Prime Rib Enquiry

It would be far more interesting if the topic was Chateaubriand. Is it a roast as the French refer to it because of how it is prepared or is it a Steak how the Italians see it because of how they feel it should be prepared.

It has 2 names. French being Chateaubriand and Italian being Delmonico. The exact same cut of beef can be used for both or they can use other cuts which are interchangeable. Can be taken from the center of the tenderloin or center of the short loin for either. French roast it, Italians grill and baste in butter or braise in butter. Restaurants like to call them Chateaubriand but they prepare them more in the Italian style. You can charge more for a Chateaubriand than you can for a Delmonico steak even though the exact same cut of meat.

My preference is grilled served with Hollandaise sauce.
You planning a barbecue any time soon?
You planning a barbecue any time soon?
I BBQ and smoke various items quite often quite often. With this covid stuff, primarily my wife and I. I mean, if you like to eat these types of things, you sure can not find them locally so you just have to do yourself. Of course, one can't afford this stuff all the time nor want to always take the time preparing it so wife still has the Curry, Rendang, and various other dish duties. I actually have to go to Jakarta for a Cub Roll (Rib Roast) and bring it back in my carry on. Freaking security constantly wants to see it and examine the package. Scanners probably think it's some body part or something.
The word Prime is pretty much a misnomer. US Meat graded Prime is less than 1% of graded beef. Pretty much all goes to the very high end restaurants who can recover the high price due to spending so much time in the feed lot to produce. There are some ungraded cuts equal to graded Prime but still, very high priced. Better restaurants normally go with a Choice grade but some will go even lower.

If in the US, may I suggest going to the butcher and ordering a standing rib roast. You want to request an OP 109. 7 Ribs from 6 to 12th. The cap muscle that lies under the fat cap is removed and the fat cap placed back on. Short ribs, back strap, and blade bones are removed. Roast it then tied. This is the standard cut in any grade for Restaurants that specialize in Standing Rib Roast. Sometimes a butcher will cut the bones loose and tie back on so you have a boneless standing rib roast and a nice rack of beef ribs when finished. This would be a OP 110
1% is showing your age. I hate to admit, I know that too. It is now 3%. Breeding has come a long way. I have purchased a full 7 bone primal myself and dry aged it. I am a little obsessive myself. It can be a little difficult picking meat out at the pasar for bakso, but good in its own way. :D
I BBQ and smoke various items quite often quite often. With this covid stuff, primarily my wife and I. I mean, if you like to eat these types of things, you sure can not find them locally so you just have to do yourself. Of course, one can't afford this stuff all the time nor want to always take the time preparing it so wife still has the Curry, Rendang, and various other dish duties. I actually have to go to Jakarta for a Cub Roll (Rib Roast) and bring it back in my carry on. Freaking security constantly wants to see it and examine the package. Scanners probably think it's some body part or something.
I was kidding about inviting myself to your table, but I will happily impose upon you for some information about smoking.

What local woods have you used that have a nice flavor? Any particular methods for those woods that I need to know (like soaking)?

Is there any reason why I shouldn't just weld together my own barrel shaped monstrosity from zink alum?

I'll be starting with whole chickens.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't just weld together my own barrel shaped monstrosity from zink alum?
Yes zinc is bad for you under high heat. Aluminum is reactive and has a lower melting point than stainless steel. Although many a smoker has been built out of 55 gallon drums, be very careful about what the drums used to contain. Short message: be careful with making smokers and/or grill out of scrap materials or non food safe materials.
Speaking of high grade beef, does anyone know about any Indonesian grading system or source of high quality Indonesian beef? Almost all high quality seems to be from Aus, USA, or Japan. IIRC, fastpitch, you are in Bandung and have to go to Jakarta to get something of quality? Is the train security the one's giving you extra scrutiny?
Perhaps my steak credentials are limited. I love prime ribeyes, and used to get a big one at Ruth’s Chris for my birthday in my 30’s.

Prime Rib is fine, but never had the taste of a grilled ribeye.

These days, I rarely buy any high end meats at home, in the US. I’ll buy a few $2-3 a pound Choice chuck roast (3-4 pounds), sous vide them for 30-34 hours. Then flash sear them. Super tender meat, with very good flavor.
I was kidding about inviting myself to your table, but I will happily impose upon you for some information about smoking.

What local woods have you used that have a nice flavor? Any particular methods for those woods that I need to know (like soaking)?

Is there any reason why I shouldn't just weld together my own barrel shaped monstrosity from zink alum?

I'll be starting with whole chickens.
Yeah, stay away from the zink. I have used Teak, Rambutan, Mango, and Guava woods. Guava being the sweetest and teak being somewhat harsh. I also use US hickory and apple chips when I can find them at a decent price. I like guava but last bakon was done with just mango and it came out very nicely. You would need to soak Rambutan and teak. Length of time depends on the size you use. Mango and guava are best fresh with natural moisturiser still in them. Otherwise they too will need to have some moisture added to them. Locals and commercial companies doing smoking normally go with rambutan. I find that it a lone is too mild. There is a company in Hawaii doing lage BBQ catering that swears by a combination of dry teak and guava to sweeten it.

