Baru selesai di renovasi (the renovation has just finished)
Terbuka untuk negosiasi apa saja (open for any negotiation)
Terbuka untuk warga asing (open for expat)
Tanpa furniture (unfurnished)
300 meter dari gerbang tol Jelupang (300 metre from highway gate Jelupang)
Informasi spesifikasi...
Type of Property : House
Location : Cluster Faraday, Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang
Suburb : Tangerang Selatan
City : Banten
Region : Jawa
Total Building Area : 114 m2
Total Land Area :105 m2
Bedrooms : 3
Maid Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 3
Maid Bathrooms : 1
Furnishing : Furnished by request (Will...
Hi All,
We have been living in Surabaya for almost a year, come July (2019), and are being relocated to Serpong.
Where is the best location to live? (subjective I know)
We will be re-locating with our dog therefore we need a house with a back garden.
We need some advice from you all so I...
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