
  1. A

    Work as Secondment in Indonesia

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to find an easy way to make income and living here in Indonesia without the work permit dilemma and long process. If I'm a director/shareholder in PT-PMA (lets call it X1) and have my own kitas/kitap, is it possible to work in another organization (lets call it X2)...
  2. M

    Dividing land into several plots

    Hi, my wife and I are looking for land and already visited some places. Sometimes the land appeared to be much bigger than we needed. When mentioning this, the seller said we could easily divide the land into smaller plots later, in order to try to find another buyer for the 'spare' land that...
  3. jstar

    KPK... a new person in the pillory.

    Or cucking stool if you will. One of the last cases is realy hysterical: The regent of Banyuasin in South Sumatra (a regency is the level below a province), Yan Anton Ferdinan, got arrested. The timing was impeccable; right after a 'party' at his house in which he invited people to say goodbye...
  4. D

    So you Overstayed! Now what?

    First of all don't panic, and read on! When talking about the consequences of an overstay, the applicable law is UU no 6/2011 (Immigration Law). Please note that in this article the definition of overstay is the act of exceeding the allowed number of days within Indonesia as stipulated by your...

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