... in Indonesia, even if you have been married for years and living in the country, you cannot work without obtaining a work permit ... the most important point here this is not just personal interpretation, but it has been confirmed by the Minister of Manpower and immigration through reports ...
I just finished reading the link you mentioned in post 25 above and didn't see any post that 100% confirms what you wrote in post no.20 and repeated here : "...
cannot work without obtaining a work permit."
... Working informal helping your spouse managing 'warung' without getting paid, is not the same with formally working like in national or multi national companies ...
Yes , is not the same . But in both cases the foreigner is working , when informally , the foreigner does not need a work permit (as mentioned in the article below) .
Note : "foreigner" mentioned in this post is "foreigner married to Indonesian holding KITAS or KITAP"
http://percaindonesia.com/catatan-so...-7-maret-2015/ - discussion between 1 Manpower officer & 1 Immigration officer and Perca/Indonesian Mixed Marriage Organization)
Poster's Notes :
- Below is a free translation of the article
- The link to the article is not working/the article is not there anymore , I don't know why . People interested to confirm the above article please contact PERCA at https://www.percaindonesia.com/kontak/
A) Holders of KITAS/KITAP sponsored by Indonesian spouse are allowed to work in a company ... having a work permit .
B) Foreigner workers cannot work in two different places (the same profession or different) EXCEPT investor director / commissioner of PMA (If one works in three places , 3 work permits are required .
C) If the activities of the foreign worker are in more than 1 place / province then he/she must have inter-provincial work permit .
D) Case: Foreigner of a mixed marriage with cuisine chef background want to open a small café, with a small seating area is classified as a small business and does not require a work permit . When this business grows crowded and large, than it is necessary to have operating permits from the relevant authorities . When the businesses becomes a legal entity, then this foreign worker must have a work permit .
E) Case: Foreign of a mixed marriage is already retired. Enters Indonesia with VOA and becomes an investor in a hotel in Bali. Once in a while he does work behind the scenes such as checks on the financial control department. With such conditions, it means the foreigner has been conducting work in Indonesia and must have KITAS and work permit , because even not all the time he/she is working .
F) A foreigner in a mixed marriage with KITAS sponsored by the Indonesian spouse . Working from home and having online business . Does not have an office and legal business such as PT or PMA . Because this foreigner is conducting work even though he only works online so this foreigner must have a work permit . This foreigner also cannot sign work contracts in Indonesia on behalf of himself/herself .
G) A foreigner who works and own business as an acupuncturist, must obtain an official recommendation from the local health office before doing business and work activities. If already have a recommendation from the relevant authorities, the foreign must have a work permit to be able to work in Indonesia .
H) A foreigner holder of KITAS/KITAP sponsored by spouse is allowed to work in Indonesia. The need of a work permit is to be seen from what the job is , workings for a legal entity or not, small or large business .
Although the Immigration Law no. 6 of 2011 Article 61 states that the holder of a KITAS/KITAP can work and/or do business to make ends meet for him/her and/ for his/her family, the foreigner still has to refer back to the Labour Law no.13 year 2003 and Labour Regulations , which essentially means that a foreign worker in a mixed marriage is allowed to work without a work permit if in the informal sector, freelance or in a small family business which is not a legal entity. When working in a legal entity then the foreigner MUST have a work permit.]