This is how one of the wealthiest families on earth, multi-billionaires, compensate their servants


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2022
UK's richest family convicted of exploiting servants

One of the privileges of living in Indonesia is that middle-class earners can afford to have their own servants, nannies, drivers.
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Unfortunately there is a long established practice with many Indian families of treating servants like slaves. Incredibly long hours, minimal pay if any and often physically abused. Not, of course, an exclusively Indian tradition.
there is a long established practice with many Indian families of treating servants like slaves
Not only in families ...
In most of the companies here in Indonesia, employees are treated like slaves and get low wages.
Just ask the employees in e.g. the chain restaurants, mega gyms, hotels ...

So, if you want to become a multi-millionaire (in US dollars) ... just start a business here.
Not only in families ...
In most of the companies here in Indonesia, employees are treated like slaves and get low wages.
Just ask the employees in e.g. the chain restaurants, mega gyms, hotels ...

So, if you want to become a multi-millionaire (in US dollars) ... just start a business here.
Never mind, Prabowo has said his main focus will be the poor so he will soon fix exerything.
Unfortunately there is a long established practice with many Indian families of treating servants like slaves. Incredibly long hours, minimal pay if any and often physically abused. Not, of course, an exclusively Indian tradition.
Agreed, a majority of Indians have a horrible behaviour with "servants"...
Waitresses, staff, air hostess...

Chinese are a bit better, not much. Having for years been in contact with several domestic helpers (Indo or Philipinas) in HKG I have heard my share of horror stories.

And don't start me on the Middle East.....
My daughter carried and won a case for illegal migrants in the UK who were being held as slaves. Around the world there are plenty of employers prepared to ill use vulnerable people and treat them as virtual slaves. An awful lot of cases involving backpackers in Australia working in the primary produce areas.
Iam waiting for Shadrach and his speech 😉

This is the world we live in and at least in its current state it's beyond saving. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do good and not to be an a-hole but I don't see how it will end well in the next few decades.
Iam waiting for Shadrach and his speech 😉

This is the world we live in and at least in its current state it's beyond saving. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do good and not to be an a-hole but I don't see how it will end well in the next few decades.
Ouch! That is an unnecessary remark, about what I have to say! I think everyone else said their thoughts, quite appropriately!
If you live in a Glass House, Don't throw Stones!
People are worried about their jobs, they're worried about their wages. They feel like they don't have a voice in deciding anything that pertains to them, politically or economically. People are asking "How can we make our voices heard?". Most people now have severe doubts about the system. They think the system is rigged. Is the system working for most people? Or is it working for a small group, becoming smaller and smaller at the top? People don't know exactly how it is rigged ... "An economy that has become immoral ... not designed to include everyone in a fair way".

Sounds familiar? These are the words of Robert B. Reich in the Netflix docu "Saving Capitalism".
That whole docu is about Americans .... but replace "Americans" by "Indonesians" and everything said, is also true for Indonesia.
People are worried about their jobs, they're worried about their wages. They feel like they don't have a voice in deciding anything that pertains to them, politically or economically. People are asking "How can we make our voices heard?". Most people now have severe doubts about the system. They think the system is rigged. Is the system working for most people? Or is it working for a small group, becoming smaller and smaller at the top? People don't know exactly how it is rigged ... "An economy that has become immoral ... not designed to include everyone in a fair way".

Sounds familiar? These are the words of Robert B. Reich in the Netflix docu "Saving Capitalism".
That whole docu is about Americans .... but replace "Americans" by "Indonesians" and everything said, is also true for Indonesia.
This pattern is now being replicated in many western countries as impossible rental prices and inflation are pushing millions into poverty and homelessness. It seems few governments want to or are capable of addressing the issues with the urgency required. Most respond with plans for more housing that will not begin to have an impact for years. With increased use of AI and robotization I fear we are looking at a future similar to the industrial revolution as new technologies made life impossible for so many displaced and then unemployed people. Meanwhile that top layer of rich are getting richer. A pity that the moon has not been developed so all the desperate felons stuck with starve or steal could be sent to the moon.
Unfortunately there is a long established practice with many Indian families of treating servants like slaves. Incredibly long hours, minimal pay if any and often physically abused. Not, of course, an exclusively Indian tradition.
My house has a maid's room.
I wouldn't keep a dog in there.
Meanwhile that top layer of rich are getting richer.
... and getting more (political) powerfull. So, the top powerfull people has more and more ability to influence the rules of the game. They can actually change laws and regulations to favor them, and to hurt others.

