Egg, and chicken sausage.
Lunch: Chilly chicken, Rice, eggplant, and salad
Dinner: Not yet decided.

Happy Eating..
Looked nice to me!! Hey when in Rome...or Bali...use Balinese wines (thumbs up)...for cooking only or do you drink it too?
For cooking only, the stuff is barely drinkable.
The Pinot Noir used to be OK, but not available anymore, so I switched to Shiraz, but I can't drink more than 2 glasses of it.
So, the Miss was very happy with her curry a few days ago and wanted to do it again today. Now for me curry twice a month is OK, but twice a week is a bit much...
So we found a compromise, instead of chicken curry it would be beef curry...😁😁😁


And that's me done with my rice quota for this month !
Tonight's feast is without picture (mainly because I am rubbish at loading pics... ) but I am sure you can conjure it up in your mind...
Granary bread spread with cream cheese, a mini mountain of cherry tomatoes, a baby pineapple chopped up, chunks of cheddar, a slice of watermelon and a few strips of cold/crispy cooked bacon.
My tropical version of a Ploughman's and it is delicious.
Back from Carrefour bakery. The only section that is still a bit alive in there.

Proper baguette, and proper ingredients for a sandwich.

The finished product

And some "brioches" for tomorrow's breakfast. Made to order. Baker is French and about the best around here.
Escalope milanaise prepared with mustard and breadcrumbs, contrary to the classic flour / egg / breadcrumbs.

Spaghetti aglio e olio, cooked in olive oil and garlic, added some yellow and red bellpepper and red chili.

With a paprika sauce. (Onion, white wine, chicken broth, tomatoes, paprika, chili flakes, cream)


Spicy chicken in the oven

Garlic, parsley, thyme, salt, pepper, paprika, curcuma, ginger, chili flakes. Mixed with a bit of olive oil, and marinate the chicken in the mix for a few hours.



We had it with the leftovers of the oil and garlic spaghetti, to which we added a bit of mushroom


fresh from air fryer. A bit dry but still much better than most of croissant in Jakarta or Bali.
Our lunch, Nigerian food, peppered chicken with white rice and plantain. Very hot and spicy.

peppered chicken_800x633.jpg

rice and plantain_copy_800x600.jpg

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