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Jul 16, 2016
any alternatives- 'cos I feel like some overexposed penis...

I have suggestions-
Mad old Cow
Wicked Witch of the West
Buxom of Bandung
Baddest of the Bad
Wise Sage
All Knowing & Eloquent ...

anyone else?
It is called Bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE because the name Mad Cow was already taken :tongue:

How about Ibu abu-abu? It has a kind of cadence to it. But may not be good after a few gin and tonics?

Or the Wicked Witch of The East

Even comes with its own avatar/

I see you are an active member Willy... lucky you ;)

Well known poster- hmmm the girl with her tennis frock on & a hand on her knickers... Mr Chad... Your country needs you... dll
Here's another well known "poster"? Too cheeky?

I dunno...how would you like it if nothing mattered about you except the size of your dick, and no one took you seriously if it were small (or large, for that matter)?

You tell me.
Mine's always been big enough for me. Anythings based purely on looks or.. won't last.
My ex wife wanted to call my son Richard, I refused point blank, we don't want too many Dicks I said.
When I was at BA we had a bloke called Richard Head, I don't think his parents had really thought his name out and the ensuing consequences
ooh I get it now- my first thought was about pissing in a sink... :D
Do AM have sinks in them ?

On a serious note I would love to twat the AM ad team for such a vile sexist P O S ad. & They are now off my bucket list....
In fact IF I see one, I will key it.
Probably is a hot TG having a whizz... more I think about it more it makes sense of the pic... can't imagine any other reason for that pose
Probably is a hot TG having a whizz... more I think about it more it makes sense of the pic... can't imagine any other reason for that pose

Could be making a pot of tea, or something

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