Mixed Marriage UK -ID help

We were married in the US and never had to produce one when getting a KITAP. Then again, maybe it's because the US Embassy will not issue one as I understand from others who have tried.
I got a certificate of no impediment from the US Embassy. I don’t recall if it was in Jakarta or Bangkok, though. We got married in Bangkok, as we were different religions over a decade ago.
Translation I will do do in Indonesia, I just need to know if my birth certificate needs to be apostilled here in the United Kingdom "Before" I bring it to Indonesia, or can they just use it as Normal, I've asked lawyers I've asked both Embassy's I've asked family and nobody's can just say yes or no
Given the uncertainty I'd err on the side of apostilling it. Since the UK consulate can't do it - you'll have to do it in Milton Keynes - might as well do it before coming to Indonesia, right?

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