I understand that you could get free medication with BPJS especially those which is included on the list
Does anyone know whether BPJS cover "sildenafil", PrEP ??
Some bule need them if they go to Travel, Classic, KC, KI etc. For "Japanese Singaporean, Hong Kong bule apek apek "Little Tokyo" in blok M :
In developed countries, people could get them for free from a gum clinic, and they do it for health and economic reasons. It does not make sense for some but that it is real ...
Apakah Ada Obat-obatan yang Tidak Ditanggung BPJS Kesehatan?
Ardi mengatakan bahwa BPJS Kesehatan menanggung semua obat-obatan yang termasuk dalam pembiayaan peserta JKN.
Does anyone know whether BPJS cover "sildenafil", PrEP ??
Some bule need them if they go to Travel, Classic, KC, KI etc. For "Japanese Singaporean, Hong Kong bule apek apek "Little Tokyo" in blok M :
In developed countries, people could get them for free from a gum clinic, and they do it for health and economic reasons. It does not make sense for some but that it is real ...