You know, a kettle type BBQ grill does work really well using indirect heat. A barrel will need a cleaning and total burnout before you can even start to modify it to what you want.
Hope this all answered your question.
Speaking of high grade beef, does anyone know about any Indonesian grading system or source of high quality Indonesian beef? Almost all high quality seems to be from Aus, USA, or Japan. IIRC, fastpitch, you are in Bandung and have to go to Jakarta to get something of quality? Is the train security the one's giving you extra scrutiny?
I know of no Indonesian grading system and doubt you will ever see one. Indonesian laws stipulate when the cattle you brought in need to be sold. If you say hey, I am going to feedlot these and put out some nicer meat, the government will fine you for going past time. The only cattle you are supposed to keep are those brought in for breeding purposes only. They suck at that. There are some people who do operate some feedlots but only to get some weight back on the carcass before sending to market that it lost in transport from outside Indonesia. I once wrote to the Agriculture Minister here after he started talking about all the corn they had in surplus. It was the same time the President was harping on being self sufficient everywhere. I suggested he look into using the corn to produce better beef through feedlot programs. He decided that if there is any surplus, it needs to be exported.

If I were in Bandung I am sure I could get about anything I wished. I am not. I am in Bandar Lampung and it is the Airport security that are overly curious. Arrival, not departure from Jakarta.
1% is showing your age. I hate to admit, I know that too. It is now 3%. Breeding has come a long way. I have purchased a full 7 bone primal myself and dry aged it. I am a little obsessive myself. It can be a little difficult picking meat out at the pasar for bakso, but good in its own way. :D
My age tells me what is Prime so when the USDA lowered their grading standards I think in the late 70s, Prime percentages went up. So, I still look at 1% being what I consider Prime. Some that was higher end choice is now graded Prime.
My age tells me what is Prime so when the USDA lowered their grading standards I think in the late 70s, Prime percentages went up. So, I still look at 1% being what I consider Prime. Some that was higher end choice is now graded Prime.

I was refering to the more recent boom in production, not a change in grading.

For years, scripture in the food industry was that Prime beef represented less than 2% of all graded beef in this country, a stat frequently touted to prove its exclusivity, and lots of sources today still quote 1.5 to 2%. Except that's not true anymore, as the amount of beef graded Prime has grown dramatically in recent years. The real number is now 3 to 3.5%—which doesn't sound like a lot, but it represents a roughly 100% increase in the past decade.
"Part of that is better genetics, ranchers doing a better job and raising animals with better marbling. We're seeing better grading across the board, more Prime, more Choice, less low-quality beef.

Thank you for the information about the Indonesian system. I now have a direction to do a lot more research. I remember when Indonesia lost the case in the International trade court for having limiting quotas of beef imports from Australian and the United States. I have been meaning to look up what the penalty amount was. It was being sued for $500,000,000.

I would never have assumed Teak would be good for smoking. It is considered an outdoor preserved wood with high amounts of oils. In my mind, I look at it like other rot resistant woods, like black locust, and think it would make a poor quality smoke.

I am sorry that I didn't remember your location correctly.
Mango and guava are best fresh with natural moisturiser still in them.
I can just cut a branch straight off my mango tree (which does need a bit of shaping), remove the bark, and toss it on the charcoal?

I'm looking at a cheap kettle grill for which I will improvise a heat shield so as to have indirect heat.
I can just cut a branch straight off my mango tree (which does need a bit of shaping), remove the bark, and toss it on the charcoal?

I'm looking at a cheap kettle grill for which I will improvise a heat shield so as to have indirect heat.
Yep, fresh is good. You will probably be swearing at me when your gands start getting covered with the sap. Nasty stuff.
You can get indirect heat just by placing your heat source on the opposite side of what you are smoking.
Suggestion. Anyone that is thinking of any serious smoking, look at the used (junk) appliance sellers who normally have stuff piked up outside. See if you can find a small refrigerator that has a metal cabinate. Strip out the insides and insulation and you have the start of a nice smoker. DIY instructions are out there for it. Midify it so you can gang meat for smoking.
Just remember, meat isn't the only thing that can be smoked. Smoked potatoes are great as well as smoked eggs. Smoked cheese is always good but you need to cold smoke unless you plan on scraping it iff tge bottom later.
Just remember, meat isn't the only thing that can be smoked. Smoked potatoes are great as well as smoked eggs. Smoked cheese is always good but you need to cold smoke unless you plan on scraping it iff tge bottom later.
Having just eaten dinner I suddenly find myself famished. I really, really, want to try a smoked egg. Yum!

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