Yes, it means all people with high melamine are vitamine D defficent in most of cases.Their bodies and skin were made for prolonged exposure on the sun, and if they are outside for many hours, they get their vitamin D doses. However, due to modern life and staing too much in officess and confined spaces (as in Indonesia), or are fully covered from cultural/religious reasons, or living in countries above the equator(where theri is autumn/winter and not enough sun exposure), they cannot absorb the vitamin D effectively. Lighter skinned people synthetize vitamin D more fast, but as mentioned declines with age. Above 40 you should check your vitamin D levels and start supplementing accordingly.
At age of 84 you shoud check your vitamin D levels and they are for sure bellow any acceptable levels. If you hav Indonesian spouse, her levels will be in the bottom. These tests are not done often as the test itself is expensive (several hundreds of thousands Rp). The best vitamin D is in form of claciferol D3.