Vina: Before 7 Days. Justice from beyond the grave. Incompetent or Covering up ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2022
Currently, this case is receiving a lot of attention in Indonesian media and social media since the release of the movie.

It was based on a true story that happened on August 27, 2016, but it has resurfaced due to the movie's launch in May 2024.

Here are some relevant links:

I believe the title "Justice from Beyond the Grave" as described by The Sun is more fitting:

Kompas and Republika detailed the strange circumstances of the case here:
"Vina dan Eki dilaporkan menabrak tiang listrik dan trotoar di jembatan flyover yang berada di lajur arah Majasem, Kota Cirebon, menuju Sumber Kabupaten Cirebon." Vina and Eki were reported to have hit a power pole and sidewalk on the flyover bridge in the lane towards Majasem, Cirebon City, heading to Sumber, Cirebon Regency."

"Reza mengakui, laporan awal menyebutkan Vina dan Eky meninggal akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas pada 27 Agustus 2016. Namun, selang beberapa hari kemudian, kedua remaja yang berusia 16 tahun itu dinyatakan menjadi korban pembunuhan." "Reza admitted that initial reports stated that Vina and Eky died as a result of a traffic accident on August 27 2016. However, a few days later, the two 16 year old teenagers were declared murder victims."

While it was initial reported that Vina and Eky died as a result of a traffic accident on August 27 2016. It was later reported that the deaths were due to brutal murder and ill-treatment. Since then, the police have allegedly arrested and detained several wrong people. One person was even released after a pre-trial.

It's baffling how any police force on this earth could fail to distinguish between a death caused by brutal murder, raped and one resulting from a traffic accident hitting a power pole and sidewalk. There are only two possibilities here: the officers who investigated the case were incompetent or they are covering up something significant. This is just one of the strange things discovered in the investigations.


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