According to Robert Reich.
... and getting more (political) powerfull. So, the top powerfull people has more and more ability to influence the rules of the game. They can actually change laws and regulations to favor them, and to hurt others.

According to Robert Reich.
That's history, today's world, and the future.
If anyone can point out a time in history where the rich and/or powerful didn't tell the rest of the world what to do, please educate me.

The only issue to consider is how happy people are living in that world. I believe, apart from the worst offending dictators such as Stalin, Mao, and Trump (if he wins), you can make your own happiness by not playing the game they set out.
People make themselves unhappy by blindly following a consumer society that requires everyone to buy the biggest car and best house their bank will loan them the money for.
Once they have the loans, they are trapped in their jobs regardless of how much they hate work, and always need a pay rise. Essentially, companies have set up a system where they have everyone by the balls.

The same goes for beer, coca cola, and all the other stuff advertisers tell us we are going to be so happy if we buy, eat and drink. I generally drink water but I'm a bugger for coffee. My favourite place is near my office. It has no air conditioning, but has very nice coffee at 10k a cup.
I often spend an hour there after work.

It's true that the rich and powerful dictate to us, but it's often because we let them.
I feel like as long as the masses keep being manipulated and let themselves be manipulated they way they get now, we will go with our heads down or dancing into the abyss so to say.
It seems like it is still not bad enough for many people and if it is bad enough, it will be way too late to change what's coming.

Many mistakes are getting made over and over again, whether we talk about the money system or simply history repeating itself. When I see what's happening in Germany in terms of people who seem to be eager to go to war again, I can only shake my head. The left is more facist than the actual Nazis, but yeah, socialism and national socialism aren't that far away from each other.😉

And it will be the same with any country as some already said here. Sure, countries like Indonesia for example will grow for a while but are bound to fall into the same traps as everyone else. Because it more and more gets obvious that treating symptoms, while not pulling out the roots, isn't enough.
It simply doesn't work the way we do it now, except for the few on top. Many are left behind while the middle thinks if they only work hard enough they gonna have the good life, without seeing what they pay for it.

So much for my cryptic, conspiracy theory.
I agree, that if the Sheeple continue to just Bahh Bahh! With their heads in the sand, nothing will change! As you said, only a few at the top benefit from the current system. No matter if it's left or right! Look at what happened in America with changing the tax system, to benefit the rich, and screw the lower, and middle class!
The Aristocrats are very smart, at staying on Top and having the Serfs do all the work, and paying high taxes! If the common people could only realize, they are the majority, and take down these Fat Pigs, that are on the Top!
I say Everyone, stop paying taxation without representation, and bring a more balanced system, for the benefit of All!
So much for my cryptic, conspiracy theory
Honestly I would rather call it Pie in the Sky or Motherhood and Apple Pie. You come -as so often- with statements nobody who is mentally sane can really disagree with.
Countries make the same mistakes everywhere, history repeats itself, something needs to change, we should not be treating symptoms, people are left behind, etc. etc.
take down these Fat Pigs, that are on the Top!
I say Everyone, stop paying taxation without representation, and bring a more balanced system, for the benefit of All!

You have really outdone yourself, just when I thought we could not get any more higher (cf. Jim M.)
That's history, today's world, and the future.
If anyone can point out a time in history where the rich and/or powerful didn't tell the rest of the world what to do, please educate me.

The only issue to consider is how happy people are living in that world. I believe, apart from the worst offending dictators such as Stalin, Mao, and Trump (if he wins), you can make your own happiness by not playing the game they set out.
People make themselves unhappy by blindly following a consumer society that requires everyone to buy the biggest car and best house their bank will loan them the money for.
Once they have the loans, they are trapped in their jobs regardless of how much they hate work, and always need a pay rise. Essentially, companies have set up a system where they have everyone by the balls.

The same goes for beer, coca cola, and all the other stuff advertisers tell us we are going to be so happy if we buy, eat and drink. I generally drink water but I'm a bugger for coffee. My favourite place is near my office. It has no air conditioning, but has very nice coffee at 10k a cup.
I often spend an hour there after work.

It's true that the rich and powerful dictate to us, but it's often because we let them.
There are some very good points there about who has always ruled and materialism. It's ridiculous though to put Trump with Mao and Stalin. He's a clown with almost no redeeming features but he's nothing close to those two.
There are some very good points there about who has always ruled and materialism. It's ridiculous though to put Trump with Mao and Stalin. He's a clown with almost no redeeming features but he's nothing close to those two.
Trump a clown? You are being awful nice to the con man.

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