Recent content by rabbit_39

  1. rabbit_39

    CIA Front Group Preparing A "Color Revolution" In Indonesia?

    I'd argue the opposite. Indonesian corporations often value human lives (even ones from their own country) far less than US corporations.
  2. rabbit_39

    Indonesia Delays $20 Billion Climate Plan

    Jakarta air pollution - adopt the latest emission standards for vehicles and actually implement vehicle emissions checks. No need to rush EVs which are charged through coal fired power plants anyway in Java.
  3. rabbit_39

    Tailor recommendations

    Hariom for what you need for new ones, Wong Hang is nice (generational tailor)
  4. rabbit_39

    Customs Officials in KPK Crosshairs

    Your interpretation is not quite correct. For companies, these are the expenses that can be deducted from the taxable income therefore reducing the amount of corporate taxes it has to pay. However for individuals, the individual income tax (PPh 21) will tax all income. While the company is...
  5. rabbit_39

    Michelin in Bali? ⭐️⭐️ to be exact
  6. rabbit_39

    Customs Officials in KPK Crosshairs

    So 20 days to negotiate the guilt of the couple? :D
  7. rabbit_39

    Indonesia set to introduce strict new law banning sex outside of marriage

    To add to this, no one would admit they are against the loud mosque noises because people have gone to jail for it. even saying it in a private conversation (not in a public forum).
  8. rabbit_39

    Indonesia set to introduce strict new law banning sex outside of marriage

    What about tourists who have a short-term Indonesian girlfriend (or boyfriend) or even a one night stand with an Indonesian (or even prior to the act being executed) and have the "parent" or "child" barge in the room and demanding money from the tourist or they'd get turned in to the cops?
  9. rabbit_39

    Bring back masculinity

    Aren't we all unique in our own ways? And in that sense, abnormal? left handad, not normal. need glasses, handicapped.
  10. rabbit_39

    Banking question for Indonesian citizens overseas...

    What about using Wise's physical card? I have one for my business wise account. but have not used it yet in Indonesia.
  11. rabbit_39

    Punishment for women who don't want to wear jilbab “We have indeed created humankind in the best of molds.” Quran 95:4 (Surat At-Tin, The Fig) “The work of Allah who has perfected everything (He created). Qur’an 27:88 (An-Naml, The Ant) “He is the One Who has made perfectly...
  12. rabbit_39

    Punishment for women who don't want to wear jilbab

    I know plenty of people who claim to be Muslim who eat pork, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, lie, cheat, steal, don't fast, etc. Religion is a personal belief, and one chose to follow the religion based on one's interpretation or that which is forced upon him/her by others.
  13. rabbit_39

    Punishment for women who don't want to wear jilbab

    But we're talking about Indonesia right? It's not an Islamic state/country. Islam as a religion is practiced differently globally (just like Christianity). Would good people who happen to have the Muslim faith but do not adhere to the dress codes go to hell? Who really knows? Why don't we...
  14. rabbit_39

    So Much For Police Protection For Christmas

    Well, many of the locals don't have either of those choices. They can't accept it as it affects their faith and the practice of their faith, and they can't afford to move out. What to do then?
  15. rabbit_39

    Punishment for women who don't want to wear jilbab

    Both situations exist and they're not black and white. There's a spectrum. Some do it 100% voluntarily because they believe and have strong faith (at least in the wearing of hijab even if not in other parts of their lives). On the opposite end, some who do not want to wear it but are "forced"...

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