Different times and quite long time ago, during the cold war.
In Wikileaks we can see that Indonesia is pretty irrelevant these days for the CIA and rarely mentioned . Ascencion of China could change this though, and need for buffer states in the region (Indonesia is on of the last neutral bufffer states remaining in the world).
I disagree.
The CIA (Using the NED, IRI, USAID, and others) tried to interfere with the last election and are still active in a large number of Indonesian groups.
They failed and their man lost all credibility with pretty much everyone.
However, if you read a few press outlets that are involved with the above, the anti-government stories are there.
One came up about air con units being scarce due to government regulations - That was an out and out lie. Only three outlets printed that story whilst the rest gave it the attention it deserved - None because it was a lie.
The truth is the industry was opposed to the regulations and suggested they might cause supply difficulties - Not there were shortages.
Chinese investment in Indonesia is extremely high and, more importantly, Chinese companies have pretty much bought up Indonesia's nickel reserves.
Let's move to BRICS. Indonesia is a major player in ASEAN and is pushing to dump the US Dollar. That will have an impact on the US domestic economy sooner or later.
Add Indonesia's position on out little blue ball, and control of Indonesia means control (or blockade) of China's oil imports, and most of that country's exports.
In other words, Indonesia is central to US foreign policy in the region.